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Price indicators on yAxis

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tell me please, how can I add such indicators on yAxis. Maybe you have some example on sandbox for JS.

Thank you!

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Hi Yevhenii,

In the WPF (Windows) version of SciChart we have a feature called SeriesValueModifier. This places AxisMarkerAnnotations on the right axis at the last value of each series.

In SciChart.js, we don;t have this modifier, however it’s possible to write your own and place AxisMarkerAnnotation. I’ve created a sample below.

Here’s a codepen for you:

enter image description here

Here’s how this works:

  1. I have created a new class extending CustomChartModifier2D – part of our custom ChartModifier API
  2. I override onParentSurfaceRendered() from the base class. This is called whenever the chart draws
  3. In here I maintain and synchronise a Map of Annotation to RenderableSeries. These contain AxisMarkerAnnotation instances which are put on the main chart
  4. Finally, I set AxisMarkerAnnotation.y1 to the last series value and background/foreground color to series stroke

Here’s the class I created

 class SimpleSeriesValueModifier extends CustomChartModifier2D {
  constructor() {
    this.annotationsBySeries = new Map();

  // override onParentSurfaceRendered from the base class. Called when the chart redraws
  onParentSurfaceRendered() {

    // Manage annotation lifecycle
    if (this.parentSurface.renderableSeries.size() !== this.annotationsBySeries.size) {

    // Update annotation placement
    this.annotationsBySeries.forEach((series, annotation) => {
      const count  = series.dataSeries.count();
      if (count === 0) {
        annotation.isVisible = false;
      const lastYValue = series.dataSeries.getNativeYValues().get(count - 1);
      annotation.y1 = lastYValue;
      annotation.isVisible = true;

  // override onDetach resetting the state
  onDetach() {

  resetAllMarkers() {
    this.annotationsBySeries.forEach((series, annotation) => {

  createMarkers() {
    this.parentSurface.renderableSeries.asArray().forEach(series => {
      const annotation = new AxisMarkerAnnotation({
        // Axis marker fill
        backgroundColor: series.stroke,
        // Axis text color
        color: "White",
        // TODO: You could choose white or black for text depending on the color of the series
        // TODO: You could choose a different property from the series for different series types, e.g. candle, mountain, column
      this.annotationsBySeries.set(annotation, series);
// Usage
  sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new SimpleSeriesValueModifier());

Some ideas to extend this.

  • If you wanted to show Red/Green AxisMarkerAnnotation based on candlestick up or down, then get the open, high, low, close values from dataseries for latest value and compute if the candle is up or down
  • You might want to consider how to format labels to number of decimal places. Set AxisMarkerAnnotation.formattedYValue
  • You might want to change AxisMarkerAnnotation.color (foreground text color) depending on how dark or light the outline is.

Let me know if this helps!

Best regards

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Someone asked “How do I display the latest Y-Value in the viewport, and change appearance of the Y Axis Marker” (see forum post)

To do this, I’ve extended the previous codepen:

const lastYSimpleMode = () => {
     const lastYValue = series.dataSeries.getNativeYValues().get(count - 1);
     annotation.y1 = lastYValue;
     annotation.isVisible = true; 

This is the previous method where we find the last Y-value in a data series, and set the AxisMarkerAnnotation.y1 equal to that value.

However to extend it so that the annotation is displayed at last y-value in the viewport:

const lastYInViewportMode = () => {
   const wc = this.parentSurface.webAssemblyContext2D;
const lastX = series.xAxis.visibleRange.max;
const lastXIndex = wc.NumberUtil.FindIndex(series.dataSeries.getNativeXValues(), lastX, wc.SCRTFindIndexSearchMode.Nearest, series.dataSeries.dataDistributionCalculator.isSortedAscending);

const lastY = series.dataSeries.getNativeYValues().get(lastXIndex);
annotation.y1 = lastY;
annotation.isVisible = true; 
annotation.opacity = lastX >= series.dataSeries.getNativeXValues().get(count - 1) ? 1.0 : 0.5;   

This mode finds the latest x-value in the viewport, then the index to that x-value in the data series. Finally, it finds the corresponding y-value.

The result can be viewed in the same Codepen as posted.

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