I need to make a demo of a sweep line with multiple surfaces with reactjs, but The problem is that when I choose to show more than 1 surface it only plays on the data on the latest created surface and stops drawing data on the old surfaces.
you can see the example here with the code: https://28zf6p.csb.app/
this is a GIF for the problem:
[in the stack overflow link]
note: the reason I need multiple surfaces is that I want to have the charts draggable with sortableJS to follow the design I got.
- dolev dublon asked 1 year ago
- Hi Dolev, we saw the post on StackOverflow. The team is looking into it. This should be easily solvable shortly. Thanks for the clear, concise question!
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There are many pitfalls when rendering multiple charts in React.
The usual approach is to make sure the chart is initialized on the correct rootelement.
Also check if it works without React.StrictMode.
Our primary suggestion in this case is to try using SciChartReact.
It seems to handle rendering multiple instances well.
The example provided here https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/scichart-demo-multiple-surface-problem-forked-rrpk2l?file=%2Fsrc%2FSciChart.jsx%3A12%2C38
- Jim Risen answered 1 year ago
- last edited 1 year ago
- Edit: also see the new blog post at http://scichart.com/blog/react-charts-with-scichart-js/
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