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Scichart Performance question when using Javascript

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Hi there,

I am using scichart on a web application to plot 4 different plots simultaneously ( three using FastBandRenderableSeries and one using UniformHeatmapDataSeries).

When running on local environment everything works as expected (browser is very responsive) but when I push it to the production website it lags and my computer seems to be having hard time with the browser. I am still debugging it but thought to ask in case you have any recommendations ? Do you have performance related tips you can share?

I was reading on other posts about SciChartSurface.RenderPriority but it does not seem to exist in JS Scichart. Is there a workaround you can suggest?

Thank you,

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Hi Andrew,

I have a place in my code where it grabs processed data from web workers right before it append to scicharts.
I will attempt to change it so the data is available all the time to be appended to the charts.
The profiling is pointing me to scichart2d.js:150

Please find a screenshot attached.

Thank you,

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I ran it in internet explorer and seems to work pretty good. I am not sure why it is not behaving well on chrome.
Uninstalling and reinstalling Chrome fixed it.
Thank you for your help Andrew

  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Oh! That’s crazy! I’m glad the issue is resolved. If you need extra assistance just let me know! Best regards, Andrew
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Hi Sebastien,

If the code is identical on localhost vs. remote I can only suggest either bandwidth, or server-side being the issue.

Are you using a different browser to run the tests?

Is lag startup lag of the website, or of actual running of the chart?

SciChart performs best in Chrome browser due to optimisations that they have in the v8 javascript engine.

Let me know any more details and I’ll be happy to help.

Best regards,

  • Ihab Skafi
    Hi Andrew, Thank you for writing back. I am using chrome to run my test. When the user is doing no other action but viewing the plots things seem to be working fine. The moment they start doing other UI work the whole website lags including the charts. If the user put the browser in the background and attempt to bring it back to foreground after a short period of time the browser crashes. If I comment the scichart update part of the code things are smooth again. I observe better performance if I plot one graph instead of four. I feel like it is CPU related but I do not know why will it behave differently between local and web. I would really appreciate any help or hints you can provide. Thank you Andrew !
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Hi Sebastien,

sounds like a bigger problem than merely performance. Have you profiled it? The Chrome dev tools performance tab will tell you where it’s spending the time

Again – if the problem occurs after deployment its either network, bandwidth or maybe you’ve released a debug build by mistake. Do you have any places in your code that are bandwidth sensitive? Like blocking calls to fetch data before appending in SciChart?

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