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Comments for "Series IsDigitalLine not working 100% as expected"

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  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Hi Riley, we would like to investigate this further. Can you please send a solution with your data in it (or export the data to CSV) so that we can investigate. Send it to support [at] scichart [dot] com. Best regards, Andrew
  • Riley Huddleston
    Sounds good. I’ll need to get a small solution that can reproduce this outside our product solution. My first attempt was a simplified version and didn’t reproduce the same behavior. It might take me a bit to get that reproduction outside the product. Thanks for the prompt response!
  • Riley Huddleston
    Is it possible to give you to debug the issue with our compiled binaries (running against your debug dlls)? If not that is fine–I’m still working on moving the simple side example towards our actual code until the behavior shows itself.
  • Riley Huddleston
    Also emailed zipped solution as well.
  • Riley Huddleston
    Also added another attachment that depicts a similar bit at the end of a signal (that ends with the bit being on).
  • Riley Huddleston
    Another update that I forgot to add — This issue doesn’t seem to happen on the HighSpeedRenderSurface. But does on the HighQualityRenderSurface — This may be a key to tracking it down. Do note that secondglitch.png ( still happens regardless of the render surface.