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I have an issue with Rollover modifier line styling in sci chart using java script. we need the horizontal dashed line for the rollover modifier. How is it possible?

  • Ayana VS asked 2 years ago
  • last active 2 years ago
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I am wondering if there may be some guidance on how to configure the styles for the SciChart.js chart instance in a React application to be able to handle dynamic changes to the height value.

The scenario is that the chart and wasm context are being saved in refs, so that the component the chart exists within does not rerender. Data is being consumed via a web socket, and streaming realtime data.

All that is well and good, but trying to implement a new feature request where the height of the chart changes dynamically, similar to an accordion style where the chart may have a full view, a split view, or no view (92vh, 46vh, 0vh)

I am finding that my css styles are not applying, or frustratingly will apply seemingly at random and other times not apply even though the underlying code remains the same. I tried to override, or at least alter, the position absolute styles of the canvas, by wrapping it in a parent element with position relative, which works to keep the height and width of the chart as desired, but the aspect ratio seems to falter and the chart axes are blurred and illegible.

I’m sure this would be a great instance of a picture says a 1000 words, and I am nearing a 1000 words. Will try to attach a codepen/ example that demonstrates the issue I am experiencing.

If there are any tips or tricks you would recommend please advise

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