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Tag: SCIGeneric

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1 vote

I’m attempting to integrate some of the tutorial swift code into my app and I’m getting stuck on this error. Seems like some macro isn’t running.

“Use of unresolved identifier ‘SCIGeneric'”

Code is like this: lineDataSeries.appendX(SCIGeneric(i), y: SCIGeneric(sin(Double(i))*0.01))

I’ve done “import SciChart” and most things seem to work fine except this. Any ideas? Thanks

0 votes

Hi, guys

I have some data series like:

[[SCIXyDataSeries alloc] initWithXType:SCIDataType_DateTime

Also my Y axis is kind of class SCINumericAxis

So my question is

if i’m trying add value to the series

[volumeSerie appendX:SCIGeneric(bar.time) Y:SCIGeneric([bar.volume doubleValue])];

and my bar.volume is bigger than 2 147 483 648 (float limit as i’m know). It’s leads to a axis range crash. Like on the attached image.

So what should i use to handle huge values?
Like a billions and more

Best regards,
Sushynski Andrei

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