I was overriding the performZoom(at mousePoint: CGPoint, xValue: Double, yValue: Double) method of SCIPinchZoomModifier but it is not accessible anymore.
My Code:
import Foundation
import SciChart
public class FixedToCenterPinchZoomModifier : SCIPinchZoomModifier {
override func performZoom(at mousePoint: CGPoint, xValue: Double, yValue: Double) {
let middle = CGPoint(x: parentSurface?.frame.midX ?? 0,
y: parentSurface?.frame.midY ?? 0)
super.performZoom(at: middle, xValue: xValue, yValue: yValue)
I get the error: Method does not override any method from its superclass
Is there a way to access the protected method?
- Brian Mairhörmann asked 3 years ago
- last active 3 years ago