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Binding business logic object to data series and tooltip.

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Hi. I hava an ObservablleCollection, that has properties like Date, value and other informations, the series would need to use Date and Value properties. Also i want to binding tooltips at information from that ObservableCollection and i can’t do it because the RolloverModifier datacontext is SeriesInfo. Can you help me with this please?

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Hi Torok,

Thank you for your enquiry! I’m going to give you two solutions to do this:

In SciChart v3.x:

Currently the only way to do this is to use this technique to store an index in the Z value of an XYZDataSeries. Next you can use this Z-value to lookup an external array to get a business object. Basically it requires some customisation of the data-pipeline, but it is possible to do.

In SciChart v4.x:

Coming Soon we have a new API called PointMetadata which will allow you to tag an X-Y data-point with any business object. This can be passed through to tooltips. We will have more details on this shortly.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,

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