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Comments for "Binding on the dataSeries doesnot autoupdate scichart surface."

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  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Nice, well formatted question, +1 :) Are there any binding errors in the VS Output window? If you use Snoop WPF does it report any binding error for the property FastLineRenderableSeries.DataSeries? From what I can see, the code ‘should work’. We know you can bind from RenderableSeries.DataSeries to a DataSeries in viewmodel. So the first place I would look is binding errors (use Snoop WPF to inspect the property)
  • Arjun Sivaprasadam
    Hello Dr. Andrew, Thanks for responding asap. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ => Are there any binding errors in the VS Output window? # Nothing that is related or new after adding this! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ => If you use Snoop WPF does it report any binding error for the property FastLineRenderableSeries.DataSeries? # No Errors are reported on the snoop. It shows green on the DataSeries! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ => We know you can bind from RenderableSeries.DataSeries to a DataSeries in ViewModel! # Please note that in the example demoed here, there is no specific ViewModel of type (IRenderableSeriesViewModel) that is attached to the RenderableSeries. It is defined in Xaml here. I hope even then it should work. I’m getting the DataSet1 (of type XyDataSeries) from the DataContext. I was testing whether the binding is working or not using a textblock and there seems to be no problem for the text block to get the count of the selected DataSet1. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Can you advise on how I can verify if this is an error on my side and not a potential bug on the SciChart library?
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Yes this should work. Actually we do this in the following example: In this example we have this code and the ChartData is type XyDataSeries. Wait, I have an idea, I will post an answer below.
  • Arjun Sivaprasadam
    You’re right I was able to do data binding onto the series and it worked in an external example. I had to modify the given example so that the data source itself is swapped rather than adding or removing it from the same data source as given in the example. But I have confirmed that it works and I have to find out why the data binding is working for the text block and not for the scichart element in my other scenario. Arjun
  • Arjun Sivaprasadam
    I resolved the issue and successfully bound the data series. The binding issue was related to the XAxes binding. Declaring the XAxes in XAML did not work, but binding it using “s:AxesBinding” through the code did. On the other hand, declaring the YAxes in XAML worked without any problem. This was a strange bug, it may be worth investigating for you guys as it could be a potentially hard-to-replicate bug. Thanks, Dr. Andrew for all the quick responses. I was on vacation for a bit, hence the delay in communications.
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Hi Arjun, I’m glad you got the problem resolved! If you have any other issues please ask on a new question. Best regards, Andrew