It did not happened all the time. I guess that some GC strategy could cause the error! When an interrupt occurs, it will jump to List.cs. I have checked the code of application and found nothing wrong with it.
Exception Information:
(1)The crash information when Debuging
“System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException” Unhandled exceptions of type System.Private.CoreLib.dll. Happen in “Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.”
(2)the log catched in the running status Before crash
Exception Message: Native collection has been destructed!
Exception Source: SciChart.Charting3D
Exception Line: Client.App.Main()
- chen yl asked 6 months ago
Hi Chen, Thank you for reporting this. Unfortunately, it’s not enough information to determine the exact cause of the issue.. It would be helpful if you could prepare a small sample project reproducing the reported issue and send us for investigation. Thanks in advance, Lex S., MSEE, SciChart Technical Support Engineer
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