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Several series one below the other, with same x-axis

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Hello all,

Is there an option of having different series, one below the other (like the EEG sample), but all of them with a common x-axis. Which means that zooming is common to all of them.
Also, I would like one cursor to run on all of them together, showing the values of all of them.

So in summary: I would like to have one chart, with many series, one below the other, having each one his y-axis (similar to the “quad left/right Y Axis” but with the charts one below the other like in the EEG sample)

Is this possible???

Thanks and have a very happy new year!!!!


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Hi Zoe,

Multi-chart mouse interaction is a question that gets asked a lot, so I’ve created a tutorial for you (and anyone else that wants to know how to Synchronize zoom, pan, Rollover and cursors across charts):


The secret sauce, as I’ve discovered, is to set the property ReceiveHandledEvents=True on both RubberBandXyZoomModifier’s, as is explained in the tutorial. There is also full source included there, but it may not compile without v1.5.5 (imminent release).

Please let me know if this helps you!

Best regards,

  • zoe
    • zoe
    • 12 years ago
    Thanks a lot Andrew, this is exactly what I needed!!!
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