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SciChart – From Strength to Strength

SciChart – From Strength to Strength

VBTechSupportRecently we stumbled upon a blog post on a competitor website saying that they had withdrawn support for their WPF Charting controls. We want to pay homage to Visiblox for being a worthy adversary and wish their team all the best in their ventures in the future.

We also wish to re-assure our current and future customers that SciChart is going from strength to strength. The article on the Visiblox site cites a reduction in demand for WPF Charts as a reason for withdrawing technical support:

Over the past 12 months Visiblox has experienced a significant reduction in the demand for Visiblox Charts and the WPF technology …

By contrast, here at SciChart, we are seeing the opposite. WPF remains the defacto platform of choice for high-performance scientific and financial business applications where CPU cycles are at a premium. As a result, we will continue to focus on the WPF platform for the foreseeable future.

Growth in Sales at SciChart HQ

At SciChart, we are continuing to see both growth in sales, user-engagement and growth in trust and recognition in the SciChart WPF charting software. Below is a graph from our Customer Database / Dashboard System, a bespoke platform that our parent company, ABT Software has built and integrates to FastSpring e-commerce.

The graph shows a 30-day moving average of daily sales dollar volume (left), and the cumulative sum of sales (right). Numbers have been obfuscated for privacy reasons. There is no slow-down here, in fact, we have seen an acceleration since April 2014 when SciChart v3.0 was launched and a robust third quarter despite a traditional seasonal lull in the summer months.


Important Announcement – Andrew joining SciChart Team Full Time

abt-logo-finalWe have significant plans for SciChart. Our parent business, ABT Software has seen such a growth in usage and demand for SciChart, that we are putting more resources on the team.

As a result, we are pleased to announce that Andrew, the tech-lead of the SciChart project will be working full time on SciChart as of end October 2014. Andrew will be reducing hours in consultancy projects in London and will be focussing focus more on SciChart related business to take our products and services to the next level.

We also have several exciting releases in the pipeline:

SciChart v3.2, due imminently!

v3.2 is due imminently and will feature the following.

  • Faster rendering performance in DirectX and software
  • Scrollbars API / Custom Overview Control
  • Multi-axis Polar Charts
  • Excel-style Stacked Column/Stacked Mountain/100% Stacked charts
  • Easier way to license the Examples application and all applications on your computer.

We realise we are a little delayed here, but do not fear. We just want to make sure its solid before it goes out!

SciChart Website / Support Site / Customer Database Integration

We are continuing to invest in integration of, and our customer database. Soon, we will be releasing updates to all three:

  • Allowing users to activate a SciChart license and link their license to the support account
  • Allowing staff and users to view their license details online
  • Improvements to including better code syntax highlighting, search, documentation improvements
  • Improvements to site-wide search
SciChart vNext

… Features and timescales to be announced, however our strategy is growth of new features as well as the stability of the existing API. We are working with our valued customers to develop the features they need, and are starting to branch out into SciChart/Visualization specific consultancy work, handled by our parent company ABT Software.

Are You Using Visiblox and want to Switch?

Finally, do you, or your organisation have licenses to Visiblox Charts and want to switch to SciChart? If you have a number of Visiblox developer licenses and are considering the future, we would be happy to give you a free consultation to discuss your project needs and if SciChart can meet them. We would also invite any feedback comparing our software with Visiblox, which would be kept confidential, and used to improve our products and services.

Contact [email protected] mentioning you want to switch from Visiblox, what you need from SciChart, and our consultants will be happy to help.

Best regards,
[SciChart HQ]



By Andrew Burnett-Thompson | Oct 10, 2014
CEO / Founder of SciChart. Masters (MEng) and PhD in Electronics & Signal Processing.Follow me on LinkedIn for more SciChart content, or twitter at @drandrewbt.

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