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All Answers » Re: Why does my data disappear when YAxis DrawLabels=false » Comments for "Re: Why does my data disappear when YAxis DrawLabels=false"
  • James Lanng
    Hi Andrew. Thanks for looking. I’ll try to create an isolated repro
  • James Lanng
    OK, as I suspected, an isolated repro worked fine, so I guess this is some sort of interaction. I’ve removed all the styling I can see, but it’s still happening. I do have access to your source code, and I’ve got it reproing from source. Any tips as to where I should be looking? I’m not familiar with the codebase.
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    The source code can bee very beneficial! If you step into SciChartRenderer.cs you will see the main render loop. In here there are a number of quick checks – do all Series have a DataSeries? Do all series have an axis? Are all series valid for rendering? etc etc… If it bails out there, it returns an error code. What do you see? Is it passing through all the functions and going to RenderableSeries.InternalDraw correctly?
  • James Lanng
    OK I can see it’s because DataSeries is null, so it bails out. When DrawLabels=true, I can see my XySeries
  • James Lanng
    To be more specific, there is a RenderableSeries whose DataSeries is null
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Ok so my question to you is … why is RenderableSeries.DataSeries null? Does this occur when DrawLabels is set to false? Or is there another reason? Perhaps it’s a binding error?
  • James Lanng
    Changing DrawLabels to false causes this DataSeries to become null. When DrawLabels is true, DataSeries is set to my XySeries. A breakpoint in the DataSeries dependency property change handler shows that it is set to my DataSeries through the binding, and it is never set to null
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    There is nothing in our code which sets the DataSeries to null if Axis.DrawLabels is false. I can only think of … some kind of binding in your application, or, a binding error occurring. Have a look at — in this example we have checkboxes for things like DrawLabels and it doesn’t affect dataseries