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When I use vertically stacked axes, click on a certain area, can I get on that axis?

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Currently, I’m using Axis Layout – vertically stacked axes。When I use vertically stacked axes, click on a certain area, can I get on that axis? It’s from click on a certain area, not the series. I know the series can it.
can you give me some help?

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Hi Jiawei,

I’ve created a codepen here to demonstrate how to detect if the mouse is over an axis when Vertically Stacked axis is enabled. This is based on our Custom ChartModifier documentation here.

enter image description here

How this works:

1/ We create the SciChartSurface with 3 YAxis and Vertically Stacked Axis (see here for docs)

2/ We create a class which inherits ChartModifierBase2D and override onModifierMouseMove

3/ We then detect where the user moves the mouse using the testIsInBounds function

4/ Finally we apply our custom modifier to the SciChartSurface

Please check it out and let me know if it answers the question. To change this from mouse-hover to mouse-click, put the detection code in onModifierMouseDown()

Best regards,

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