Hi SciCharters,
I would like to create a color coded 2D scatter plot.
My approach is the IPointMarkerPaletteProvider interface. It works, but I have experienced a huge performance difference when I individually colored every datapoint of my 2D chart and using a static color.
When I use the same provider but only a single color there is no performance issue at all.
Here is the relevant code of my PointMarkerPaletteProvider interface:
public PointPaletteInfo? OverridePointMarker(IRenderableSeries rSeries, int index, IPointMetadata metadata)
var myMetaData= metadata as MyRecordMetadata;
var colorBarPosition = GetColorBarPosition(myMetaData.PlotValue);
_pointMarkerColorOverrides.Fill = _ColorBar[colorMapPosition];
_pointMarkerColorOverrides.Stroke = _ColorBar[colorMapPosition];
return _pointMarkerColorOverrides;
The _ColorBar contains only 256 values and the Color is selected according to the myMetaData.PlotValue in GetColorBarPosition().
The series is plotted as expected, but it takes “ages”(seconds for 4000 data points) for rendering it on the chart.
If I replace the assignments of _pointMarkerColorOverrides.Stroke and _pointMarkerColorOverrides.Fill with one static color, there’s no performance issue at all.
I was just curious if that is the expected behaviour? Would it be better (in terms of performance) to switch to another chart type (e.g. heatmap chart) to plot color coded values?
- Tim asked 7 years ago
- last active 7 years ago
I have a project which need a chart control. i find scichart can meet my most requirements. but i have several questions to be addresssed.
first one is that the point markers must be set depending on Y value of the curve. how do i change the color of point marker?
- wang siyuan asked 9 years ago
- last active 9 years ago
Hello together,
I have implemented a PaletteProvider which colors the whole Series depending on the Series always the same.
public class OwnPaletteProvider : PaletteProviderBase
private readonly Dictionary<IRenderableSeries, Color> seriesColorsDictionary = new Dictionary<IRenderableSeries, Color>();
private List<Color> availablesColors = new List<Color>()
private int counter = 0;
public override Color? GetColor(IRenderableSeries series, double xValue, double yValue)
// Get the specific Color for the specific Series
if (seriesColorsDictionary.ContainsKey(series))
return seriesColorsDictionary[series];
// Series doesn't have a color
// Add new Color from the list for this series in a RoundRobin-way
var newColorForSeries = availablesColors[counter%availablesColors.Count];
seriesColorsDictionary.Add(series, newColorForSeries);
return newColorForSeries;
The problem is that I have also in this Series PointMarkers which should have the same Color as the RenderableSeries. I thought, I could create a Style which binds to the Color of the RenderableSeries, but this is not working (see image in attachment).
<Style x:Key="pointMarker" TargetType="{x:Type s:BasePointMarker}">
<Setter Property="StrokeThickness" Value="5" />
<Setter Property="Fill" Value="{Binding Path=SeriesColor,
RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type s:FastLineRenderableSeries}}, Converter={StaticResource StringToBrushConverter}}"/>
<Setter Property="Background" Value="{Binding Path=SeriesColor,
RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type s:FastLineRenderableSeries}}, Converter={StaticResource StringToBrushConverter}}"/>
I could imagine that the PaletteProvider doesn’t support this. I would need a dynamic coloring of the RenderableSeries and the PointMarkers because the amount of the Series are flexible.
My current solution for this problem is to set the color in the ViewModel, but this seems to me not very nice, because I what to have only Bindings in the ViewModel and the “Styling” and the “Coloring” of the Chart should be done in the Xaml Code with some converters are with the PaletteProvider.
Why questions are:
- How is it possible to color the FastLineRenderableSeriesor or the XyScatterRenderableSeries dynamically, also when new ones are added or deleted dynamically from the Xaml Code?
- Can the PaletteProvider have an influence of the Color MarkerPoints?
Best regards,
PS: Sry I couldn’t use NuGet because the Port 81 is blocked in our company, so you have to add the SciChart library by our own.
- Martin Balter asked 9 years ago
- last active 7 years ago
I want to color individual points in the line. How can it be done with the SciChart?
Attached is an image of what I want to accomplish.
- Miguel Hau asked 10 years ago
- last active 10 years ago
Annotation chart sample Drag Horizontal Threshold allow us to draw custom controllable color for the data series. The same way I need to draw the chart surface background color. I couldn’t find the appropriate API to do this job. Could you advise how to draw surface background color.
Attached the graph image, I like to draw the grey and white backgrounds based on horizontal and vertical line positions.
- Santhoshkumar asked 10 years ago
- last active 10 years ago