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1 vote

See the screen shot (attached)

To dupe this start on the SciChart home page, select documentation, select iOS, then enter anything into the search box.

I get the same results with Chrome and Safari.

1 vote
0 answers

I want to reference javadocs for the library in Android Studio. According to the tutorial, “You can find javadoc files in \Libs\Docs folder:”. But I haven’t installed anything, just added the libraries using Maven. I searched for Docs folder, but could not find it.

Where are javadocs located or where do we download them?

0 votes

Is there an example of building a custom axis using a long or ulong?

So far I’ve tried implementing AxisBase and created necessary types for the given interfaces (IRange, IDeltaCalculator, IAxisDelta). But after implementing the minimum set of pieces, the chart comes up blank.

Also strangely the only two functions that get called on the AxisBase implementation are

IsOfValidType() — This gets called with a DoubleRange rather than my ULongRange.. Somehow a DoubleRange is being introduced, but I can’t see how.

Is there any good documentation/design info out there about how to do this?

I have attached the solution I’ve been working with.

0 votes

We are evaluating SciChart for use in our product which includes displaying higher precision date time information that the .NET framework DateTime can provide (1 tick = 100ns resolution).

I started by sub-classing the AxisBase class, but I am having issues finding documentation that could help in implement certain methods.

Some of the methods below are outlined–but a full, custom axis example (i.e. example of DateTimeAxis) would be of even greater help.

IRange CalculateYRange(RenderPassInfo renderPassInfo) — Is this only used for YAxis? How does orientation affect the range?

List GetSupportedTypes() — Is this supported IRange types? What types are these?

IRange GetDefaultNonZeroRange() — Is this just the smallest non-Undefined range? Else what is default?

void CalculateDelta() — This has no parameters or return values. The documentation is not clear on what members must need to be set here. Without any example it seem impossible to know how to implement this.

Why does IRange define Diff as type T? In the case of DateRange Diff becomes DateTime. Shouldn’t diff be of type TimeSpan? Are the ticks in the DateTime simply used as a TimeSpan type value? (Assuming Diff is the span of the range). I could implement IRange and use different types (DateTime and TimeSpan) respectively for Min/Max and Diff in this case (assuming I don’t need the templated version of the type.

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