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0 votes

The first question: Where did the example go (link below)?
I want to do like what and time ago I saved link but now this page is deleted. I need it because it is good example for resolve my 2nd question I think.

And the second question: I have chart

    <s:SciChartSurface Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" x:Name="SciChartSurface" Margin="5" Padding="5"
                       ChartTitle="{mainVM:Localization MainChartSciChartSurface}" RenderableSeries="{s:SeriesBinding RenderableSeries}" Annotations="{s:AnnotationsBinding Annotations}">
            <s:NumericAxis AxisTitle="{mainVM:Localization XNumericAxis}" VisibleRange="{Binding VisibleRangeXAxis, Mode=TwoWay}" />
            <s:NumericAxis GrowBy="0.1,0.1"
                           AxisTitle="{mainVM:Localization YNumericAxis}" VisibleRange="{Binding VisibleRangeYAxis, Mode=TwoWay}" AutoRange="{Binding IsStaticYAxis, Converter={StaticResource StaticAxisToSciChartAutoRangeConverter}}" />
                <s:SeriesValueModifier />
                <s:CursorModifier IsEnabled="{Binding IsShowValuesCursor}" />
                <s:LegendModifier x:Name="SciChartLegendModifier" GetLegendDataFor="AllSeries" ShowLegend="False"
                                  SeriesData="{Binding SeriesData, Mode=TwoWay}" />

Legend of chart placed in another panel

    <s:SciChartLegend x:Name="SciChartLegendControl" s:ThemeManager.Theme="Chrome" Margin="5,5" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"
                      LegendData="{Binding SeriesData, Mode=OneWay}" ShowVisibilityCheckboxes="True" />

SeriesData is

private ChartDataObject _seriesData;
public ChartDataObject SeriesData
    get => _seriesData;
    set => SetProperty(ref _seriesData, value, nameof(SeriesData));

I want to see chart values in additional fields near the chart. I made this

        <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
    <ListView Grid.Column="0" x:Name="ChartsListView" BorderBrush="Transparent" ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource ListViewItemContainerDefaultStyle}"
              ItemsSource="{Binding SeriesData.SeriesInfo}">
                        <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
                        <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
                    <Label Grid.Column="0" Style="{StaticResource LabelDefaultStyle}"
                           Content="{Binding SeriesName}" Visibility="{Binding IsVisible, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}" />
                    <Label Grid.Column="1" Style="{StaticResource LabelIndicatorStyle}"
                           Content="{Binding YValue}" />

enter image description here

All working correctly. But I want to bind Legend visibility checkboxes to my custom controls for values: when I uncheck chart checkbox control bound to this chart must becomes invisible. In code above I write

Visibility="{Binding IsVisible, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}"

but it not worked. How can I make it like I want?

And 3rd question: how can I guarantee the order of SeriesData lines? I have to be sure that charts in legend and custom controls ordered in the same ordering

1 vote

Hello Scichart Team,

Can you guys provide me with some guidance to implement a custom IRenderableSeriesViewModel implementation that is supported in MVVM binding in Scichartsurface? Specifically, I’m looking to create a chart series that can be bound to my ViewModel and support custom styling and data handling.

I have tried following the tutorial found here…

Worked Example – CustomRenderableSeries in MVVM

I was getting a cast error from scicharts. I have attached the picture showing the detailed error.
Concerning the XAML code I have tried both the normal Binding keyword and s:SeriesBinding keyword to the RenderableSeries in the SciChartSurface.

Let me know how to go about this!

0 votes

Hello, I have tried to see if it is possible to show the rollover without showing any labels so that is is just a vertical bar. I was searching on StackOverflow and a few answers said it was not possible to omit any of the values from the graph. I did see that we can customize the cursor, is it possible to just have it be a vertical bar instead of a cross?? Then I could just use it instead of the default rollover.

I am linking a mockup we made of what we want to make. In the image, you have the graphic showing where the use as pressed, and above the graphic, we will show and update a graphic with the relevant information for that point.

Also, I will need to programmatically dismiss it so it will need to stay visible even if the user is panning or zooming.

0 votes


I’m actually working on new wpf application using Scichart and I’m wondering how to plot only XAxis and YAxis without labels and without gridlines.

Here is my code, I cannot not figure out what is missing to do that:

                <s:NumericAxis VisibleRange="{Binding ...}"
                               MajorGridLineStyle="{Binding ...}"
                               TickLabelStyle="{Binding ...}"
                               MajorDelta="{Binding ...}"

        <Style x:Key="NoGraphGridLineStyle" TargetType="s:NumericAxis">
            <Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Collapsed" />
0 votes

My group is evaluating SciChart for high performance realtime charting. We are testing line renderer with XyDataSeries.
We were able to get good performance, but we need to squeeze more and our scenario is a bit different from how XyDataSeries is used.

To make a long story short, we cannot append, because our application has 2 strict requirements:

  • every data refresh we need to ditch the whole dataset and replace it
    with a new (usually larger) one (no append)
  • we need to display each refresh immediately, even if it means delaying user input (so Immediate. Or Manual with a refresh after
    every step).

which means put in XyDataSeries a new set of points at every step. This means either do:

var dataSeries = new XyDataSeries<double, float>(samples.Length)
dataSeries.Append(domain, samples);
m_renderableSeries.DataSeries = dataSeries;

or :

dataSeries.Append(m_domain, samples);

(btw, the first one is slightly faster, 190ms vs 240ms to draw 10 million points)

Which is obviously working against how XyDataSeries is implemented.
A faster way would be to just do

var dataSeries = new ReadOnlyXyDataSeries(domain, samples);
m_renderableSeries.DataSeries = dataSeries;

Where ReadOnlyXyDataSeries just takes the samples array and without any copy makes it available to the renderer.
So I implemented ReadOnlyXyDataSeries as a IXyDataSeries<double, float>.

To my surprise however this performs much worse (900ms to draw 10
million points), while it should perform better (it is really just a
XyDataSeries without copy)

UPDATE: This is not true: I was setting IsSortedAscending = false on sorted data. Once I put it to true, preformances are back to exactly the same performance as XyDataSeries . Which is good but not stellar.

(hack time) I know there is room for performances, because I made the following (hacky, brutal, very bad) thing:

var internalList = (ISciList<float>)dataSeries.YValues;
Array.Copy(samples, internalList.ItemsArray, samples.Length);

instead of the Clear/Append pair, and it is much faster (30ms are shaved off). No copy should be even faster.

Obviously I am missing something. So, what am I missing? How should I implement a custom IXyDataSeries in a fast way? Is there another way?

0 votes

Hi All
By default legends are being draw on scichart surface. I want to draw them outside the scichart surface because as the number of render-able series increase legends hides them. Please give me suggestion how do i do it ?

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0 answers

By default legends are being draw on scichart surface. I want to draw them outside the scichart surface because as the number of render-able series increase legends hides them. Please give me suggestion how do i do it ?

0 votes

In our view model, the data range is expanded to include data outside of the X-Axis range. This is done to preserve the spline curve which is defined by previous points– doing this prevents the spline curve from changing drastically by including X number of points outside the range.

When the Draw function is called, the point context that was bound in is filtered to the X Axis range which leads to the spline curve changing as you pan (especially noticeable if it affects a peak).

How can I change this behavior to preserve the spline line?

Updated — Setting ResampleMode = None does not give me all the points.

0 votes

I’m looking to either extend the RubberBandXyZoomModifier to provide this size growing behavior when the mouse has left the chart area (shown in the attached image) or build one from scratch (having to rebuild the normal box-zoom components (the box etc).

I assume from reading around the the latter option will be the only option.


0 votes

Is there an example of building a custom axis using a long or ulong?

So far I’ve tried implementing AxisBase and created necessary types for the given interfaces (IRange, IDeltaCalculator, IAxisDelta). But after implementing the minimum set of pieces, the chart comes up blank.

Also strangely the only two functions that get called on the AxisBase implementation are

IsOfValidType() — This gets called with a DoubleRange rather than my ULongRange.. Somehow a DoubleRange is being introduced, but I can’t see how.

Is there any good documentation/design info out there about how to do this?

I have attached the solution I’ve been working with.

0 votes


I’m looking for an annotation that have text and a line or rectangle (like in commix speech balloon) that are anchored to a point on the chart.
Is there such a build in annotation or do I have to build it myself?

0 votes


We are considering using SciChartScrollbar in a WPF form as a standalone usercontrol – but is this possible? What we are after is to use the scrollbar to make the user able to easily select a range a data, but without(!) the visual chart..

In the examples I have found, SciChart gets its data by binding the property “Axis” to the name of an axis of a SciChartSurface on the same form. So is it possibe to use our own data source?

Best regards,

Øyvind Sannerhaugen

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