Hi, I asked a question a few days ago. I will try to explain better what I meant.
I get data in real time and I only care about the Y values.
My problem is that I don’t want to move forward on the X axis – but stay on a defined range
(If I move forward on the X-axis and I want to follow the graph I drew, I must define:
XAxis.AutoRange = SciChart.Charting.Visuals.Axes.AutoRange.Always;
And this means that I won’t be able to zoom properly unless I stop receiving the data, which is unacceptable.
So unless there is a way to set AutoRange = Always
and still enable good zoom (similar to ZoomExtentsY
for the X-axis), I need an option to keep seeing the graph all the time – without having to set AutoRange = Always so I can zoom.
I think the solution is to create a fixed range on the X-axis that the data will only be displayed on but before I implement it myself, I want to know if there is a better or built-in way to do this.
Just to make sure I’m understood, I want it to behave like in the attached images (the X-axis stays in the same range and the graph “move” to the left whenever new points enter from the right:
- ravid saadia asked 2 years ago
- last active 2 years ago
I get data in real time and I only care about the Y values.
I want to define a range of values on the X axis that will be fixed (but if I want I can change it from time to time)
For example: define that the range will be from 0 to 1000 and all the information that arrives will be displayed only in this range. And when I pass the 1000 points it will simply “push” the older points aside.
For example: the point located at X=2 will move to X=1, 1 will move to 0 and 0 will leave the graph…
During the program I want of course to give the user the possibility to change this range if he wants.
The optimal way for me was to define a range of the X axis and when I do Append()
, add only Y values so that they enter the next place on the X axis in order…
Is there an option in the API to set this? If not, how is it recommended to do it?
- ravid saadia asked 2 years ago
- last active 2 years ago
We are using NumericAxis for the y-axis and x-axis of a bar chart. The x-axis uses a LabelProvider (to convert integers to strings) and a TickLabelStyle (to rotate the label by 270 degrees so it is vertical going from the bottom to the top). We find that sometimes the y-axis is not drawn (however, it will be drawn if the chart is resized or re-painted).
The work-around to the problem is adding spaces to the front of the shorter labels so all of the labels are all the same length. However, this work-around does not work for every case.
Have you seen this issue before and is there a better solution? Thanks!
- Hannah Pate asked 3 years ago
- last active 3 years ago
On our SciChart’s XAxis we are using a NumericAxis and within the NumericAxis we bind to a LabelProvider. In the UI, this works perfectly and we get the XAxis appearing with the titles we desire (as strings writing over the numeric values 0, 1, 2, …). Meanwhile the YAxis doesn’t use any LabelProvider and stays numeric. The XAxis.LabelProvider is an IList of strings.
Although this works great in the UI, when I export the SciChart it does not pick up the LabelProvider and the exported image only contains the numeric values 0, 1, 2, … on the XAxis.
I do the export as following:
SciChartSurfaceBase.ExportToFile(filename, SciChart.Core.ExportType.Png, useXamlRenderSurface, exportedSize);
Is there a way to get the ExportToFile command to acknowledge the LabelProvider is there like it does with the UI?
Thank you!
- Hannah Pate asked 4 years ago
- last active 4 years ago
I have this chart with CategoryXAxis` as X and **NumericAxis as Y. I update its IohlcDataseries with new prices for creating a live chart. I also added a HorizontalLineAnnotation on Y-Axis to point to the current price. The problem is when chart auto-scales on Y-axis it only tries to cover price data and not the Line annotation, and its label is half visible.
- niazi curiosity.mobile2 asked 4 years ago
- last active 4 years ago
I’m actually working on new wpf application using Scichart and I’m wondering how to plot only XAxis and YAxis without labels and without gridlines.
Here is my code, I cannot not figure out what is missing to do that:
<s:NumericAxis VisibleRange="{Binding ...}"
MajorGridLineStyle="{Binding ...}"
TickLabelStyle="{Binding ...}"
MajorDelta="{Binding ...}"
<Style x:Key="NoGraphGridLineStyle" TargetType="s:NumericAxis">
<Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Collapsed" />
- Hasdrubal Barca asked 4 years ago
- last active 4 years ago
I have a chart that display time-series data and sometimes I have a few minutes of data, other times I have hours. All of the data points are taken every minutes. The X-Axis starts at 0 minutes and progresses from there.
My goal is to have the Axis Title say “Minutes” if there are < 120 points of data. If there are > 120 points of data then I want the Axis to be titled “Hours” and then divide the X-Axis label by 60.
I’ve started with this: https://www.scichart.com/documentation/v5.x/webframe.html#Axis%20Labels%20-%20LabelProvider%20API.html
and it’s doing about what I expect. I check the AxisCore’s Range and if the range is > 120 I set the AxisCore.AxisTitle to “Hours”, otherwise “Minutes”. So far so good.
The problem is that doing it this way means I have labels such as “48.333333” for the hours.
If, on the other hand, when I create the XYSeries that I’m plotting I pass in the already-divided-by-60 values, SciChart seems to select whole numbers so instead of showing me something like “48.333333” it would either show me “48” or it would use 50 or another whole number for the tick marks.
So my question: Is this doable by just writing a custom LabelProvider? Do I need to write a custom Axis class instead? Or somehow tell the Axis that’s in-use to recalibrate itself by dividing all of the elements by 60 before computing tick marks?
In the images I’m attaching, one plot shows me plotting a series where when I create series the x-value is being divided by 60 before I call .Append() on the series. The other one shows what happens when I use my custom LabelProvider and divide by 60 when the Axis label is drawn.
- David Stahl asked 5 years ago
- last active 5 years ago
I hace one SciChartSurface with FastOhlcRenderableSeries and FastColumnRenderableSeries.
I want to make something like Trading View. So I need to bind FastColumnRenderableSeries to bottom of surface.
Now, I wrote: VisibleRangeLimit=”0, 0″ VisibleRangeLimitMode=”Min”. It binds bottom of axis to bottom of surface, so zero always at zero. But how I can to bind top axis part?
I saw your example where you are using two Grid with two rows, but I want make it in one row.
- Denis Denis asked 7 years ago
- last active 7 years ago
Hey all,
I’ve bound a plot’s NumericAxis.AutoTicks to a checkbox and MinorDelta and MajorDelta to TextBoxes. The Idea being that the user can toggle on and off automatic tick spacing and apply their own spacing if they desire. I’m hoping to avoid having to override the tickproviders and/or deltacalculators.
My issue is that once AutoTicks is set to true it appears to lock-out external input of the deltas even after it has been set back to false.
Have I missed something?
- Nicholas Repka asked 8 years ago
- last active 8 years ago
I’m using auto range on a numeric axis. The data can be anything, but I want the axis to never have a range of less than 5.
E.g.: -100 to -95
E.g.: 17 to 22
E.g.: 0 to 5
What do I need to set to be able to do this? I have tried MinimalZoomConstrain and VisibleRangeLimit without success. Preferably something to set in XAML on my axis.
- Henning Bjørgo asked 9 years ago
- last active 9 years ago