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Tag: label format

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I try to make a text formatting for my chart on IOS and Android, regarding your documentation:

yAxis.textFormatting = “$0.0”


I checked my code and its the same like yours. On Android i have:

// yAxis filed with type IAxis
private IAxis yAxis;

// create
yAxis = sciChartBuilder
.withGrowBy(0.01d, 0.1d)

// the set textFormatting:

On IOS i have:

var yAxis: SCINumericAxis?
self.yAxis = SCINumericAxis()
self.yAxis?.textFormatting = “$0.0”

But it is not working, can you tell me please why? What I’m doing wrong?

0 votes

I am currently trying to implement a chart with a category datetime axis. I custom a label formatter for handling a custom datetime format, let say”yyyy/MM”. Only the 1st tick of each year will display the label.
Eg: data with[“2018/1”,“2018/3”,“2018/5”], only show 2018/1, others show with empty/no label

I find the overrided method of label and cursor label formatter have only returned Comparable object which should be only returned the current rederering datetime axis label’s date.
Is there any way to find the previous one label to compare or any suggestion for implement this axis? Thank you!

  • may lym asked 6 years ago
  • last active 6 years ago
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