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1 vote


I need to customize the text for some points on a XyScatterRenderableSeries graph. The problem is that the dataLabelProvider available for XyScatterRenderableSeries is BaseDataLabelProvider, but it doesn’t have a metaDataSelector method and I can’t do it with it. Interestingly, using LineSeriesDataLabelProvider I was able to add text for the points I needed using metadata, but another problem arose. In this case, if there is only one point on the graph, the text will not be drawn.

Here is a small example of how text is drawn for different numbers of points.

Can you advise me on how to display text near points more correctly in the case when I use XyScatterRenderableSeries and often this text should disappear or appear near some points. Thanks a lot!

0 votes


I have a problem with drawing of 2d data in a map. The metadata for the respective points change when you zoom in or move the map.

LandmarkCollection landMarks = new LandmarkCollection();
            NAVLandmarkCollection landmarkCollection = NAVLandmarkCollection.Deserialize(@"C:\Users\Serva_admin\Documents\AGV-Viso\VS_Projekte\AGV-Viso-2\AGV-Viso-2\16-02-06-18-23-ING.lmf");
            for (int i = 0; i < landmarkCollection.Count; i++)
                NAVLandmark lm = landmarkCollection.get(i);
                landMarks.Landmarks.Append(lm.X, lm.Y, new Serva.Base.Navigation.Client.NavigationPlugin.MetaData.LandmarkName("G-" + i, lm.X, lm.Y));


This function is called once and the data does not change anymore.

I uploaded the pictures of my problem in the attachment.
You can see the Name of the Point in the top-left corner changed.

I hope you can me help.

  • Tim Nowak asked 6 years ago
  • last active 6 years ago
0 votes


I would like to use the RolloverModifier to display a given datapoint’s identification (string) metadata. The solution suggested in this link on correlating metadata to datapoints seems promising, but for the fact that I have multiple charts to display simultaneously, hence I need multiple lookup arrays. I originally thought to use a ValueConverter that would manage lookup of the identification value based a chart view model instance code (ChartId) and the index provided in the XyzDataSeries. As control charts are instantiated, they register with the ValueConverter, which maintains a static lookup dictionary. In the XAML, the ZValue is passed as the value and the chartID is passed as a parameter to the ValueConverter. I have run into a couple key challenges, however:

  1. ConverterParameters cannot be bound; hence I cannot bind to the ChartId, whether it is stored in a viewmodel or in a different XAML element.
  2. WPF does not allow use of nested value converters in XAML; this prevents me from nesting the ValueConverter within the chart view model (where reference to the ChartId is readily available).

I’m exploring some other options, but they are getting ugly fast, so I figured it’s time to ask for assistance. Is there another way to do this (desirably adhering to MVVM practices)?

Key excerpts of my code are pasted below:


<TextBlock x:Name="ChartIdBlock" IsEnabled="False" Text="{Binding ChartId}"/>
<s:SciChartSurface x:Name="ScsControlChart" MinHeight="200" s:ThemeManager.Theme="BlackSteel">
    <s:FastLineRenderableSeries x:Name="Data" SeriesColor="White" DataSeries="{Binding Chart, Converter={StaticResource ChartDataToDataSeriesConverter}}" IsSelected="True"/>
   <!-- More data series in same chart -->
    <s:DateTimeAxis  VisibleRange="{Binding XRange, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, Mode=TwoWay}" TickLabelStyle="{StaticResource AxisLabelStyle}" />
    <s:NumericAxis DrawMajorBands="True" VisibleRange="{Binding YRange, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, Mode=TwoWay}" TickLabelStyle="{StaticResource AxisLabelStyle}"/>
        <s:RolloverModifier x:Name="RolloverModifier" DrawVerticalLine="True" SourceMode="SelectedSeries" TooltipLabelTemplate="{StaticResource RolloverLabelTemplate}"/>


<ControlTemplate x:Key="RolloverLabelTemplate" TargetType="s:TemplatableControl">
    <Border Grid.Row="1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Background="#77FFFFFF" BorderBrush="#55000000" BorderThickness="1" Padding="5">
        <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=RolloverModifier, Path=SeriesData.SeriesInfo}">
                        <StackPanel Grid.Column="2" Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="3,3,20,3">
                            <TextBlock FontSize="13" FontWeight="Bold" Foreground="{Binding SeriesColor, Converter={StaticResource ColorToBrushConverter}}"
                                       Text="{Binding ZValue, Converter={StaticResource IndexToIdConverter}, ConverterParameter={Binding ElementName=ChartIdBlock, Path=Text}}"/>

Value Converter:

public sealed class ChartIndexToIdConverter : IValueConverter
    private readonly static Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, string[]>> _lookup = new Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, string[]>>();
    private readonly static Random _rnd = new Random();

    public static int Register(IControlChart chart)
        var key = _rnd.Next();
        while (_lookup.ContainsKey(key)) key = _rnd.Next();
        _lookup.Add(key, new Tuple<int, string[]>(chart.First().Index, chart.Select(d => d.Id).ToArray()));
        return key;

    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
        if (parameter == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("parameter");
        var tuple = _lookup[(int)parameter];
        return tuple.Item2[(int)value - tuple.Item1];
2 votes


I am trying to create a chart with additional information, similarly as discussed in this question:
It works fine for simple information, such as enums, that I can cast into a double (see also the example provided in the question mentioned above).

However it seems that there is a restriction on the generic class XyzDataSeries.
Whenever I try to use a different data types for TY and TZ

XyzDataSeries<DateTime, double, int>

I get the following exception at runtime:

SciChartSurface didn’t render, because an exception was thrown:

Message: Das Objekt des Typs "Abt.Controls.SciChart.Wpf.StoreEditor1[System.Int32]" kann nicht in Typ "System.Collections.Generic.IList1[System.Double]" umgewandelt werden.

  Stack Trace:    bei Abt.Controls.SciChart.Wpf.NetworkResolver1.Execute(ResamplingMode resamplingMode, IndexRange pointRange, Int32 viewportWidth, Boolean isFifo, Boolean isCategoryAxis, IList xColumn, IList yColumn, Nullable1 dataIsSorted, Nullable1 dataIsEvenlySpaced, Nullable1 dataIsDisplayedAs2d, IRange visibleXRange)
   bei Abt.Controls.SciChart.Model.DataSeries.XyzDataSeries`3.ToPointSeries(ResamplingMode resamplingMode, IndexRange pointRange, Int32 viewportWidth, Boolean isCategoryAxis, Nullable1 dataIsDisplayedAs2D, IRange visibleXRange, IPointResamplerFactory factory)
   bei Abt.Controls.SciChart.Wpf.MethodManager.ListStream(AxisCollection urlAvailable, IRenderableSeries lockInitialized, RenderPassInfo valuesHeader, IPointResamplerFactory addressMap, IDataSeries& nextName, IndexRange& previousValues, IPointSeries& syncObjectHandle)
   bei Abt.Controls.SciChart.Wpf.MethodManager.ListStream(ISciChartSurface urlAvailable, Size lockInitialized)
   bei Abt.Controls.SciChart.Wpf.MethodManager.RenderLoop(IRenderContext2D renderContext)
   bei Abt.Controls.SciChart.Visuals.SciChartSurface.DoDrawingLoop()

Sorry for the german. The message translates to:

The object of type [...] cannot be casted into type [...]

I’m quite confused about this. It works nicely, if I use the same data types for TY and TZ .

XyzDataSeries<DateTime, double, double>
XyzDataSeries<DateTime, int, int>

This is not what I would expect from a generic type with three types.
If the types for Y and Z values need to be of the same type, the class should rather look something like this: XyzDataSeries<TX, TYZ>.
The API documentation does not mention anything about this. It only states that the types need to be IComparables, which seems not the full truth.

This is a problem for me, because I have more complex metadata than a double, which I want to reference over the Z value.
But I don’t want to use an index of type double. I’d rather use a GUID or even add the metadata object itself as Z value.

Is this by design or is this something that could be fixed in the future?

Do you have a suggestion how to best reference point related metadata (without having to implement my own DataSeries)?

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