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Tag: metal

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Hi all,

I’m trying to use the metal support in a little test project.
I have following lines to enable metal:

if SCIChartSurface.isMetalSupported {
      sciChartSurface.renderSurface = SCIMetalRenderSurface(frame: sciChartSurface.bounds)
 } else {
       sciChartSurface.renderSurface = SCIOpenGLRenderSurface(frame: sciChartSurface.bounds)

the surface keeps empty until I remove the

sciChartSurface.renderSurface = SCIMetalRenderSurface(frame: sciChartSurface.bounds)

line – or in other words I use OpenGL.
Then the chart will render properly. I am using an iPhoneX (not simulator).

Thank you for your support!

Wall of Code:

import UIKit
import SciChart
import SnapKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    // MARK: - UIElements
    private var sciChartSurface: SCIChartSurface!

    // MARK: - Vars
    private var series: SCIXyDataSeries?

    // MARK: - Lifecycle
    override func viewDidLoad() {

       // MARK: - Chart
     private func setupSurface() {
        // Create a SCIChartSurface. This is a UIView so can be added directly to the UI
        sciChartSurface = SCIChartSurface.init(frame: view.bounds)
        sciChartSurface.debugWhySciChartDoesntRender = true

        // Detect metal with this static property
        if SCIChartSurface.isMetalSupported {
            sciChartSurface.renderSurface = SCIMetalRenderSurface(frame: sciChartSurface.bounds)
        } else {
            sciChartSurface.renderSurface = SCIOpenGLRenderSurface(frame: sciChartSurface.bounds)
        sciChartSurface.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in

        sciChartSurface.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = true
        sciChartSurface.backgroundColor = .gray
        // Create an XAxis and YAxis. This step is mandatory before creating series
        let xAxis = SCICategoryNumericAxis()
        setup(axis: xAxis)
        let yAxis = SCINumericAxis()
        setup(axis: yAxis)

    private func setup(axis: SCIAxisBase) {
        let axisStyle = SCIAxisStyle()

        let majorPen = SCISolidPenStyle(colorCode: 0xFF393532, withThickness: 0.5)
        let minorPen = SCISolidPenStyle(colorCode: 0xFF262423, withThickness: 0.5)

        let textFormat = SCITextFormattingStyle()
        textFormat.fontSize = 16

        axisStyle.majorTickBrush = majorPen
        axisStyle.majorGridLineBrush = majorPen
        axisStyle.gridBandBrush = SCISolidBrushStyle(colorCode: 0xE1232120)
        axisStyle.minorTickBrush = minorPen
        axisStyle.minorGridLineBrush = minorPen
        axisStyle.labelStyle = textFormat
        axisStyle.drawMinorGridLines = true
        axisStyle.drawMajorBands = true = axisStyle

    private func setupData() {
        series = SCIXyDataSeries(xType: .int16, yType: .int16)
        TestData.testData.forEach { (testData) in
            let xGeneric = SCIGenericType(type: .int16, .init(int32Data: testData.x))
            let yGeneric = SCIGenericType(type: .int16, .init(int32Data: testData.y))
            series?.appendX(xGeneric, y: yGeneric)

    private func renderData() {
        let renderSeries = SCIFastColumnRenderableSeries()
        renderSeries.dataSeries = series

struct TestData {
    var x: Int32
    var y: Int32

    static let testData = [TestData(x: 2017, y: 5),
                           TestData(x: 2018, y: 8),
                           TestData(x: 2019, y: 2),
                           TestData(x: 2020, y: 9)]
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