This might be a feature request, I don’t know. Basically, I’m trying to plot a 3D scatter-plot and programmatically insert an arbitrary number of partially transparent free surface meshes in the same area as the scatter-plot. I started small and made some spheres. Some of my points are inside the spheres. These points are important, and I have my own functions that detect collisions between points and the spheres. The scatter-plot is also dynamic, where I update the color and transparency of the points and this means something. When all of the points are completely opaque, I get the desired behavior where I can see the points inside and behind the partially transparent meshes. However, when I make even one point transparent, all of the points inside and behind the mesh stop rendering. This is really annoying. Deletion is too slow. Is there anyway to force these fully opaque points to continue to render inside the partially transparent mesh while their brothers in the scatter-plot data series are transparent?
Second question, while I’m here. I’ve bolted a UI to the side of the Sci-Chart environment. What is the best way to make sure that the UI stays responsive even if the Sci-Chart environment starts to slow down? I want to crank up the point count past any reason. I’ve also uploaded a video of my problem. Before I check the box “Draw Geo-fence Violations Only”, all points in the data series 100% not transparent. When I check the box, all the white points start to become 100% transparent. When I click “Draw Geo-fences”, the meshes become 100% transparent (it’s backwards I know). The points are obviously still within the bounds of the mesh, as when the I turn off the mesh they start rendering. You can also see some red dots outside the mesh, as my program flagged a few points right next to the mesh as being inside it. These red dots outside the mesh render even when the red dots inside the mesh don’t.
- Will Wright asked 2 years ago
- last active 2 years ago
I have 2 series of data in my chart like this:
My question is, how can I bind multiple series to the RenderableSeries of the SciChartSurface instead, because that requires an ObservableCollection , which is not the same as the XyzDataSeries3D the series are being bound to.
- Craig Muckleston asked 7 years ago
- last active 7 years ago
I am trying to bind from my ViewModel to the DataSeries of a ScatterRenderableSeries3D, but no data is showing.
I am binding in this way:
My ViewModel has a property of type ObservableCollection<XyzDataSeries3D<DateTime, double, int>>. I can populate ChartItems, and see the data in it. The property is being notified of change as expected.
If I populate the DataSeries directly from code behind, it works, but not when being bound.
What am I doing wrong?
- Craig Muckleston asked 7 years ago
- last active 7 years ago