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Tag: SCIZoomPanModifier

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I’m trying to convert Android (Java) code to iOS (Swift), and I need to create a custom SCIZoomPanModifier. In the android code, onFling, onDown, and onDown were overridden, but I can’t seem to do that in iOS. How can I override onFling, onDown, and onUp in iOS to mimic the android code?


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If we set ClipMode.None we can pan infinitely to the uncharted space of left and right. this is fine.
But I want to do panning infinitely only to the left side. So I set ‘clipAtMax’. This is stop panning at right. But instead of panning infinity to the left, it is stretching the left part.
Any solution ?

0 votes

So for both SCIZoomPanModifier and SCIXAxisDragModifier you can set a clip mode, that will cause the graph to not zoom in if you try to scroll past the edges.

This is not possible for the y-axis however, so everytime anyone scrolls up or down to far, the graph zooms in, which is not useful to anyone ever

Is there any way to change this behaviour at all?

Thanks in advance

0 votes

Hello, I’m trailing your library right now. I would like to be able to move the graph around as well as a cursor on the graph. So I enabled both SCIZoomPanModifier and SCICursorModifier. But since both use one finger panning, the result wasn’t that good. Do you have any guidance for solving the conflict and letting them working together? I’m thinking to do it in the following way: if the touch location is within certain pixel range of the cursor, panning action will move the cursor, otherwise it moves the graph. Is it possible? Thanks

  • Haoran Xie asked 6 years ago
  • last active 6 years ago
0 votes

Hi, guys

I’m very sad because of you.

On my chart i’m added SCIZoomPanModifier with clip mode SCIClipMode_ClipAtExtents. And it well worked before i have updated lib to ‘’. Now it’s works the same way as SCIClipMode_StretchAtExtents. But i don’t want to zoom by scrolling at the edge of data.

Can you look at it and fix as soon as possible?

Best regards,
Sushynski Andrei

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