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Best option for charts in Word (SciChart 3.6)

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Currently our software is based on version 3.6 of SchiChart. The software is able to export images to png, jpeg etc., but the quality of those exported images is not good enough for Word/printing.
I did play around with my own bitmaprenderer with a higher DPI setting, but I ran into the issue described in . This FAQ entry gives a solution for SciChart 4, but I’m currently using 3.6 professional, so the solution does not work in my case.

I also tried to ” fake” a DPI-alike solution by changing the size of my ChartArea and resize that in Word or other tool etc. but to make this fully functional I would have to scale ALL lines, series and text as well.

My question is if there is a known solution for the export of images with a higher quality?

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Hi Steffan,

Yes there is, and we’ve built it, but it is only part of SciChart v4 2D Enteprise or 2D SDK Editions. We are unable to do the same in SciChart v3.x.

The solution we have built is to internally render the entire SciChartSurface to a Canvas (for vector output) and to then output a scaled PNG, BMP, JPEG or XPS (scalable vector format) file.

It is demonstrated in our example Export and Screenshot Options in Chart which is included in the SciChart v4 Examples Suite.

enter image description here

Internally we’ve done a lot of work to make this happen including handling scaling and generation of a clone of your chart in memory for us to perform these scaling manipulations on.

Best regards,

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