In the interface IRenderableSeriesViewModel an IncludeLegend property would be helpful (analogous to LegendModifier.IncludeSeriesProperty). Otherwise you have to override the LegendModifier.GetSeriesInfo method and implement the logic yourself.
- Tobias asked 2 years ago
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Hi Tobias
Good point, it is an attached property so strictly speaking not part of RenderableSeries.
You can set this via MVVM Series styles. See this guide:
Worked Example: Style Series in MVVM
Series can be styled in MVVM by registering a style in XAML and
referencing it from the ViewModel.To do this, you need to declare a Style
(TargetType=FastLineRenderableSeries, or, your chosen series type) in
XAML and give it a key. Next, set the
LineRenderableSeriesViewModel.StyleKey property equal to the key in
XAML. SciChart picks it up and applies the style automagically to the
See the documentation page for code sample. I suggest creating a series style when you want to include/exclude a series explicitly from the legend.
If you want to update this property dynamically however, you will need to bind in the style to something. Perhaps a global registry somewhere with names of series + whether included in the legend or not?
Best regards
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson answered 2 years ago
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Hi Andrew,
thank you for your answer. The disadvantage is that a separate style has to be created for each series type. A property in the IRenderableSeriesViewModel would be a quick and generic solution for the chart library (MVVM) user.
- Tobias answered 2 years ago
- last edited 2 years ago
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Hi Tobias
Of course, but adding a property then the delay of our release & test cycles means you won’t get a solution immediately.
How about this?
BaseRenderableSeriesViewModel has a Tag property which can be any object.
What about a style which binds to a custom object that you put on there with extra properties?
In view:
<Style x:Key="SeriesStyleKey" TargetType="{x:Type s:BaseRenderableSeries}">
<Setter Property="s:LegendModifier.IncludeSeries" Value="{Binding Tag.IsIncludedInLegend}"/>
<s:SciChartSurface RenderableSeries="{s:SeriesBinding SeriesViewModels}">
In ViewModel
public class ExtraPropsViewModel
public bool IsIncludedInLegend { get; set; }
public class MyViewModel
public ObservableCollection<BaseRenderableSeriesViewModel> SeriesViewModels { get; set; }
void Foo()
SeriesViewModels.Add(new FastLineRenderableSeriesViewModel()
Tag = new ExtraPropsViewModel() { IsIncludedInLegend = true }
StyleKey = "SeriesStyleKey"
I’ve shortened that for brevity but shows the principle of the idea
Best regards
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson answered 2 years ago
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Hi Andrew,
thank you for your support! That would also be a possible solution. However, I now had to override the LegendModifier.GetSeriesInfo. When the “IncludeLegend” property is added in a new SciChart release, we will refactor our code.
- Tobias answered 2 years ago
- last edited 2 years ago
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