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Android-IOS Trendline Feature?

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We want to use scichart for ios-android and wpf platforms to use in our applications developed by our company for Financial (Trading) purposes. In our review, we found that we can use Linear Trendline for wpf platform in your documents. However, there was no documentation for the android and ios platforms. Since Linear Trendline is of great importance for trading, it is important to know whether this feature is available or if it will be developed as a new feature by you. I would ask you to provide information on the subject.

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Hi Emre Gökberk,

Unfortunately SciChart Android/iOS doesn’t support drawing of trendlines for now, because there was no big interest in this type of annotation for mobile. I would suggest to create a feature request for it and if it gets enough votes then we’ll implement it. Or you can contact our sales department and it can be implemented as part of short term consultancy project.

Best regards,

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Hi Yura, I think Emre has asked this same question on support and I have answered as follows:

  1. We have the LineAnnotation

  2. The Filters API in WPF lets you draw a linear regression, but all this does is calculate a linear regression line then append it to the chart using a line series. You could achieve exactly he same in Android but only if you calculate the linear regression.

There is no limit to the data you can draw on a SciChart chart, just calculate it, add a series, and draw it.

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Hi Andrew,

Yes, LineAnnotation partially meets the need.
We are able to achieve this by selecting two points:

Attachment 1

However, we want this feature to extend the two points we will select on the stock chart as in the example below.

Attachment 2

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final PenStyle pen = sciChartBuilder.newPen().withColor(0xff279b27).withThickness(1f).withStrokeDashArray(new float[]{20, 20}).build();
final FastLineRenderableSeries rSeries = sciChartBuilder.newLineSeries().withDataSeries(dataSeries).withStrokeStyle(pen).build();
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