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How can i know what is visible range?(for formatting xAxis depend on range)

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Lets imagine that we have zoom feature and we want to format axis depend on user selected zoom. for example if year select yearly the pattern is yyyy MM dd and if selected zoom is day the pattern is something like this HH:mm:ss. how we can achieve to this goal?

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Unfortunately, this line( line 7 ) is never called.
and i can’t use because I am using IndexDateAxis

open class FinanceDateXAxis(context: Context?) : IndexDateAxis(DateRange(), NonClippingXAxisModifierSurface(context)) {

init {
    // need to set empty string to use CalendarDateLabelFormatter
    labelProvider = DateAxisLabelProvider()
    this.setVisibleRangeChangeListener { axis, oldRange, newRange, isAnimating ->
        Log.i("LOGGER","" + newRange.min) // this line

class NonClippingXAxisModifierSurface @JvmOverloads constructor(
    context: Context?,
    attrs: AttributeSet? = null,
    defStyleAttr: Int = 0,
) : AxisModifierSurface(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) {

    override fun layoutChildAt(child: View?, left: Int, top: Int, right: Int, bottom: Int) {
        when {
            left < 0 -> {
                super.layoutChildAt(child, 0, top, right - left, bottom)
            right > width -> {
                super.layoutChildAt(child, left - (right - width), top, width, bottom)
            else -> {
                super.layoutChildAt(child, left, top, right, bottom)


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To make the axis label format range dependant, you need to create a custom labelFormatter. This gets a reference to the axis it is attached to, so you can look at the visible range when formatting the label. Here is a basic example which formats labels as 1.0K, 1.5K etc when the visible range is greater than 1000.

class RangeDependantLabelProvider extends LabelProviderBase<INumericAxis> {

RangeDependantLabelProvider() {

public CharSequence formatLabel(double dataValue) {
    if (ComparableUtil.toDouble(this.axis.getVisibleRange().getDiff()) > 1000) {
        return String.format("%.1fK", dataValue / 1000.0);
    } else {
        return String.format("%.0f", dataValue);

public CharSequence formatCursorLabel(double dataValue) {
    return String.format("%.0f", dataValue);

public CharSequence formatLabel(Comparable dataValue) {
    final double doubleValue = ComparableUtil.toDouble(dataValue);
    return this.formatLabel(doubleValue);

public CharSequence formatCursorLabel(Comparable dataValue) {
    final double doubleValue = ComparableUtil.toDouble(dataValue);
    return formatCursorLabel(doubleValue);



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Hi Vahid

Check out our documentation on Android Charts – How to Listen to VisibleRange Changes

With this code:

val axis = NumericAxis(context)
axis.setVisibleRangeChangeListener { axis, oldRange, newRange, isAnimating ->
    // TODO handle range changes here

You can be notified of axis visiblerange changes.

Also you might be interested in this article on Axis Formatting for trading charts. This shows a built-in way to dynamically change textformatting based on zoom.

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