I have a fifo scrolling chart
When I set the axis visibleRangeListener, the chart performance goes down and it gets an exception.
what is the solution?
- abolfazl ghanbari asked 5 years ago
- last edited 5 years ago
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Hi Abolfazl Ghanbari,
I tried to set VisibleRangeChangeListener in our FIFO example and everything worked as expected without exceptions. I added next code into end of initExample():
xAxis.setVisibleRangeChangeListener(new VisibleRangeChangeListener() {
public void onVisibleRangeChanged(IAxisCore axis, IRange oldRange, IRange newRange, boolean isAnimating) {
Log.d("onVisibleRangeChanged: ", newRange.toString());
So it isn’t caused by settign VisibleRangeChangeListener itself. Probably it could be caused by code which you have inside listener. Unfortunately you didn’t provide any additional information about this so I can only suggest to recheck code of the listener.
Best regards,
- Yura Khariton answered 5 years ago
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