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LogarithmicNumericAxis simple question

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Dear all,

I have a data series which I express in one graph using Numeric axis on X and Y
I need to display the LOg of that series.

Question :

Does the LogarithmicNumericAxis process the log(x) automatically or it is just rendering the Y as this scale ?

What I mead is that if I need to display the Log on a second graph of the same serie, do I have to provide the log already in the series of does the LogarithmicNumericAxis does it automatically ?


  • sc sc
    I find it out
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LogarithmicNumericAxis transforms the scaling of the data in the Y-direction as well as displaying the axis ticks in a logarithmic scale.

For example, if you have data with Y-Values 0,10,100,1000,10000 then a numeric axis will show these as increasing exponentially but a logarithmic axis will show them increasing linearly.

You can see how the two axis behave in our LogarithmicYAxis example, which allows you to switch from Numeric and Logarithmic axis without changing the data.

Best regards,

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Thanks for your precision Andrew.
I have tried to add the Logarithm scale to my Y axes as below :

            <s:LogarithmicNumericAxisForMvvm x:Name="_yAxisLog"
                               DrawMajorBands="{Binding ShowChartAxisMajorBand,Converter={StaticResource VisibilityConverter}}"
                               DrawMajorGridLines="{Binding ShowChartMajorGridLines,Converter={StaticResource VisibilityConverter}}"
                               DrawMinorGridLines="{Binding ShowChartMinorGridLines,Converter={StaticResource VisibilityConverter}}"
                               DrawMajorTicks="{Binding ShowChartMajorTicks,Converter={StaticResource VisibilityConverter}}"
                               DrawMinorTicks="{Binding ShowChartMinorTicks,Converter={StaticResource VisibilityConverter}}"
                               DrawLabels="{Binding ShowChartLabels,Converter={StaticResource VisibilityConverter}}"
                               TickLabelStyle="{StaticResource LeftAxisLabelStyle}"
                               AxisBandsFill="{DynamicResource SilverBrush}" 

When I do this and check my data series rendering, I have the feeling that the chart is not scaling property the data in order to have them visible all in the viewport. See below picture, data are completely at the top where we can see only the part of it, I was expecting that the chart would scale the Y axis to get the data visible and center to the view port at least.

Any idea what I do wrong ?


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