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Annotations in MVVM

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I have two questions regarding implementing annotations in MVVM:

I’m currently using the MeasureXYAnnotation as demonstrated in an example, and it works well in the code-behind using the CompositeAnnotation class. However, when trying to implement this in MVVM with CompositeAnnotationViewModel, I’ve noticed that the Update method is missing. This omission prevents me from dynamically updating the measures. Is there a way to achieve the same dynamic behavior in MVVM as in code-behind? If so, could you please guide me on how to do it?

My second question is about the BrushAnnotationViewModel, which I’ve seen used in the trade annotation example. Is this ViewModel exclusive to trade charts, or can it be applied to XYCharts as well?

Thank you,
Best Regards

  • Lex
    Hi Nicolas, Thanks for your inquiry. I’ll discuss your questions with our team and will get back to you with an update. I have also noticed there is no file attached to this forum thread. Could you please resend the mentioned sample project? If it wasn’t attached because of the file size, you can delete ‘bin’, ‘obj’, and ‘packages’ folders to reduce the attachment size. Thanks in advance, Lex, SciChart Technical Support Engineer
  • Nicolas MARTINEZ
    The example I mentioned for MeasureXYAnnotation is the official SciChart example.
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Hi Nicolas,

We discussed your questions.
We have logged your inquiry regarding CompositeAnnotationViewModel for further investigation and will get back to you as soon as we have an update.

Regarding the Freedraw (Brush) Drawing Tool – you can use it in combination with any chart type available in SciChat.

With best regards,
SciChart Technical Support Engineer

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