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Discontinuous of data

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wpf schichart dataseries length is 2048
_dataSeries[i] = new XyDataSeries<DateTime, double> { FifoCapacity = 2048, AcceptsUnsortedData = true };

But i am looping to fill the data in scichart for 1024 times only, so to fill 2048 length, 2 times have to loop of 1024

_dataSeries[channel].Append(Datetime, value);

please find the issue if i do the above process in image1, in middle of the graph can find little thickness of wave at a straight line(because of no data) instaed of wave

if i loop 2048 times to fill at once graph is getting freeze, even if i select more channels(as in image on the right side showing showing 8 channels) data wont display

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Hi Kumar,

Thanks for your inquiry.
Unfortunately, we have noticed you use an outdated SciChart version. We recommend using the latest version, which is SciChart v6.5.1.26063 currently. It has a lot of improvements since previous versions and SciChart v5.x is no longer supported.

Please upgrade and let us know if you have any further questions.

With best regards,

  • kumar vinod
    Thanks for the response. will upgrade
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