Hi guys,
I have some troubles with piecharts in swift. I want to provide custom labels outside of the piecharts segments. I found a screenshot of a nested piechart attached to an issue in your issue tracker. Thats what I want to do in swift, but I couldn’t find out a way to do so. Could you please provide an example code?
Thanks a lot in advance!
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Hi, Alexander.
The easiest way to achieve this without overriding the drawing engine is to add second donut series with clear color and the same segments as your pieSeries has.
let pieSeries = SCIPieRenderableSeries()
pieSeries.segmentsCollection.add(segmentWithValue(segmentValue: 40, title: "Green", centerColor: 0xff84BC3D, edgeColor: 0xff5B8829))
let donutSeries = SCIDonutRenderableSeries()
donutSeries.segmentsCollection.add(segmentWithValue(segmentValue: 40, title: "Green", centerColor: 0x00000000, edgeColor: 0x00000000))
surface.seriesSpacing = 0
pieSeries.drawLabels = false
func segmentWithValue(segmentValue: Double, title: String, centerColor: UInt32, edgeColor: UInt32) -> SCIPieSegment {
let segment = SCIPieSegment()
segment.value = segmentValue
segment.title = title
segment.fillStyle = SCIRadialGradientBrushStyle(centerColorCode: centerColor, edgeColorCode: edgeColor)
segment.titleStyle = SCIFontStyle(textColor: .white)
segment.strokeStyle = SCISolidPenStyle(color: .clear, thickness: 0)
return segment
I hope, that helped.
- Andriy P answered 4 years ago
- Hi Andriy, thanks a lot for your fast response! That seems to be a pragmatic way to place value labels next to the segments of a pie chart. But to add the titles of the segments as well I assume there is no other way than to use an override func within a custom label provider class. And I can’t find a solution for this problem in the developer documentation for pie charts/donut charts. Using a custom label provider for a numerical axis of a column series for example was not a problem. May be you have a sample code for this purpose as well? Thank you very much in advance! Alex
- Did it! It works using the LabelFormatter protocol and the „formatLabel“ function. A bit complicated but combined with the suggestion of Andriy I have what I wanted!
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