Hi everyone,
What would be the easiest way of shading all vertical bands for weekend days? I’ve got two ideas:
- Setting major band brush won’t work because there’s no way of setting only weekend bands to be major bands (as far as I know).
- Using box annotations.
Problem with 2nd option is that annotations are rendered over the chart (screenshot attached). Is there a way of sending them behind columns?
- Igor Peric asked 8 years ago
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Good day
If you achieved desired look with box annotations try setting the following property:
boxAnnotation.style.layer = SCIAnnotationLayer_Underlay;
btw, you can achieve the same by creating subclass of SCIDateTimeAxis and override method
-(void)drawBandsWithContext:(id <SCIRenderContext2DProtocol>)renderContext
In that case you will have to draw bands manually using our drawing context.
Best regards
SciChart iOS Developer
- Andrii Poliuk answered 8 years ago
- Haven’t tried yet but both alternatives seem quite promising! :) Thanks, I’ll get back with the result.
- Yeah, SCIAnnotationLayer_Underlay was exactly what I needed. Thanks! :)
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