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CustomRenderableSeries in JavaScript?

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We use SciChart extensively in our WPF applications and make use of CustomRenderableSeries, writing all kinds of different lines and bitmaps directly to the IRenderContext2D depending on the point metadata.

We’re now looking at doing something similar in JavaScript, but can’t find any examples of this kind of customisation in the documentation. In the JavaScript library, is it possible to draw directly to a ‘canvas’ in the same way as in the WPF version? If so, could you please point to an example?

Many thanks,



I am considering applying server-side licensing for my javerScript application.

In the document below, there is a phrase “Our server-side licensing component is written in C++.”

However, there is only sample code on the provided github.

I wonder if there is a sample code implemented in C++ for server-side licensing.

Can you provide c++ sample code?
Also, are there any examples to run on Ubuntu?

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Hi Graham

Good question! At the moment there is no JavaScript custom series (CustomRenderableSeries) in SciChart.js. We haven’t exposed enough of the API to IRenderContext2D yet to make it work.

However … the underlying graphics technology in SciChart.js is the same as SciChart WPF. Both use our in-house C++ rendering engine, and both have the same functions/features/ability to draw ad-hoc lines, shapes and polygons to the surface. So it’s not a huge stretch to add this functionality in, which would greatly improve the flexibility of SciChart.js.

May I ask a question – you’ve obviously been a WPF customer of ours for a while. What are you building that requires CustomRenderableSeries and tell me more about the move to using JavaScript?

If you’d like to have this conversation offline (rather than public on the forum), then use the contact us page and ask a technical sales question. Mention this forum post & that you’ve spoken to me. We can pick it up there.

Best regards

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