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"Real-time" annotation for real-time chart

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I have real-time chart. It updates and X-axis always moving. When I added annotation like VerticalLineAnnotationViewModel to chart I choose the certain point on X-axis and after adding annotation it start moving with X-axis. It is OK.
But now I need to add VerticalLineAnnotationViewModel with calculated point on X-axis. I will be looks like constant static vertical line on moving chart. Can I make something like this?

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Hello Fedor,

Thanks for your inquiry.
To place the Annotation in the static position on the real-time chart you can use Relative coordinates.
This can be done by setting the CoordinateMode property to “Relative” and choosing the corresponding coordinate value in the range [0..1] for the Annotation.

You can find more details in the “Common Annotation Properties” section of the following documentation article:
SciChart WPF Documentation – Intro to the Annotations API | WPF Chart Documentation

Kind regards,
SciChart Technical Support Engineer

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