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0 votes
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Multiple X-Axis and Y-Axis with 3 different charts and cursor can be moved along x-axis for the 3 charts.
Please find the screenshot attached.

Please reach out to me if you need any more details.

Thank you
Shaik Nazeer Hussain

0 votes


I am using SCI line chart for Android and iOS. How I can I add Multiple scales on the same graph for different lines?

Please do the needful.

0 votes

Hi there,

I’am using your example that name is SyncMultipleChartsFragment.
I want to share pinch zoom modifier all other charts. Your example provides “ModifiersSharedEventsGroup” . When zooming on chart other charts handle this zoom operation. In this case, fingers are just in a chart.
How can I make a finger zoom on 1 chart while the other finger is on a different chart.

Below I’am sharing a video about this problem.
Link of video :

Thank you very much,
Have a good day,

2 votes

I have a situation where I need to have a lot of independent realtime charts rendered on the screen at the same time. I have put a scichart into a user control and that user control into a list so I can reuse my configuration.

Unfortunately, the behavior I am seeing is that when I have more than 5 charts, the charts stutter really badly. I’m using the SciChartPerformanceOverlay to determine what the FPS is of each of the charts.

I can see that in my 5 chart situation, if my mouse cursor is NOT over the window or NOT moving on the window, each chart has an FPS of ~18 for SciChartSurface and an FPS of >500 for Composition Target. When I start to move the mouse around on top of the window, the SciChartSurface FPS value drops to < 5 and the Composition Target drops to ~300.

I’ve got no mouse events hooked up, I’ve set TryApplyDirectXRenderer to true and it seems to accept it. I’ve double-checked the following values:

Direct3D10CompatibilityHelper.HasDirectX10CapableGpu: True
Direct3D10CompatibilityHelper.HasDirectX10RuntimeInstalled: True
Direct3D10CompatibilityHelper.IsSupportedOperatingSystem: True
Direct3D10CompatibilityHelper.SupportsDirectX10: True

I’m suspending the chart before adding points. Each chart only has 1000 points inside a XyDataSeries<int, double> that is databound to a FastLineRenderableSeries. I’m even using Update instead of Append to try to reuse the same memory, in case that makes a difference.

I’ve played with the MaxFrameRate and nothing seems to help.

My dev machine is a bit old and the graphics card is Intel-based, but I never imagined the performance would get so bad so quickly. I’m hoping there’s something I’m missing here as I’ve read such good things about SciChart.

Please let me know if there’s any advice.


0 votes

I have a class that extends the IPointMetadata interface that I append in my XyDataSeries data. What I would like to do is create a point marker based off this metadata.

For instance, say I have a property called Shape in my metadata that contains values of Circle, Triangle, Star. I want to be able to create those point marker shapes on the same series of data.

I tried creating my own marker by extending the BasePointMarker class, but I wasn’t able to find a way to get to the metadata.

0 votes

Hello I am curenntly using three REAL Time Charts (FiFo) in my WPF application and I am running into performance issues, which result in UI stuttering. I tried to optimize my performance using your very informative article on performance (Rendering,Stroke,Buffer etc.), but it did not help much, so I wondered if you might be able to help me.

I currently use three graphs and each of them has two different sets of data applied. The size of my FiFo graphs is 100 samples, with a dt= 0.01 (100Hz). I assume the OnNewData event is triggered at that rate as well?

My current code looks like this:

private void OnNewData(object sender, EventArgs e)

        if (TaskManager.tempObject. != null)
            lock (TaskManager.tempObject)
                y0 = Math.Abs(TaskManager.tempObject.LaserPosRel - TaskManager.tempObject.AxisPos);
                y1 = TaskManager.tempObject.AxisPos;
                y2 = TaskManager.tempObject.AxisSpeed;
                y3 = TaskManager.tempObject.AxisAcc;
                y4 = y1;
                y5 = TaskManager.tempObject.LaserPosRel;


        using (sciChartSurface1.SuspendUpdates())
            _series0.Append(t, y0);


        using (sciChartSurface2.SuspendUpdates())

            _series1.Append(t, y1);
            _series2.Append(t, y2);
            _series3.Append(t, y3);


        using (sciChartSurface3.SuspendUpdates())

            _series4.Append(t, y4);
            _series5.Append(t, y5);


        // Increment current time
        t += dt;

I wondered if you have any proposals how to enhance my code, regarding performance?
Would it make a difference if I would Append the series in a new thread? I was not sure of this, since it is stated
in the FAQ that SciChart already uses it’s own threads for rendering.

Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!

best regards


  • nesphit asked 8 years ago
  • last active 8 years ago
0 votes

I wonder whether it is possible to populate a single pane with multiple renderable series and then during runtime to provide the ability to select specific series (either by drag-and-drop) or by highlighting on the legend or otherwise) and allocate them to a segregated pane that is then created during run-time.

For example, I start out with a single pane and 3 data series and then choose the 2nd series and move it to a second pane that is created during run-time and that shares the same x-Axis as the original pane. The same could be done with the 3rd series. Optimally I would be able to move the data series between the panes and create any chosen number panes (up to the number data series, meaning empty panes would be closed/disposed).

Any ideas how to potentially accomplish such? I am happy with code-behind only if a pure xaml solution turns out to be too complex.

  • bbmat asked 10 years ago
  • last active 10 years ago
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