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0 votes

Good afternoon,

I wanted to synchronize the mouse events between graphs, but based on the value of the X axis, not on the position within the graph. In the photo attached below, it is seen that the mouse events are synchronized, and the rollover appears in both graphs. However, what I want is that if, for example, in the graph on the left, the mouse is at time 00: 15: 00.000, in the graph on the right, the rollover also appears at position X 00: 15: 00.000, regardless the width of each graph. Until now I have not been able to get it, as seen when on the left it is at the time 00: 22: 37.00 on the right it appears at the point 00: 10: 23.750.

I would need a way to achieve this with code behind, since I create the graphics programmatically and without MVVM.

As extra information, all charts have the same range of X axis values (they all go from the same start time to the same end time)

Thanks a lot!

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0 answers


Multiple X-Axis and Y-Axis with 3 different charts and cursor can be moved along x-axis for the 3 charts.
Please find the screenshot attached.

Please reach out to me if you need any more details.

Thank you
Shaik Nazeer Hussain

0 votes

I have placed a VerticalLineAnnotation on chart surface along with AxisMarkerAnnotation on X-Axis. The X1 of axis marker is bound to the vertical line annotation’s X1 so that they can move together.

I have set IsEditable=”True” and DragDirections=”XDirection” for both – the line annotation & its axis marker so that user can drag the line on chart horizontally by holding the mouse on either the vertical line or its axis marker.

The drag operation works fine when user holds the vertical line with mouse and drags it. The mouse pointer and annotation move together happily.

However, the problem occurs when user holds on the axis marker and tries to drag. In this case, the mouse pointer remains way behind and the annotation moves ahead very fast. There is no sync between mouse pointer position and line annotation which becomes very bad experience for user. Is there any way to address this issue?

  • Anil Soman asked 5 years ago
  • last active 5 years ago
1 vote

Hi all,

As the title indicates, I am trying to get mouse cursor position (Coordinates) from a SciChartSurface in MVVM manner.

I have lots of data bindings to my chart properties in my View Model in the background. This following snipped is a copy of my XAML code in which I have all the data bindings set:

<sci:SciChartSurface Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0"
                         RenderableSeries="{Binding SciChartSeriesViewModels}"     
                         YAxes="{Binding SciChartYAxesCollection,Mode=TwoWay}"                                         
                         Annotations="{Binding ChartAnnotations}"                                     
                         ChartModifier ="{Binding ChartModifierGroup}"
                         Visibility="{Binding ChartVisibility}">

            <sci:TimeSpanAxis AxisTitle="Time"
                              AutoRange="Once" GrowBy="0.03,0.001"


As can be seen from the code above, the ChartModifier property is one of the items that has Data binding to an instance of a ModiferGroup I have created in my View-Model in the background. The following code is a method that adds members to that ModiferGroup (called ChartModiferGroup in my View-Model):

 private void CreateChartModifiers()
        var rubberBandXyZoomModifier = new RubberBandXyZoomModifier
            ExecuteOn = SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers.ExecuteOn.MouseLeftButton,
            RubberBandFill = (SolidColorBrush)(new BrushConverter().ConvertFrom("#33FFFFFF")),
            RubberBandStroke = Brushes.SteelBlue, 
            RubberBandStrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection {2.0, 2.0}

        var zoomPanModifier = new ZoomPanModifier
            ExecuteOn = SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers.ExecuteOn.MouseMiddleButton,
            ClipModeX = SciChart.Charting.ClipMode.None

        var yAxisDragModifier = new YAxisDragModifier
            DragMode = SciChart.Charting.AxisDragModes.Scale

        var xAxisDragModifier = new XAxisDragModifier
            DragMode = SciChart.Charting.AxisDragModes.Pan

        var mouseWheelZoomModifier = new MouseWheelZoomModifier();

        var zoomExtentsModifier = new ZoomExtentsModifier
            ExecuteOn = SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers.ExecuteOn.MouseDoubleClick

        var cursorModifier = new CursorModifier
            ReceiveHandledEvents = true,
            ShowAxisLabels = false

        var probeline = new VerticalLineAnnotation()
            Stroke = Brushes.LightSlateGray,
            IsEditable = true,
            ShowLabel = true,
            LabelPlacement = LabelPlacement.Axis,
            Visibility = Visibility.Visible,
            IsHidden = false,
            IsEnabled = true,
            X1 = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(-100),
            YAxisId = "Triggered",
            StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection { 2.0,2.0},
            StrokeThickness = 1

        var verticalSliceModifier = new VerticalSliceModifier
            IsEnabled = true,
            ShowAxisLabels = true,
            Style = probeline.Style


What I am trying to do next, is to add functionality in my application, such that I can add more VerticalSliceModifiers to my ChartModifierGroup when a button is pressed. In order to do that, I will require having access to the Mouse cursor position of my SciChartSurface to set the X1 property of the VerticalLineAnnotation, that would be used for the VerticalSliceModifiers (to be created).

In simple words, every time I press a button, I need the position of the mouse pointer to get captured and used as the location of the new VerticalSliceModifer that I am going to create.

I have already read many of the examples and documentation of Sci-Chart such as: Vertical Slice Tooltips Example. However, in this example, the mouse pointer location is accessed is under the xaml.cs and not inside an actual View-Model.

I was wondering if anybody could let me know how I can get access to my SciChartSurface mouse pointer position using true MVVM model.

0 votes


I don’t understand how to disable dragging an annotation with mouse. I didn’t find anything in your documentation.

I have a simple annotation as follows:

                                <s:HorizontalLineAnnotation x:Name="line" IsEditable="False" IsManipulationEnabled="False"  IsAttached="True" Y1="2020" ShowLabel="True" LabelValue="" LabelPlacement="TopRight" Stroke="Red"/>

tried with IsEditable=”False” IsManipulationEnabled=”False” IsAttached=”True” but nothing seems to work.

Could you please help me ?
thank you

  • lorenzo522 asked 8 years ago
  • last active 8 years ago
0 votes
0 answers

Good day!
I have a problem with annotations. When I add them by double clicking on surface with this snippet of code:

private TextPointAnnotation LoadTextPointAnnotation(double x1, double y1)
            var textPoint = new TextPointAnnotation
                X1 = x1,
                Y1 = y1,
                ElementX2 = -10,
                ElementY2 = -5,
                ElementFontSize = 9,
                AnnotationName = "TXTAnnot" + _annotaionCount,
                ElementFontColor = Colors.Yellow,
                ElementWidth = 50,
                ElementHeight = 20,
                BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red),
                Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(78, 255, 0, 0)),
                YAxisId = TextOfYAxis,
                IsHidden = !_isTextPointAnnotationsVisible,
                IsEditable = true,
                AnnotationCanvas = AnnotationCanvas.AboveChart,
                CanEditText = false
            textPoint.ElementText = String.Format("{0}", textPoint.AnnotationName);
            textPoint.ContextMenu = BuildMenu(textPoint);
            textPoint.MouseMove += AnnotationMove;
            textPoint.MouseRightButtonDown += OnRightMouseAnnotationDown;
            textPoint.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown += textPoint_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown;
            textPoint.PreviewMouseMove += textPoint_PreviewMouseMove;
            return textPoint;

They are visible for mouse actions (for example, mouse move, mouse down and etc.)(Image 1)
But when I add them programmaticaly, for example in Loaded method- LoadTextPointAnnotation(100,200), they are not visible for mouse actions, that I’ve already mentioned above(Image 2).

What is the reason of strange behaviour?

Thanks in advance.

  • Egor asked 10 years ago
  • last active 10 years ago
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