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Tag: RolloverModifier

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0 votes

I have a chart with multiple series, and I would like to have the RolloverModifier behavior for all selected series, but with a single tooltip combining the values for all selected series rather than a separate tooltip per series (similar to the CursorModifier)

Is there a way to do one of the following?

  1. Merge the tooltips from the RolloverModifier?
  2. Only show the vertical crosshair from the CursorModifier, and snap the crosshair to the closest point in the series?

The RolloverModifier is closer to the behavior I want, the only change I would want is the merged tooltip.

0 votes

I have an impulse series chart, and with SciChart v3.x the rollover modifier line would “snap” to the nearest point. Since migrating to v6.5 this no longer happens – only the rollover marker snaps, not the vertical line. Setting UseInterpolation=”False” has no effect.

I’ve only noticed this on the impulse series, and the rollover line does still snap on other types (e.g. line, scatter). I just wanted to check that I’m not missing something, or if there any way to reinstate this snapping behaviour?

0 votes

Thank you for your previous response however I would like to know how to recover the Date value from the AxisInfo parameter of the updateInternal method of the AxisToolTip class when used with a DateAxis.

To give context to the question. I am using a DateAxis for the xAxis on this chart and specifying a customised AxisInfoProvider as in the ‘CustomizationRolloverModifierTooltips’ example. When the RolloverModifier highlights some points and if ShowAxisLabels is true then the customised version of the updateInternal method of a customised AxisToolTip is called to to display the xAxis value on the axis.

The AxisInfo object contains a dataValue member variable the question then is: how to convert this back to a Date object.

0 votes

In my implementation I have the xAxis using a DateAxis in the dataset I am using there is only one data point.

The RolloverModifier is very sensitive it is very hard to highlight that one point.

RolloverModifier rolloverModifier = new VitalChartRolloverModifier();

Is there a way of making it less sensitive?

0 votes
0 answers


I’m currently evaluating SciChart to see if it supports our needs for an application. We’re trying to have a chart that closely mimics the iOS Stock application (attachment: StockApp.PNG) but for sensor values. Our effort so far can be seen in attachment: SciChart.jpg.

  1. Inside the tooltip provided by the RolloverModifier, we only want to display the value of the Y axis – and get rid of the X axis (datetime). Is there a way to hide the X axis value and only display the Y axis value inside the tooltip? Refer to SciChart.jpg. For example, when RolloverModifier is visible, the tooltip for Turbidity line should only read “Turbidity: 2.50 NTU”, where 2.50 is the Y-axis value and NTU is the unit of measure. Notice we do not want to see “X: 28/01/18 12:24PM” at all in the tooltip.

  2. Similar to the iOS Stock app, we require a second RolloverModifier when a second finger rests on the chart. The idea is to provide a quick popover to display the difference in Y-axis value between the two RolloverModifier values. I tried adding a second instance of RolloverModifier to the SCIChartSurface however the vertical trace line would just overlap the first finger’s trace line.

There are the two major requirements I see right now in determining whether to invest in SciChart. So please let me know if they are possible. Below is the code.

    override func viewDidLoad() {


        configXaxis(surface: sciChartSurface)
        configYaxis(surface: sciChartSurface)        
        loadDataSeriesFromCsv(csv: rlCSVToDownload!)

   private func layout() {
        let margins = view.layoutMarginsGuide

        sciChartSurface = SCIChartSurface()
        sciChartSurface?.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false

        sciChartSurface?.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.view.leadingAnchor).isActive = true
        sciChartSurface?.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.view.trailingAnchor).isActive = true
        sciChartSurface?.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: margins.bottomAnchor).isActive = true
        sciChartSurface?.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: margins.topAnchor).isActive = true

    private func configYaxis(surface: SCIChartSurface!) {
        let axis = SCINumericAxis(), numericFormat = "%.02f"
        axis.textFormatting = numericFormat
        axis.cursorTextFormatting = numericFormat

    private func configXaxis(surface: SCIChartSurface!) {
        let axis = SCIDateTimeAxis(), datetimeFormat = "dd/MM/YY H:mm a", subDayFormat = "H:mm a"
        axis.textFormatting = datetimeFormat
        axis.subDayTextFormatting = subDayFormat
        axis.cursorTextFormatting = datetimeFormat


    private func addModifiers() {
        let xAxisDragmodifier = SCIXAxisDragModifier()
        xAxisDragmodifier.dragMode = .pan
        xAxisDragmodifier.clipModeX = .none

        let yAxisDragmodifier = SCIYAxisDragModifier()
        yAxisDragmodifier.dragMode = .pan

        let extendZoomModifier = SCIZoomExtentsModifier()
        let pinchZoomModifier = SCIPinchZoomModifier()

        let rolloverModifier = SCIRolloverModifier()

        let legend = SCILegendModifier()

        let groupModifier = SCIChartModifierCollection(childModifiers: [xAxisDragmodifier, yAxisDragmodifier, pinchZoomModifier, extendZoomModifier, legend, rolloverModifier])

        sciChartSurface?.chartModifiers = groupModifier

   private func loadDataSeriesFromCsv(csv: CSV) {
        rlCSVConnection?.download(csv: csv, onProgress: nil, onComplete: {
            [weak self] (csv) -> (Void) in

            self?.turbDataSeries = SCIXyDataSeries(xType: SCIDataType.dateTime, yType: SCIDataType.double)
            self?.turbDataSeries.seriesName = "Turbidity"

            self?.cl2DataSeries = SCIXyDataSeries(xType: SCIDataType.dateTime, yType: SCIDataType.double)
            self?.cl2DataSeries.seriesName = "Chlorine"

            //... Populate data into DataSeries ...

            self?.turbRenderableSeries = SCIFastLineRenderableSeries()
            self?.turbRenderableSeries.isDigitalLine = true
            self?.turbRenderableSeries.dataSeries = self?.turbDataSeries
            self? = SCISolidPenStyle(color:, withThickness: 1)

            self?.cl2RenderableSeries = SCIFastLineRenderableSeries()
            self?.cl2RenderableSeries.isDigitalLine = true
            self?.cl2RenderableSeries.dataSeries = self?.cl2DataSeries
            self? = SCISolidPenStyle(color:, withThickness: 1)


        }, onFailure: nil)


0 votes

Hello, I have tried to see if it is possible to show the rollover without showing any labels so that is is just a vertical bar. I was searching on StackOverflow and a few answers said it was not possible to omit any of the values from the graph. I did see that we can customize the cursor, is it possible to just have it be a vertical bar instead of a cross?? Then I could just use it instead of the default rollover.

I am linking a mockup we made of what we want to make. In the image, you have the graphic showing where the use as pressed, and above the graphic, we will show and update a graphic with the relevant information for that point.

Also, I will need to programmatically dismiss it so it will need to stay visible even if the user is panning or zooming.

0 votes

Hello, I’m using rollover modifier. By default data label is in first line, and data value is in second line. How can I modify it to have label and value in single line?

0 votes

Hi there:

I am developing an application where the main chart is a heat map type one. I would like to have a custom cursor modifier to show some values of the x, y and z axes with limit digits. The problem is that so far I get these result:


I would like to show only 1 decimal in the Z axis and 0 decimals en the X and Y axis. I have checked your modifiers demo but it seems to be not working for my heatmap chart. Any kind of advice about this issue would help me to have the application I am looking for.

The XAML of my chart is like this:

 <s:SciChartSurface x:Name="sciChart" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="3" Padding="0" BorderThickness="0" MouseDown="SciChart_MouseDown" Margin="0">
                <s:FastUniformHeatmapRenderableSeries x:Name="heatmapSeries" 

                <s:NumericAxis DrawMajorBands="True"  
                               GrowBy="0, 1"
                               s:RolloverModifier.AxisLabelContainerStyle="{StaticResource AxisLabelStyle}" 
                               s:RolloverModifier.AxisLabelTemplate="{StaticResource AxisLabelTemplate}" 
                               s:CursorModifier.AxisLabelContainerStyle="{StaticResource CursorAxisLabelStyle}"/>

                <s:NumericAxis DrawMajorBands="True" 
                               GrowBy="0, 1"

                    <s:RolloverModifier x:Name="RolloverModifier"
                                    ShowTooltipOn="Always" />
                    <!--<s:CursorModifier IsEnabled="True" ShowTooltip="True" ShowTooltipOn="MouseOver"
                        ShowAxisLabels="true" SourceMode="AllSeries"/>-->
                    <s:CursorModifier x:Name="CursorModifier"
                    <!--<s:VerticalSliceModifier IsEnabled="True">
                            <s:VerticalLineAnnotation IsEditable="false"


Thanks in advanced.

0 votes

It seems most of the modifiers bring up tooltip data with a pan, and then it goes away when the user lifts their finger. Is there any way to bring up tooltip data with a tap (and does not go away when the finger has lifted)? The main problem that we’re trying to solve is that we would like to be able to pan to look at the chart (and don’t want an axis pan), but would also like to bring up tooltip data.

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