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Tag: RolloverModifier

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0 votes

It seems most of the modifiers bring up tooltip data with a pan, and then it goes away when the user lifts their finger. Is there any way to bring up tooltip data with a tap (and does not go away when the finger has lifted)? The main problem that we’re trying to solve is that we would like to be able to pan to look at the chart (and don’t want an axis pan), but would also like to bring up tooltip data.

0 votes


I am having a problem where I want to display the Rollover Modifier only when I click on the selected graph.
For example:
If I select the Second Lines Series, I want to see the rollover only for that particular graph and not the first one and the third one.

I have tried using charts id’s as a reference to show only one tooltip but it just enables it for all the graphs.

Any help would be kindly appreciated.

  • Zino As asked 2 weeks ago
  • last active 1 week ago
0 votes

Thank you for your previous response however I would like to know how to recover the Date value from the AxisInfo parameter of the updateInternal method of the AxisToolTip class when used with a DateAxis.

To give context to the question. I am using a DateAxis for the xAxis on this chart and specifying a customised AxisInfoProvider as in the ‘CustomizationRolloverModifierTooltips’ example. When the RolloverModifier highlights some points and if ShowAxisLabels is true then the customised version of the updateInternal method of a customised AxisToolTip is called to to display the xAxis value on the axis.

The AxisInfo object contains a dataValue member variable the question then is: how to convert this back to a Date object.

0 votes


I am currently using a rollover modifier to display tooltip values on the trend. Whenever a data point is clicked however, the trend stretches so this point is along the right hand axis, and it pans so this point is along the x-axis. Is there a way to disable this feature?

Here are my modifier declarations:

                <SciChart:RubberBandXyZoomModifier  IsXAxisOnly="False"/>
                <SciChart:CursorModifier ShowAxisLabels="False"/>
                <SciChart:RolloverModifier ReceiveHandledEvents="False" ShowTooltipOn="Always" ShowAxisLabels="True" UseInterpolation="True" SnapsToDevicePixels="False" TooltipLabelTemplate="{StaticResource RolloverLabelTemplate}"/>


1 vote
0 answers

Why I can’t access to the TooltipContainerStyle property in RolloverModifier in SciChart v4.0?
I’ve read documentation and it seems that it should work but it doesn’t ;(
Does it any other way to change the tooltip label in RolloverModifier?

1 vote


My application environment is on the mobile browser, so we need to switch between [pan] and [rollover]

When I use a button to switch, everything is fine, but when I want to switch with a long press, an exception occurs

Below is my code

    initModifier() {
        this.partitionList.forEach((obj, idx)=>{
            let sciChartSurface = this.sciObj[idx].sciChartSurface;
            this.zoomPanModifier[idx] = new ZoomPanModifier();
            this.rolloverModifier[idx] = new RolloverModifier({modifierGroup: this.modifierGroupId, showTooltip: false});
            this.zoomPanModifier[idx].isEnabled = true;
            // 擴增功能
                new ZoomExtentsModifier(),
                new MouseWheelZoomModifier(),
                new PinchZoomModifier(),
    switchCross() {
        let enablePan = !this.zoomPanModifier[0].isEnabled;
        this.partitionList.forEach((obj, idx)=>{
            let sciChartSurface = this.sciObj[idx].sciChartSurface;
            this.zoomPanModifier[idx].isEnabled = enablePan;
            if (enablePan)

I recorded a video, first use the button to switch, and then long press to switch, you can see the problem I want to narrate from the video, the URL is as follows:

After the problem occurred, it was expected that touchmove should be [pan], but it became [zoom]

Thanks for your help

0 votes

Hi again,

Is it possible to move the rollover modifier without a touch when I know the x-axis and y-axis values?

At the moment user can tap the chart and the rollover modifier shows up and snaps to the closest point. Then I leave the rollover modifier visible by ignoring the onTouchUp() event. I have an external component that has the same data as the graph and now if user selects an item from that external component I would like to move the rollover modifier to that point. How can I do this?

0 votes

I am trying out JS SciChart based on the Blazor example you have posted more than a year ago.
I cannot get the auto scaling to work by code (the default behavior does auto scale once right after adding the data). Calling sciChartSurface.zoomExtents(); (or zoomExtentsX() and zoomExtentsY() after one another) does zoom into a very details portion of the graph.

Also (maybe related) the tooltip does not update when moving the cursor around, it always keeps the same data. I tried using CursorModifier as well as RolloverModifier, both having the same problem.

Attached the JS code and the c# files and a picture how this looks like after calling the autoScale() method.

Thanks for any help

1 vote
0 answers

Hi Sci Chart,

I am using WPF with MVVM.

What i want to achieve is by reading the rollover modifier current hit point data, when user click left click, i want to add VerticalSliceModifier in the graph based on the hit point.

Attach is my code from xaml and viewmodel.

I have two issues which are:
“if (DistanceSeriesData.SeriesInfo.Count > 0)”, i always get zero count of seriesinfo.

In DistanceVerticalLines?.Add(new VerticalLineAnnotation(), the added Distance Vertical Lines data did not reflect in graph.

1 vote


Is there an event that is triggered by the rollover modifier, or some other modifier for that matter?
Basically, I am trying to get the X/Y values of the point that the mouse is currently over through code.

Any help is appreciated.

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