We’re delighted to announce SciChart.js v2 has now completed it’s BETA testing phase and is now released!
What’s New in SciChart.js Version 2?
The amount of features & improvements in SciChart.js Version 2 is absolutely huge!
We’ve compiled a list over at the page What’s New in SciChart JS SDK v2. Take a look! There are seventeen new features and many improvements to our High Performance JavaScript Chart library.
Bugs fixed since the BETA
The team has squashed the following bugs reported since the BETA went live:
- Builder API now supports stacked axes
- Improved rollover modifier tooltip positioning
- Legend now supports wrapping and is easier to customise
- Improved handling of select and resize of overview annotation
- Option to drag horizontal and vertical line annotations by their axis label
- Fix Annotation dragging when using vertical charts / flipped coordinates
- Fix Error if Logarithmic x-axis used with no data
- Fix performance issue if tick settings would result in too many labels.
- Fix RubberBandXyZoomModifier only honours EXyDirection.XyDirection
- Fix AxisMarkerAnnotation shows wrong value for vertical chart
- Fix Annotation Adorners not being cleared
- Fix delete was unsubscribing from some events, causing JavaScript memory leaks
If you have any bugs to report, you can do so by emailing [email protected] directly. Please include steps to reproduce with all bugs and code samples or images/video if applicable.
Updated Features Page for SciChart.js version 2
With a new SciChart.js our Features page needs a new look! If you’d like to see the powerful features at-a-glance of our JavaScript 2D/3D chart library, head on over to scichart.com/javascript-chart-features.
This has links to the Online Demo and Getting Started pages so this is the first place to look if you want to learn more about SciChart.js
Pricing & Licensing
Existing customers with an active support & updates subscription will get the update for FREE.
For new customers or prospects, please contact our sales team and we will be happy to help!
How to get SciChart.js v2
Developers – Node/WebPack
You can now get SciChart.js v2 straight from npm.js.
npm install scichart
Don’t forget to see our Tutorials on setting up Npm projects with Webpack!
Developers – Browser Script
For developers using vanilla JavaScript (no Node Package Manager), you can load SciChart.js directly in browser. Add this script to your Html head and away you go.
// Add this script to head // Now Configure SciChartSurface in code to load the wasm file from CDN SciChart.SciChartSurface.configure({ dataUrl: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/_wasm/scichart2d.data", wasmUrl: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/_wasm/scichart2d.wasm" }); // Now create a SciChartSurface as you would normally! const { sciChartSurface, wasmContext } = await SciChart.SciChartSurface.create("div-id");
Developers – Getting Started Guides
We’ve collected all the links to help you get started under scichart.com/downloads. Go there and take a look. If you have any questions just ask!
Best regards,
[SciChart Team]
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