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Tag: Annotation

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1 vote

We’re allowing our users to place down annotations on the chart with an annotation creation modifier. One of these annotations is a Text annotation.

We then allow users to save these annotations into our own proprietary file format and load them back in with the chart data. To do this we iterate through the AnnotationCollection of the chart and parse the SciChart annotations to data we save to our files.

To save the content of the text for the TextAnnotation we read the TextAnnotation.Text property. However, we’ve noticed that this property is not set until the annotation has lost focus (we click away from the annotation somewhere else on the chart). If we save the annotation before we click away from it, we do not get the current text from the TextAnnotation.Text property.

The process to reproduce this is:
1. Place down a TextAnnotation.
2. Edit the TextAnnotation content. Do not click away from the text so to annotation remains in “Editing” mode
3. Save the data.
4. As we’re saving we read the TextAnnotation.Text property to save to our file. However, the TextAnnotation.Text property returns a blank string because its still being edited.

Is there a way from within our code that we can finish the editing of the text annotation, so that when we get the TextAnnotation.Text property it is the current text the user typed in? Or is there a way to get the current text within the TextAnnotation without finishing the editing or changing the focus?

1 vote

We are using the VerticalLineAnnotation and want to change it’s location (X1 property) in the viewmodel.

Annotations are bound like this:

           Annotations="{s:AnnotationsBinding Annotations}"

to the property:

public ObservableCollection<IAnnotationViewModel> Annotations { get; private set; }

The collection contains this association:

this.nowAnnotation = new VerticalLineAnnotationViewModelEx()
            X1 = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0),
            StyleKey = "NowAnnotationStyle"

To change the location we change the value of X1:

nowAnnotation.X1 = value;

Calling that didn’t have a direct effect on the UI unless the user does any action which redraws the chart.

We created a style which sets an attached property to pass the VerticalLineAnnotation to the view model, this works fine.

<Style TargetType="s:VerticalLineAnnotation" x:Key="NowAnnotationStyle">
                    <Setter Property="viewModels:VerticalLineAnnotationViewModelEx.PassIAnnotation" Value="True" />

And we added a Refresh method to VerticalLineAnnotationViewModelEx and call it after setting X1:

nowAnnotation.X1 = value;

The first implementation of the Refresh method we did was:

public void Refresh()

From the documentation this should redraw the annotation without redrawing the whole chart, but it had no effect.

It only started working after changing to this:

public void Refresh()

Is there a better way to do it, shouldn’t the first implementation work?

The complete code of VerticalLineAnnotationViewModelEx

public class VerticalLineAnnotationViewModelEx : VerticalLineAnnotationViewModel
    public static readonly DependencyProperty PassIAnnotationProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
        "PassIAnnotation", typeof(bool), typeof(VerticalLineAnnotationViewModelEx),
        new PropertyMetadata(default(bool), OnPassIAnnotationChanged));

    public IAnnotation Annotation { get; private set; }

    private static void OnPassIAnnotationChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        var verticalLineAnnotation = (VerticalLineAnnotation)d;
        ((VerticalLineAnnotationViewModelEx)verticalLineAnnotation.DataContext).Annotation = (IAnnotation)d;

    public static void SetPassIAnnotation(DependencyObject element, bool value)
        element.SetValue(PassIAnnotationProperty, value);

    public static bool GetPassIAnnotation(DependencyObject element)
        return (bool)element.GetValue(PassIAnnotationProperty);

    public void Refresh()
1 vote

Hello, everyone.

I want to add annotations for analyzing 3d charts.
In order to do that, it is necessary to be able to make several marks on the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis, and I would like to know the best practices.

please check the attached picture. It is similar with cursor but it’s fixed.
I found Custom Geometry documents.
but I am not sure this is for the best.

Kim, JinSeok.

0 votes


I’ve been wondering. In SciChart’s current WPF version, is there any way to configure the default ViewportManager (or create a new customized one in a simple way) such that whenever I call its ZoomExtents method, the X and Y axes’ ranges will include any custom annotations I’ve added to the chart’s annotations collection?

My custom annotations are basically Images, with fixed Width and Height, and I set their X1 and Y1 properties to hold certain data points I have on the chart. The issue is, I need axes’ ranges to include the Image in it’s entirety, meaning I would have to somehow convert their Widths and Heights to “data point values”, since the new visible range should be in terms of data values, if I’m not mistaken.

Any good example to how this could be done?

  • Ilan Rozen asked 4 years ago
  • last active 4 years ago
0 votes

I hope you can help me I have managed to change the font color, size, but I do not know how to put the annotation with underlined font, who could give me a clue please. I would like to get something like what is shown in the image I attached. Thanks in advance.

0 votes

Dear All,

I would like to ask are there any method to draw a line (or annotation) by user touch event ?

For example user touch the chart to set the starting point of the line and then touch/drag to another point to draw the line.


  • Ray Hung asked 7 years ago
  • last active 5 years ago
0 votes


Please take a look at the attached screenshot first.

I have a chart configured to draw some data. I need to draw SCIAxisMarkerAnnotation on Y axis. And it seems that annotation has alignment by right side of axis area. Is there a possibility to change it to left side of axis area?

0 votes

When I enter PathAnnotation in the xaml, I get the error “The type ‘s:PathAnnotation’ was not found.” I do have the following Annotation types available:
– AxisMarkerAnnotation
– BoxAnnotation
– CustomAnnotation
– HorizontalLineAnnotation
– LineAnnotation
– LineArrowAnnotation
– SeriesValueAxisMarkerAnnotation
– TextAnnotation
– VerticalLineAnnotation

I want to be able to make a star shape annotation, and PathAnnotation seemed to be the only way to do this. Please let me know if there’s another way to do this.


1 vote

Hi, Support team.

I’m using MVVM pattern and trying to implement multi-chart which can insert Box Annotations at the same time into each chart .
So I’m testing in SciChart Example [“DigitalAnalyzerPerformanceDemo”] to know how to implement this.

But what i only got is just looping through and create annotation for each ChannelViewModels.

In the Demo, the VisibleRange ‘XRange’ is shared to all the ChannelViewModels by binding TwoWay-mode in ParentViewModel without looping for each ChildViewModels.
Like this, I wonder is there ways to apply BoxAnnotation all the ChannelViewModel at the same time by binding in ParentViewModel.

    <!-- BottomAxis -->
        <s:SciChartSurface Grid.Column="1">
                <s:NumericAxis Height="30"
                               VisibleRange="{Binding XRange, Mode=TwoWay}"                 
                               LabelProvider="{StaticResource TimeLabelProvider}"
                               MajorTickLineStyle="{StaticResource TimeAxisMajorTickLineStyle}"
                               MinorTickLineStyle="{StaticResource TimeAxisMinorTickLineStyle}"/>
                <s:NumericAxis Visibility="Collapsed"/>

    <!--  Create an X Axis with GrowBy  -->
           <s:NumericAxis Style="{StaticResource HiddenAxisStyle}"
                    VisibleRange="{Binding DataContext.XRange, Mode=TwoWay, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=ItemsControl, AncestorLevel=2}}"/>

I tried to bind annotation in ParentViewModel like XRange Binding method, But it doesn’t work.

This is View.xaml.

<Grid Grid.IsSharedSizeScope="True" IsEnabled="{Binding IsLoading, Converter={StaticResource InvertBooleanConverter}}">

    <!-- BottomAxis -->
        <s:SciChartSurface Grid.Column="1">
                <s:NumericAxis Height="30"
                               VisibleRange="{Binding XRange, Mode=TwoWay}"                 
                               LabelProvider="{StaticResource TimeLabelProvider}"
                               MajorTickLineStyle="{StaticResource TimeAxisMajorTickLineStyle}"
                               MinorTickLineStyle="{StaticResource TimeAxisMinorTickLineStyle}"/>
                <s:NumericAxis Visibility="Collapsed"/>

    <!-- Channels -->
        <ScrollViewer Background="#1C1C1E"

                <common:DigitalAnalyzerScrollBehavior ChannelHeightDelta="10" ChangeChannelHeightCommand="{Binding ChangeChannelHeightCommand}"/>

            <ItemsControl x:Name="chartItemsControl" ItemsSource="{Binding ChannelViewModels}">

                    <common:FocusedChannelScrollBehavior ScrollToFocusedChannel="False"/>

                    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:ChannelViewModel}">
                        <Grid Background="#2D2C32" Height="{Binding ChannelHeight, Mode=OneWay}" Focusable="False" UseLayoutRounding="False" >
                                <ColumnDefinition SharedSizeGroup="ChannelNames" />
                                <ColumnDefinition />

                            <Border BorderThickness="0,0,0,1" BorderBrush="#1C1C1E">
                                    <Border DockPanel.Dock="Left"     
                                            Background="{Binding ChannelColor, Mode=OneWay}" 

                                    <TextBlock DockPanel.Dock="Left"
                                               Text="{Binding ChannelName}"/>

                            <s:SciChartSurface x:Name="channelSurface" Grid.Column="1"
                                               RenderableSeries="{Binding RenderableSeries}"
                                               Annotations="{s:AnnotationsBinding  DataContext.Annotations, Mode=TwoWay, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=ItemsControl, AncestorLevel=2} }">

                                <!--  Create an X Axis with GrowBy  -->
                                    <s:NumericAxis Style="{StaticResource HiddenAxisStyle}"
                                                   VisibleRange="{Binding DataContext.XRange, Mode=TwoWay, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=ItemsControl, AncestorLevel=2}}"/>

                                <!--  Create a Y Axis with GrowBy. Optional bands give a cool look and feel for minimal performance impact  -->
                                    <s:NumericAxis Style="{StaticResource HiddenAxisStyle}"
                                                   VisibleRange="{Binding YRange, Mode=OneWay}"/>

                                    <s:ModifierGroup s:MouseManager.MouseEventGroup="ChannelModifierGroup">
                                        <s:RubberBandXyZoomModifier IsAnimated="False" IsXAxisOnly="True" ZoomExtentsY="False" ReceiveHandledEvents="True" IsEnabled="{Binding IsChecked, Mode=OneWay, ElementName=IsZoomEnabled}"/>
                                        <s:ZoomPanModifier ZoomExtentsY="False" XyDirection="XDirection" IsEnabled="{Binding IsChecked, Mode=OneWay, ElementName=IsPanEnabled}"/>
                                        <s:ZoomExtentsModifier XyDirection="XDirection" IsAnimated="False" />
                                        <s:MouseWheelZoomModifier XyDirection="XDirection" />

                            <Border Grid.Column="1"


This is ViewModel.cs

public class DigitalAnalyzerExampleViewModel : BaseViewModel
    private bool _isLoading;
    private DoubleRange _xRange;

    public DigitalAnalyzerExampleViewModel()
        ChannelViewModels = new ObservableCollection<ChannelViewModel>();
        Annotations = new ObservableCollection<IAnnotationViewModel>();
        Annotations.Add(new BoxAnnotationViewModel() { X1 = 0, X2 = 1000, Y1 = 0, Y2 = 1 }); //I want to implement sharing annotation like this.

        SelectedChannelType = "Digital";
        SelectedChannelCount = 32;
        SelectedPointCount = 1000000;
        SelectedResamplingPrecision =ResamplingPrecision.Default;
        SelectedStrokeThickness = 1;

        ChangeChannelHeightCommand = new ActionCommand<object>((d) =>
            var delta = (double)d;
            foreach (var channelViewModel in ChannelViewModels)

        AddChannelCommand = new ActionCommand(async () =>
            IsLoading = true;

            var isDigital = SelectedChannelType == "Digital";
            await AddChannels(isDigital ? 1 : 0, isDigital ? 0 : 1);

            IsLoading = false;

        LoadChannelsCommand = new ActionCommand(async () =>
            IsLoading = true;

            // Clear ViewModels
            foreach (var channelVm in ChannelViewModels)
            XRange = null;

            // Create a bunch of Digital channels
            await AddChannels(SelectedChannelCount, 0);

            XRange = new DoubleRange(0, SelectedPointCount);
            IsLoading = false;


    public ObservableCollection<ChannelViewModel> ChannelViewModels { get; private set; }
    public ObservableCollection<IAnnotationViewModel> Annotations { get; private set; }

    public string SelectedChannelType { get; set; }

    public ResamplingPrecision SelectedResamplingPrecision { get; set; }

    public int SelectedChannelCount { get; set; }

    public ActionCommand<object> ChangeChannelHeightCommand { get; }

    public ActionCommand AddChannelCommand { get; }

    public ActionCommand LoadChannelsCommand { get; }

    public long TotalPoints => ChannelViewModels.Sum(c => (long)c.DataCount);

    public bool IsLoading
        get => _isLoading;
            _isLoading = value;

    public bool IsEmpty => ChannelViewModels.Count <= 0;

    public DoubleRange XRange
        get => _xRange;
            _xRange = value;

+Attached image below is what i want to implement.
++I also attached tried code in .zip .

1 vote

I’m having issues with displaying my vertical annotations on my chart. Below is the code for creating the annotation and adding it to the chart.

var annotationLine = new VerticalLineAnnotation();
annotationLine.XAxisId = XAxisID;
annotationLine.YAxisId = YAxisID;
annotationLine.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue);
annotationLine.StrokeThickness = 2;
annotationLine.IsHidden = false;
annotationLine.AnnotationCanvas = AnnotationCanvas.BelowChart;
annotationLine.Y1 = 0;
annotationLine.Y2 = ControlHeight;
annotationLine.X1 = xValues[i];

I have verified that the XAxisId and the YAxisId are correct and match the id of the only axes that I have on the chart
I have verified that the xValues[i] is a valid value on the chart and within the bounds of the viewport

The tricky part here is that I am reading live streaming EEG data from a device and inserting manual triggers into the data. This works fine and the annotations appear in the chart as they are within the bounds of the chart.
I then record that data to a file (currently csv but will be doing EDF as soon as I get this figured out) where the annotation data is present (verified)
It’s when I try to read the file into my application that I can’t get the annotations to appear on the SciChart. I’m using the code above for both the live streaming data (working) and the file reading (not working) so I’m really baffled by this and could use any insight anyone has.

Thank you

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