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0 votes

I’m evaluating chart libraries to my next project and I’m trying to do a simple chart like the one in the attached image.
It was actually very easy to do it using MPAndroidChart, however it’s been hard to do a simple task like put a label aligned with the column… I did take a look into the SciChart sample application, but the application just uses numeric labels…
Can someone provide some guidance of how to do this?

0 votes

Hi, we got performance problems with 3D chart on UniformGridDataSeries3D when size of mesh is bigger than 400×400.
The rendering is fine, but it have weird behavior when controlling from mouse: rendering is lags behind mouse movement and it’s hard to rotate the surface accurate.

To reproduce it you can use SciChart_SurfaceMesh3DNonUniformData scichart example and set the surface size to 500×500 for example.

Perfectly we are planning to use 1500×1500 mesh but currently we had to downsample it to 250×250.

Is there is some workaround for this?

0 votes


Would it be possible to receive some information on how to take the legend outside of the chart surface area? We are having an issue when the user selects more axis’ to be shown in the chart. The chart then shrinks horizontally making the legend difficult to access for removing the axis’.

A quick how to with some code example would be highly appreciated. To further highlight, this is Xamarin.iOS project we are talking about.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Best Regards

0 votes


I was wondering if it would be possible to create a simple clean looking chart like described in the attached image. I am looking for a “SuccessRateChart” that has some similarity to the PieChart but does not use the whole circle to describe its content. I would also need a way to adjust the visible radius of the Pie. In means of information visualization you often hear the term “doughnut chart”…

On way could be to draw some circle stacked over the chart itself, but there should be a better solution.

Would love to hear from you,

Kind regards,

0 votes


I’m working on an analysis software that uses Scichart API for generating graphics in WPF.

I recently used Scichart IOS / Android apps and I really liked the graphics animations.

However, I did not find the way to do the same thing in WPF.

Is it possible to animate the loading of graphics or any other animation?

Thank you.

0 votes

On Xamarin iOS there is a property SciChartSurface.ChartTitle.

Is there an equivalent on Xamarin Android?

1 vote

Is it possible to put a background image on a chart? I hope you can give me a hint thanks in advance.

I attach an image for the purpose of my query.

0 votes

I hope you can help me, please. Is it possible to remove the lines that protrude on the edge of the graphics, as shown in the image? If so, what would be the procedure?

Thank you very much in advance…

0 votes

I hope you can help me I have managed to change the font color, size, but I do not know how to put the annotation with underlined font, who could give me a clue please. I would like to get something like what is shown in the image I attached. Thanks in advance.

0 votes


When do you expect Android Chart 1.3 to be ready for delivery? I really need the logarithmic chart capability.

Mike Reed

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