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0 votes


I’m trying to limit the x-axis panning up to an annotation that I’ve drawn on the graph. This annotation can be beyond the current data’s position (i.e. data’s timestamp is at 5/4/2017 11:00:00, annotation’s position is at 5/4/2017 16:00:00). Is there a method, or any way that I can use to limit the x-axis panning up to the annotation’s position instead of limiting it to the data series’ max X?


0 votes

I have a simple line renderable series in iOS with an SCIDateTimeAxis for X and an SCINumericAxis for Y. At this point all I’m trying to do is format the Y-axis labels and cursor labels as currency. According to the documentation, this should be as simple as:

yAxis.textFormatting = "$%f"

But it does not appear to properly use this formatting. The Y-axis is showing values like “$%f1400” when formatting a value for 14.

So, I instead attempted creating my own label provider by overriding SCINumericLabelProvider:

class CurrencyLabelProvider: SCINumericLabelProvider {

static let formatter: NumberFormatter = {
    let formatter = NumberFormatter()
    formatter.numberStyle = .currency
    return formatter

override func formatLabel(_ dataValue: SCIGenericType) -> NSAttributedString! {
    let value = dataValue.doubleData
    let string = CurrencyLabelProvider.formatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: value))!
    return NSAttributedString(string: string)

Then assigning:

yAxis.labelProvider = CurrencyLabelProvider()

This works to properly format the axis labels. So, I also override SCINumericLabelProvider to provide the cursor labels:

 override func formatCursorLabel(_ dataValue: SCIGenericType) -> NSAttributedString! {
    let value = dataValue.doubleData
    let string = CurrencyLabelFormatter.formatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: value))!
    return NSAttributedString(string: string)

This then properly formats the cursor label for the Y-axis- but it also formats the X-axis cursor:
Formatted Cursor

At this point, the X-axis is already assigned an SCIDateTimeLabelProvider- the X-axis is not assigned CurrencyLabelProvider. But it seems to be overridden by the Y-axis label provider or simply unused. The X-axis labels are formatted as dates properly, but X-axis cursor values are just numbers when not being interfered with by the Y-axis label provider.

Am I misunderstanding something or are these all bugs in the iOS SDK? We’re currently evaluating whether this package will meet our needs and it certainly appears to be riddled with issues.

  • Sean Young asked 5 years ago
  • last active 5 years ago
0 votes

Hi, guys

I want to show two renderableSeries on one chart view. These series have common x-axis (SCICategoryDateTimeAxis) and separate y-axes(SCINumericAxis). Only one of y-axis is visible at chart view. Also the data series of visible renderable series updated by scrolling to left or to right. So for displaying on one view i’m using:

[y1Axis setGrowBy: [[SCIDoubleRange alloc] initWithMin:SCIGeneric(0.3) Max:SCIGeneric(0.07)]];
[y2Axis setGrowBy: [[SCIDoubleRange alloc] initWithMin:SCIGeneric(0.0) Max:SCIGeneric(5)]];

So it’s look good at start (Correct_zooming.png). But after some scrolling it decrease axis extents of invisible y-axis (decrease.png).
Or even breaks down (broken.png)

For test i’m using SCIFastOhlcRenderableSeries and SCIHorizontallyStackedColumnsCollection readerable series.
Data series for SCIHorizontallyStackedColumnsCollection is initializated like:

    [volumeSerie1 updateAt:index Y:SCIGeneric(100000 / [multiplier doubleValue])];
    [volumeSerie2 updateAt:index Y:SCIGeneric(500000 / [multiplier doubleValue])];

So can you look at it?
Or what way i should implement this behavior?

Best regards,
Sushynski Andrei

0 votes

I’m trying to add annotations on a chart but they are rendering above my legend.

Initially (similar to most of the demo code I’ve seen), I setup my modifiers, then created my series and animated them in — then added my annotations (adding to annotationGroup). This created a timeline of blank chart surface with legend (good so far), annotations popping in before the chart series animated in (weird / not good) and on TOP of the legend (really bad), then the animation of the series after that.

I’ve tried about everything I can think of and the best I’ve been able to do is use a completion block of the animation rendering the series — and moved my chart modifiers (and legend) into that completion block. If I put the annotations in the completion block, they will render after the chart modifier and I have the same problem (even if placed after the chart modifiers). I have to set the annotations before the animation, and then the chart modifier in the completion block will work and the legend will be above the . Of course, this is a bit odd too — as first my annotations pop up by themselves on the blank surface, followed by my series animating in, then at the end of the 2 second animation, the legend just pops in.

I really would like my legend to be rendered first on the blank surface and the annotations and chart series to animate in together under my legend. I’m gathering that’s unlikely (at least the animation part) — but is there anyway I can place my legend first and still have the annotations go under it? It feels like the layers should be: modifiers > annotations > rendered series. I also I’ve read this order before in some WPF docs I believe, but doesn’t seem to be respected on iOS?

UPDATE: My current work around isn’t sufficient because I really need access to the renderable series to create the annotations which means I really can’t defer my chart modifiers (i.e. legend) until after the annotations. Additionally, if I need to update (remove / re-add) an annotation due to a series being deactivated in the legend, now my annotations are on top of the legend again.

0 votes

I’m trying to clear a SCIUniformHeatmapDataSeries after connecting it to a SCIChartSurface, but it is very slow and energy consuming. However, if I clear the data series before it is connected to the sci chart, then the clearing is pretty fast. How can I clear the data series after it is connected to the chart surface quickly? Do I have to make a new data series, clear it, and connect to the scichartsurface every time I want to clear a data series? This is for iOS by the way.
EDIT: code

for i in 0..<data.MATRIX_COLUMNS {
        for j in 0..<data.MATRIX_ROWS  {
            data.ecm2DMatrix[i][j] = Double.nan
            SCIUpdateSuspender.usingWith(charts.ecmSurface) {
      [i][j], atX: i, y: j)
0 votes

I want to hide the axis and the place occupied by the axis on xammarin.iOS, i’am using below code to do the same, the problem here is it does hide the axis but it is not removing the place occupied by axis,

Axis.IsVisible = false;

is it the right way to hide the axis and remove the place occupied by it, or am I missing something here.

0 votes

Hi all,
I am using the iOS SciCharts version to implement a heatmap series in my application. I am testing out the heatmap by providing a test series of random 100 zValues that range from 1-200. The Heatmap with the stops below just appears blue (see image). My suspicion is that either I am not updating the zValues correctly or the andStops is too low. Can anyone provide insights on what could be the issue?

//Test zValues
let SpectTestArray: [Double] = [ 12,  14, 68, 137, 164, 124, 124, 122, 162, 128, 45, 129,  40,  91,  53, 159,  77,  59,   0,  91, 92,  73,  77,  67, 163,  69, 149, 115,  17,  85, 119, 129, 186,  93,  80,  34, 159, 115,  65, 181, 159,  67, 152,  29,   6, 162,  51, 196, 186, 122, 114, 171, 159, 116,  20, 102,   4, 174, 144, 160, 89,  51,  89, 130, 172, 186,  40, 174,  20, 120, 88, 151, 127, 167,  10,  49, 198,  67, 184, 197, 152, 193, 196, 163,  18,  77,  17, 143, 124, 115, 1, 115, 126,  22,  35,   6,  58, 121,  77,   5]

let colors = [UIColor.fromARGBColorCode(0xFF00008B)!, UIColor.fromARGBColorCode(0xFF6495ED)!, UIColor.fromARGBColorCode(0xFF006400)!, UIColor.fromARGBColorCode(0xFF7FFF00)!, UIColor.yellow,]

CH1HeatMapRenderableSeries = SCIFastUniformHeatmapRenderableSeries()
        CH1HeatMapRenderableSeries.dataSeries = CH1SpectDataSeries
        CH1HeatMapRenderableSeries.minimum = 0.0
        CH1HeatMapRenderableSeries.maximum = 200.0
        CH1HeatMapRenderableSeries.colorMap = SCIColorMap(colors: colors, andStops: [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0])

        var Spectvalues = SCIDoubleValues(capacity: 100)

        for n in 0...SpectTestArray.count-1 {
//        print(Spectvalues)
        CH1SpectDataSeries.update(z: Spectvalues)
0 votes

Hi, guys

it seems that i had found a mistake:

At SCICursorModifierStyle class if i try to set up axisVerticalTooltipCornerRadius property it lead to changing of axisHorizontalTooltipCornerRadius

Please take a look

Best regards,
Sushynski Andrei

0 votes

I’m getting the following crash:

2020-02-14 16:45:43.902812-0500 CommonStock Development[2425:710225] -[SCIRolloverModifier onTouchesCancelled:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x282ffe080
2020-02-14 16:45:43.904098-0500 CommonStock Development[2425:710225] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘NSInvalidArgumentException’, reason: ‘-[SCIRolloverModifier onTouchesCancelled:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x282ffe080’

whenever I try to scrub my chart, I must also note that in order for the legend to show, I have to tap really hard on the surface.

This is my code:

func set(data set: SimpleChartDataSet, alternate: SimpleChartDataSet) {

    let lineDataSeries = SCIXyDataSeries(xType: .double, yType: .double)
    let dashedDataSeries = SCIXyDataSeries(xType: .double, yType: .double)

    let group = DispatchGroup()
    group.enter() .userInteractive).async {
        for (index, i) in set.enumerated() {
            lineDataSeries.append(x: Double(index), y: Double(i))

        for (index, i) in alternate.enumerated() {
            dashedDataSeries.append(x: Double(index), y: Double(i))


    group.notify(queue: .main) {

        let lineSeries = SCIFastMountainRenderableSeries()
        lineSeries.zeroLineY = set.min() ?? 0.0
        lineSeries.dataSeries = lineDataSeries
        lineSeries.strokeStyle = SCISolidPenStyle(color:, thickness: 2.0)
        lineSeries.areaStyle =  SCILinearGradientBrushStyle(start: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 1), end: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0), start:, end: UIColor.clear)

        let dashedSeries = SCIFastLineRenderableSeries()
        dashedSeries.zeroLineY = set.min() ?? 0.0
        dashedSeries.dataSeries = dashedDataSeries
        dashedSeries.strokeStyle = SCISolidPenStyle(color: UIColor.white, thickness: 2.0, strokeDashArray: [2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0])

        SCIUpdateSuspender.usingWith(self.surface) {


            let xAxis = SCINumericAxis()
            xAxis.drawLabels = false
            xAxis.drawMajorBands = false
            xAxis.drawMajorGridLines = false
            xAxis.drawMinorGridLines = false
            xAxis.drawMinorTicks = false
            xAxis.drawMajorTicks = false
            xAxis.drawLabels = false

            let yAxis = SCINumericAxis()
            yAxis.drawLabels = false
            yAxis.drawMajorBands = false
            yAxis.drawMajorGridLines = false
            yAxis.drawMinorGridLines = false
            yAxis.drawMinorTicks = false
            yAxis.drawMajorTicks = false
            yAxis.drawLabels = false

            self.surface.xAxes.add(items: xAxis)
            self.surface.yAxes.add(items: yAxis)
            self.surface.renderableSeries.add(items: lineSeries, dashedSeries )
0 votes

The wick for the up candlestick go through the body while the down candlestick do not. How can I make the wick inside the body part disappear? I didn’t change any settings of stroke and fill style. Thanks.

let candlestickSeries = SCIFastCandlestickRenderableSeries()
candlestickSeries.dataSeries = dataSeries
candlestickSeries.yAxisId = "right"
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