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SciChart.js v3.5 Released!

SciChart.js v3.5 Released!
We’ve moved over to a new format for communicating our releases and updates of our high performance JavaScript Charts library, by publishing a rolling changelog of every fix or enhancement in SciChart. You can find the changelogs in the top menu at Developers -> Changelogs -> SciChart JS ChangeLog

What’s New in v3.5 of SciChart’s JS Charts?

It’s only been a month since our last feature-packed release, and we have more good news for users of SciChart.js today. v3.5.687 contains new features & fixes. Read on to find out what’s new, and where to get it!

New Features since v3.4

  1. 3D Column Charts
  2. Breaking change: Updated SciChartDefaults.enableResampling to debugDisableResampling
  3. Significant performance improvements when yAxis.AutoRange enabled
  4. Spline series and RenderDataTransforms now support FIFO
  5. Updated documentation pages & tutorials

1. 3D Column Charts

Requested multiple times on the forums, JavaScript 3D Column Charts have been ported from our WPF (Windows) charts to JavaScript.

The 3D Column or Bar chart type allows placing an arrays of columns/bars at discrete Xyz values on a chart. Each column can be uniquely coloured using vertex colors. Column heights can be animated or updated dynamically.

Try out the live demo below!

Above: The JavaScript / React 3D Column Chart example in the SciChart.js demo

Official documentation for the ColumnRenderableSeries3D can be found here. Typedoc API docs can be found here.

2. Breaking change: Updated SciChartDefaults.enableResampling to debugDisableResampling

A naughty competitor to SciChart has published a set of performance tests disabling our resampling algorithms and using this to claim that they have the fastest JavaScript chart! So, we’ve updated the property SciChartDefaults.enableResampling to SciChartDefaults.debugDisableResampling.

You must now specifically set this property to true to disable our visually lossless, sophisticated time-series compression algorithms application wide.

We’ve also published a documentation page talking about resampling, before/after images and adjusting precision here, plus updated the typedoc comments for this property. There is no need to disable resampling in production apps or performance tests, and should only be used in debug mode.

Does scichart use resampling? Before/after images of resampled waveforms shows that our algorithms are visually lossless

Documentation on what is data-resampling, the before/after results and how to tune precision can be found here.

3. Significant performance improvements when yAxis.AutoRange enabled

Thanks to competitor performance comparisons we’ve identified that yAxis.autoRange was a bottleneck in big-data real-time charts, so we’ve enabled an optimisation to re-use the result of other data operations and cache yAxis ranges where necessary.

The result is a 30-50% performance improvement for rendering of big-data charts with frequent updates.

No changes need to be applied in your code to benefit from this enhancement, just update the SciChart.js version to v3.5.

Official documentation for SciChart.js autorange modes can be found here.

3. Spline series and RenderDataTransforms now support FIFO

Finally, we’ve enabled FIFO (first-in-first-out) mode for series which use RenderDataTransforms – and this includes our SplineLineRenderableSeries.

FIFO (first-in-first-out) mode is a special mode of the DataSeries in SciChart which allows you to efficiently scroll a chart and discard old data, specifically useful in the case of real-time sensor monitoring applications.

Until now SplineLineRenderableSeries did not support this mode. Just update the SciChart.js library to enable this feature in your app.

You can learn more about DataSeries realtime updates, FIFO modes including scrolling & sweeping at the documentation page here. SplineLineRenderableSeries is covered in the docs here.

5. Updated Documentation Pages

In an ongoing commitment to provide the Best JavaScript Charts – we are continually updating our documentation, code examples and developer resources.

The following documentation pages have been added/updated since the last release:

Where to get it

SciChart.js v3.5 is available by:

Developers – Node/WebPack

Check npm for the latest version.

npm install scichart

Don’t forget to see our Tutorials on setting up Npm projects with Webpack!

Developers – Browser Script

For developers using vanilla JavaScript (no Node Package Manager), you can load SciChart.js directly in browser from JSDelivr CDN. Add this script to your Html head and away you go.

// Add this script to head.
// For Prod we recommend setting a specific version number
// Include script from
<script src=""

// Import your types
const { SciChartSurface, NumericAxis, FastLineRenderableSeries } = SciChart;

// Now Configure SciChartSurface in code to load the wasm file from CDN

// Now create a SciChartSurface as you would normally!
const { sciChartSurface, wasmContext } = await SciChartSurface.create("div-id");


By Andrew Burnett-Thompson | Oct 15, 2024
CEO / Founder of SciChart. Masters (MEng) and PhD in Electronics & Signal Processing.Follow me on LinkedIn for more SciChart content, or twitter at @drandrewbt.

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