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Tag: Axis Title

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1 vote
0 answers


we recently updated SciChart to and now we got an issue with double y axis title.
They should only be on the left side. Any ideas what could have caused this? I have also attached the definition of the axis, hopefully this helps.

 vm.YAxes.Add(new NumericAxisViewModel
     Id = YNumericAxis,
     StyleKey = YAxisStyleKey,
     AxisTitle = vm.YAxisTitle,
     FontSize = groupViewOptions.AxisLabelFontSize,
     TitleFontSize = groupViewOptions.AxisTitleFontSize,
     DrawMinorGridLines = false,
     DrawLabels = true,
     CursorTextFormatting = "0.###",
     TextFormatting = "0.########"
vm.YAxes.Add(new LogarithmicNumericAxisViewModel()
    Id = YLogAxis,
    StyleKey = YAxisStyleKey,
    AxisTitle = vm.YAxisTitle,
    FontSize = groupViewOptions.AxisLabelFontSize,
    TitleFontSize = groupViewOptions.AxisTitleFontSize,
    DrawMinorGridLines = false,
    DrawLabels = true,
    TextFormatting = "0.0###E0",
    CursorTextFormatting = "0.000E0",
    EnableHighPrecisionTicks = groupViewOptions.EnableHighPrecisionTicks

Yes, there are two axis’s defined and if I try to change the visibility of the one that is active, both axis title’s disappear. What do you think could be the cause of this? I did some research thru the structure and didn’t have any luck.

Thanks in advance.

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0 answers

Forked from one of the examples and tried re producing. when rotation is enabled the text overlaps with the axis title

1 vote

How can I rotate the axis titles in SciChat JS?

We want the the titles Fp1 and Fp2 to be rotated so they are horizontal on the screen instead of vertical.

enter image description here

0 votes


Is it possible do detect taps/selection/click over Axis Titles?


0 votes
0 answers


Is it possible do detect taps/selection/click over Axis Titles?


0 votes

Is it possible to set different color to axis ticks and axis title.
In 2D-Chart i did it by changing the style of DefaultTickLabel:

<Style x:Key="NumericAxisForMvvm" TargetType="axis:NumericAxisForMvvm">

  <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="12" />
  <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Arial" />
  <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="Bold" />
  <Setter Property="TickTextBrush" Value="Red" />

  <Setter Property="TickLabelStyle">
      <Style TargetType="s:DefaultTickLabel">

        <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="16" />
        <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="Normal" />
        <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Courier New" />
        <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Blue" />

        <Setter Property="Template">
            <ControlTemplate TargetType="s:DefaultTickLabel">
              <ContentControl Content="{Binding}"
                              ContentTemplate="{TemplateBinding ContentTemplate}"
                              Foreground="{TemplateBinding Foreground}" 
                              FontFamily="{TemplateBinding FontFamily}"
                              FontSize="{TemplateBinding FontSize}"
                              FontWeight="{TemplateBinding FontWeight}"/>

Same procedure seems doesn’t work for 3D-Charts.
How can i achieve this?
Is that currently possible?

Best Regards

0 votes

I would like to place a title for an X axis to the right of axis labels. I am easily able to achieve this on Android (see attached screenshot), but I cannot find relevant properties (axisTitlePlacement etc.) in iOS version of SciChart.

In the last section of this article in documentation you write that it is possible, however the links are dead (and frankly, the method names look suspiciously Java-ish to me).

0 votes

in SciChart Android the vertically-oriented axis title is displayed like this:

I’d like to rotate the title -180 degrees, so that it looks like that (that is the default behaviour in SciChart iOS):
Is there a way to achieve that?

  • Anna Lazar asked 6 years ago
  • last active 6 years ago
0 votes

I have a series of charts with flipped coordinates, and each chart has multiple x-axes at the top (see screenshot). I’ve successfully added titles to the axes but I’m stuck trying to figure out how to reduce the spacing between the titles and the axis labels. In the included screenshot, it is apparent that a lot of real estate is being eaten up by this. These charts are generated dynamically so I need a code, not xaml, solution. I’ve looked into a lot of axis title styling examples but all use a xaml approach, and I’m having trouble translating that style info into code. Could anyone suggest what class(es) to use in the axis constructor, or provide a brief example?

0 votes

Because we have limited vertical space, I would like to change the position of the x-axis title.
Ideally, to the right of the x-axis values.
Using code behind, this was sort of possible, but we would like to do it using xaml.
Also, the code behind solution had problems when resizing the chart.
Is this possible?

0 votes

I can’t seem to find it in the API, but I figured I’d ask .Is any built in support for live editing the Chart Title or Axis Titles right on the chart surface like you can with a TextAnnotation?

1 vote

Hello, I am evaluating your product and would like to know if there is a way to use superscript or subscript characters in the titles on the chart. We use chemical terminology that we would like to represent. For example we would represent Phosphorus as PO4-P and the 4 would be a subscript character.

0 votes

I try to rotate the axistitle on a chart. the title is outside the bounds of the control. How can I make the surface resize to include the axistitle?

I set it in code behind when creating an y-axis. Thats necessary because I cannot style via datatemplates when I bind an axiscollection:

My code for the axis:

            Style s = new Style(typeof(AxisTitle));
            s.Setters.Add(new Setter(NumericAxis.RenderTransformProperty, new RotateTransform(90)));
            s.Setters.Add(new Setter(NumericAxis.RenderTransformOriginProperty, new Point(1, 0.5)));

            yAxis.TitleStyle = s;

In general it works but looks like in the picture.

  • Uwe Hafner asked 9 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
0 votes

On priority support tickets, a user just asked us how to show and hide the AxisTitle TextBlock without changing the AxisTitle.Text to string.Empty.

The solution uses attached properties and a small custom style, so we thought we’d post it below

0 votes

Good day everybody!
I have got a problem. I need to place axis title above axis ticks. But I can’t find any method to do it. Could you help me?
Thank in advance.

  • Egor asked 10 years ago
  • last active 10 years ago
Showing 15 results