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0 votes

Hey all,

is there a way on iOS to export a SciChartSurface to a vector format in order to embed the exported chart into a PDF document? Right now the only thing I can find in the Documentation is exportToUIImage(). If not – any ideas for a workaround until such feature is implemented?

0 votes

If we set ClipMode.None we can pan infinitely to the uncharted space of left and right. this is fine.
But I want to do panning infinitely only to the left side. So I set ‘clipAtMax’. This is stop panning at right. But instead of panning infinity to the left, it is stretching the left part.
Any solution ?

0 votes

Hi, guys

I’m very sad because of you.

On my chart i’m added SCIZoomPanModifier with clip mode SCIClipMode_ClipAtExtents. And it well worked before i have updated lib to ‘’. Now it’s works the same way as SCIClipMode_StretchAtExtents. But i don’t want to zoom by scrolling at the edge of data.

Can you look at it and fix as soon as possible?

Best regards,
Sushynski Andrei

0 votes

I’m trying to add annotations on a chart but they are rendering above my legend.

Initially (similar to most of the demo code I’ve seen), I setup my modifiers, then created my series and animated them in — then added my annotations (adding to annotationGroup). This created a timeline of blank chart surface with legend (good so far), annotations popping in before the chart series animated in (weird / not good) and on TOP of the legend (really bad), then the animation of the series after that.

I’ve tried about everything I can think of and the best I’ve been able to do is use a completion block of the animation rendering the series — and moved my chart modifiers (and legend) into that completion block. If I put the annotations in the completion block, they will render after the chart modifier and I have the same problem (even if placed after the chart modifiers). I have to set the annotations before the animation, and then the chart modifier in the completion block will work and the legend will be above the . Of course, this is a bit odd too — as first my annotations pop up by themselves on the blank surface, followed by my series animating in, then at the end of the 2 second animation, the legend just pops in.

I really would like my legend to be rendered first on the blank surface and the annotations and chart series to animate in together under my legend. I’m gathering that’s unlikely (at least the animation part) — but is there anyway I can place my legend first and still have the annotations go under it? It feels like the layers should be: modifiers > annotations > rendered series. I also I’ve read this order before in some WPF docs I believe, but doesn’t seem to be respected on iOS?

UPDATE: My current work around isn’t sufficient because I really need access to the renderable series to create the annotations which means I really can’t defer my chart modifiers (i.e. legend) until after the annotations. Additionally, if I need to update (remove / re-add) an annotation due to a series being deactivated in the legend, now my annotations are on top of the legend again.

1 vote


is there a way to set the padding (aka reduce the gap) between bars in a SCIFastColumnRenderableSeries?

I attach a screenshot of my current situation: I would like to have zero margin between columns.

I tried searching in the knowledge base but all the answers I found seem to refer to APIs not available in the iOS SDK


There is not such class method in the iOS SDK called SciChartSurface.Padding

Thanks for your help

0 votes

Hi, guys

My x axis is SCICategoryDateTimeAxis and i’m want to draw grid line with custom period. Let’s say every four hours for data with a period of thirty minutes. What is the best way for that?

Can i redifined axis’s tickCoordinatesProvider?
Can you provide some example?
Or it only possible with axes annotations ?

Best regards,
Sushynski Andrei

0 votes
0 answers

Was created react-native-charts-sci wrapper for Scichart with the structure – [Screenshot _1]. And now need to publish this package to npm private repo, but Scichart.framework folder is vast (~100 MB) and its connect in current podspec file – [Screenshot_2] like a local directory:

spec.public_header_files = “ios/SciChart.frameworks/Headers/*”
spec.vendored_frameworks = “ios/SciChart.framework”

Need to connect Scichart.framework in wrapper library like subspec that it could be taken during the installation process from vendor’s podspec repo: The goal is to decrease of wrapper library folder size that would be possible to publish it to npm repo.

After adding Scichart.framework like subspec – [Screenshot_4] to podspec, get the errors after pod install – [Screenshot_3]:
– ERROR | [iOS] attributes: Can’t set version attribute for subspecs (in react-native-charts-sci/SciChart).
– ERROR | [iOS] attributes: Can’t set authors attribute for subspecs (in react-native-charts-sci/SciChart).
– ERROR | [iOS] attributes: Can’t set license attribute for subspecs (in react-native-charts-sci/SciChart).
– ERROR | [iOS] attributes: Can’t set homepage attribute for subspecs (in react-native-charts-sci/SciChart).
– ERROR | [iOS] attributes: Can’t set source attribute for subspecs (in react-native-charts-sci/SciChart).
– ERROR | [iOS] attributes: Can’t set summary attribute for subspecs (in react-native-charts-sci/SciChart).
– ERROR | [iOS] attributes: Can’t set documentation_url attribute for subspecs (in react-native-charts-sci/SciChart).

Can you tell me please is it possible to get Scichart.framework from vendor’s podspec repo: and connect it like a subspec in podspec file? Need to create LICENSE.txt with the licence and write the pass of it in podspec file? Can you provide some examples with the correct way to do it? Why get this errors? What’s wrong with the current framework connection?

0 votes


I am building an iOS framework that sits on top of SciChart for app developers within our company. I’d like to provide my own default SCIThemeColorProvider object for charts in my framework. Easiest way to do that is to include my own theme plist in my framework’s bundle, but I cannot currently do that (as of because the SCIThemeColorProvider initializer assumes it’s either in the “Charting.SciChart” bundle or the main bundle.

I’d like to propose modifying SCIThemeColorProvider to add another initializer that takes a bundle ID, like this:

 * Creates theme provider based on specified style
 * @param themeKey The key of style which should be used as base for this theme provider
 * @param bundleIdentifier The identifier of the bundle containing the theme plist identified by 
 *                         themeKey; if nil, the main bundle is used.
- (nullable instancetype)initWithThemeKey:(nonnull NSString*)themeKey bundleIdentifier:(nullable NSString*)bundleIdentifier;

The existing -initWithThemeKey: initializer would call through to this initializer with a nil bundle ID.

I have attached a patch file with this proposed change. Could this be added to an upcoming build?

0 votes

I need someone to develop this chart for me and I will provide a JSON, for the data.
Please go to time line 3:22

I have been struggling in the documentation and if someone can create this chart for me, I will be more than happy to pay you.

The chart would have to be created for Swift 4 please.


1 vote


Please take a look at the attached screenshot first.

I have a chart configured to draw real-time trading data. X axis type is DateTime. Y axis type is Float. I need to draw vertical expiration time line.

I tried to draw coordinate relative line annotation as follows:

var date: NSDate = NSDate()

let lineAnnotation = SCILineAnnotation()
lineAnnotation.xAxisId = self.axisXId
lineAnnotation.yAxisId = self.axisYId
lineAnnotation.coordMode = .SCIAnnotationCoord_RelativeX = SCIPenSolid(color: Style.Chart.ExpirationDateLine.Color, width: Style.Chart.ExpirationDateLine.Width
lineAnnotation.xStart = SCI_constructGenericTypeWithInfo(&date, .DateTime)
lineAnnotation.xEnd = SCI_constructGenericTypeWithInfo(&date, .DateT            

self.chartSurface.annotation = lineAnnotation

I tried to play with different coordMode values. Line does not appear. Could you help me with this task?

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