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0 votes

Hi everyone!

I have a candlestick chart that uses SCIZoomPanModifier() so i can zoom and pan in the chart. I added a SCITooltipModifier() so i can inspect the individual data points. I noticed that by adding the toolTipModifier, that my pan and zoom stops working. I can’t figure out why. Would really appreciate if someone could tell me why or if i am missing some variable i need to set

0 votes

I am using sci charts to show live graphs of some devices. While displaying a graph on IPhone X or iPhone 6s it sometimes lags and lines started overlapping. It’s working fine on devices iPhone XSMax, iPhone 11. I have attached a 3 screenshots. Once when graph starts lagging, 2nd when graph is in middle, 3 when graph completes. please have a look. It starts lagging and overlapping lines when a new graph starts and when it ends it shows a complete graph shown and then again same issue repeats. It also started working correctly after some time. I need information about this issue. How to fix it and why it’s happening like this…

1 vote


We found that the part of our project that uses scichart does not work correctly on iOS12, and then we tried to open a browser on iOS12 to the scichart javascript demo webpage, and found that it did not work.

What is the minimum iOS version supported by javscript scichart?

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0 answers

Was created react-native-charts-sci wrapper for Scichart with the structure – [Screenshot _1]. And now need to publish this package to npm private repo, but Scichart.framework folder is vast (~100 MB) and its connect in current podspec file – [Screenshot_2] like a local directory:

spec.public_header_files = “ios/SciChart.frameworks/Headers/*”
spec.vendored_frameworks = “ios/SciChart.framework”

Need to connect Scichart.framework in wrapper library like subspec that it could be taken during the installation process from vendor’s podspec repo: The goal is to decrease of wrapper library folder size that would be possible to publish it to npm repo.

After adding Scichart.framework like subspec – [Screenshot_4] to podspec, get the errors after pod install – [Screenshot_3]:
– ERROR | [iOS] attributes: Can’t set version attribute for subspecs (in react-native-charts-sci/SciChart).
– ERROR | [iOS] attributes: Can’t set authors attribute for subspecs (in react-native-charts-sci/SciChart).
– ERROR | [iOS] attributes: Can’t set license attribute for subspecs (in react-native-charts-sci/SciChart).
– ERROR | [iOS] attributes: Can’t set homepage attribute for subspecs (in react-native-charts-sci/SciChart).
– ERROR | [iOS] attributes: Can’t set source attribute for subspecs (in react-native-charts-sci/SciChart).
– ERROR | [iOS] attributes: Can’t set summary attribute for subspecs (in react-native-charts-sci/SciChart).
– ERROR | [iOS] attributes: Can’t set documentation_url attribute for subspecs (in react-native-charts-sci/SciChart).

Can you tell me please is it possible to get Scichart.framework from vendor’s podspec repo: and connect it like a subspec in podspec file? Need to create LICENSE.txt with the licence and write the pass of it in podspec file? Can you provide some examples with the correct way to do it? Why get this errors? What’s wrong with the current framework connection?

0 votes

I am planning to have a graph like in attached image. Just to have only X values and additional Label provider on it and an indication to point the value like black arrow.
Need your inputs. Thanks in advance.

0 votes

I am trying to zoom and pan the line graph in my macOS app the zoom is working but I am not able to pan through the zoomed graph its not at all scrolling and also I wanted to know how can I add click event on the graph so that I can display some more data on click at a particular coordinate apart from tooth. I have shared my view controller. I will really appreciate any help as I have spend a lot of time figure this out and have no clue where to go from here.

0 votes

Good day!
I need to determine the value of the visible graph y from the x value and the problem is that I can’t calculate the y value outside of the data I’m rendering
example data:
{ x:1, y: 10 },
{ x:5, y: -5 },
{ x: 9, y: 15}

I use SCISplineMountainRenderableSeries and I need to show the intersection of the graph at point 3.5
I need a point but I have only one coordinate value

how can i get this y value?

0 votes

Hi, guys

My x axis is SCICategoryDateTimeAxis class type. And it’s limited by VisiableRangeLimit like:

[xAxis setVisibleRangeLimit:[[SCIDoubleRange alloc] initWithMin:SCIGeneric(firstItem – (lastItem – priorItem))
Max:SCIGeneric(lastItem + (lastItem – priorItem))]];

Also for scrolling my content inside chart:

SCIZoomPanModifier * zpm = [[SCIZoomPanModifier alloc] init];
[zpm setModifierName:@"PanZoom Modifier"];
[zpm setClipModeX:SCIZoomPanClipMode_ClipAtExtents];

Like a description SCIZoomPanClipMode_ClipAtExtents says:
“forces the panning operation to stop suddenly at the extents of the data” – but it’s not working constantly.
Sometimes it’s allow to scroll outside the range. Like on the attached image.

So my question is how to limit scrolling by min and max value?

Best regards,
Sushynski Andrei

0 votes
0 answers

My purpose is SCIAxisLabelAnnotation draw above on border line.
like this <– this is just design guide. not a app screenshot.

But SCIAxisLabelAnnotation is can’t overlap renderable series area. So It can’t overlap renderable series area border line.

So I have to customize.
I think that If I add view into render surface, and it’s order make to zero, I can get TOBE result.

My code is below.

But SeparatorView is always on view’s top. So I’m struggling.
You can See result.
It’s covered all surface.

How can I insert some view below Y Axis or SCIAxisLabelAnnotation?

tl;dr I want customize annotation shape and it draw above on 1st top layer.

  • jay han asked 2 weeks ago
  • last active 2 weeks ago
0 votes
0 answers


I have a problem reading the position of the vertical line annotations. The function “getX1” returns type double (0 – 1) or date depending on whether the annotation has not changed its position. I found out from the documentation that the type returned depends on the coordinateMode. I set it to absolute. This change had no effect, unlike in library written in Java. Is it possible to set the default type? Can I ask for any guidance needed to solve the problem? The version of the library I am using is

Thanks in advance!

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