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0 votes

I am considering applying server-side licensing for my javerScript application.

In the document below, there is a phrase “Our server-side licensing component is written in C++.”

However, there is only sample code on the provided github.

I wonder if there is a sample code implemented in C++ for server-side licensing.

Can you provide c++ sample code?
Also, are there any examples to run on Ubuntu?

  • Marcel asked 11 years ago
  • last active 10 years ago
0 votes


Can I have multiple YAxis in SciStockChart?


0 votes


Can I use NumericAxis as XAxis with SciStockChart?


1 vote

I am considering applying server-side licensing for my javerScript application.

In the document below, there is a phrase “Our server-side licensing component is written in C++.”

However, there is only sample code on the provided github.

I wonder if there is a sample code implemented in C++ for server-side licensing.

Can you provide c++ sample code?
Also, are there any examples to run on Ubuntu?

0 votes


How can I capture an event (mouse event or something like that) in my ViewModel after zooming or panning the chart.


0 votes


We would like to use SciChart to show data from a binary file (up to 1 GB!).
What would you suggest as the best method for achieving this?



More details:
The binary file contains for example the following data: a1b1c1a2b2c2a3b3c3…
where a1 b1 c1 etc are double byte numbers.
In the chart we would like to show 3 series:
serie a: (1,a1) (2, a2) (3,a3) etc
serie b: (1,b1) (2, b2) (3,b3) etc
serie c: (1,c1) (2, c2) (3,c3) etc
Hope this is clear…

  • zoe asked 11 years ago
1 vote

I am considering applying server-side licensing for my javerScript application.

In the document below, there is a phrase “Our server-side licensing component is written in C++.”

However, there is only sample code on the provided github.

I wonder if there is a sample code implemented in C++ for server-side licensing.

Can you provide c++ sample code?
Also, are there any examples to run on Ubuntu?

  • zoe asked 11 years ago
0 votes

Hello all,

Is there an option of having different series, one below the other (like the EEG sample), but all of them with a common x-axis. Which means that zooming is common to all of them.
Also, I would like one cursor to run on all of them together, showing the values of all of them.

So in summary: I would like to have one chart, with many series, one below the other, having each one his y-axis (similar to the “quad left/right Y Axis” but with the charts one below the other like in the EEG sample)

Is this possible???

Thanks and have a very happy new year!!!!


  • zoe asked 11 years ago
0 votes

Hello all and happy new year,

Today I had a surprise that graph was showing no lines except dots of the cursor for the series line.
I initialize with SciChartSurface.SetLicenseKey(“key here”); I have tried to create the SciChartLicence.xml and this way works.

annex is the example project. just set a correct key and you will have that behaviour.

best regards

  • Marcel asked 11 years ago
  • last active 6 years ago
0 votes


I have a column chart with sparse data. There are about 3000 points (dollar and cent values, i.e. $40.04) spread out over $13900.

I would like to be able to set the columns to take up as much width as possible, but to never encroach on the space in any adjacent points.

For example, if I have a column at $40.04, I would like the column to be drawn in the area stretching from 40.035 -> 40.045 at maximum, so that any possible columns around it (i.e. possible values at 40.03 and 40.05) are never obscured.

Obviously when the chart is zoomed out to maximum limits, the columns will have basically no width, but thats acceptable, as long as when the user zooms in they get some width.

I’ve tried various permutations of the DataPointWidth property, and the only one that is usable is 0, which means the columns never get thicker, even as I zoom in and out (which is not ideal).

Is there any way to do what I want?

  • Todd asked 11 years ago
0 votes

Is there a way to guarantee a label at the minimum and maximum axis values?

The min of my data is 0, but I can’t seem to get an axis label to appear at 0. The same goes for the maximum value. This would be very helpful in framing the chart data.

  • Todd asked 11 years ago
1 vote


I am evaluating the possibility to use SciChart for our corporate project, and now trying to create a series using data binding, strict MVVM (no code in code behind). The data we have are provided as an ObservableCollection, and the series would need to use the property “SomeKey” for X-Axis value, and the property “SomeValue” for the Y-Axis. Is it possible to do this, and if yes, then how?

Best regards
Petr Osipov
Rohde & Schwarz

0 votes


I have exception
The argument “barTimeFrame”, value=0, must be greater than 0.

Whats is mean?


0 votes
0 answers

SciChart may be a newcomer to the WPF charting market, but is getting great reviews. Take a moment to read some of our testimonials here.

If you have a testimonial or would be willing to give your permission to use your client logo on our homepage, please post in this forum or contact us, we would be extremely grateful for the endorsement!

1 vote

Hi guys,

Yet another Overview question! I have my Overview directly beneath a SciChart. I basically need to do something similar to the SciChartGroup.VerticalChartGroup approach that allows two charts to share a width.

The problem is that the SciChartOverview is not a SciChartSurface so I cannot provide it with a VerticalChartGroup.

I have tried binding the SciChart to a Padding property with a customised Converter that attempts to determine the Padding of the chart as well as the width of the YAxes. The problem with this approach is three-fold:
1) The converter executes before the SciChart has any data and therefore before the YAxis has been given its final size, and
2) The converter won’t be told that the SciChart has raised a NotifiyPropertyChanged, so it will never be called again, and
3) Even after fully loading and rendering with data, the YAxes never have a Width property set (it is always NAN), and I can’t access the ActualWidth property from my code.

How would you recommend I achieve this goal?


  • bstapylton asked 11 years ago
  • last active 4 years ago
0 votes

When chart title is longer than available space, title string is cut from both the sides. Is it possible to set it to left aligned and/or wrap when title is longer that available space?

Please check the attached image.

In Image “Mass Calibration Check…” is displayed as “ss Calibration check…”

0 votes
0 answers

We are pleased to announce SciChart v1.5.5 Build 1888 has been released. This is an important maintenance update which includes many fixes and some features requested in December 2012 and January 2013.

As of today, you will be able to download v1.5.5.1888 on our Downloads page. If you are a source code customer you should have received an email with updated package details. If not, please contact us!

SciChart v1.5.5.1888 Release What’s New

New Features & Improvements

  • Improved FastBandRenderableSeries.HitTest to include upper line as well as lower
  • RolloverModifier now works properly with BandSeries
  • Added UnsortedDataSeries – a new series type to allow X-Data out of order. Does not currently support Hit-Testing, Rollover and requires ResamplingMode = None
  • Added StrokeThickness to all series, OHLC, Candlestick, Column now natively support StrokeThickness > 1
  • Added optional Checkboxes to LegendControl to enable showing/hiding of series. See ChartLegends example for demonstration
  • Added CustomRenderableSeries, to allow you to create your own series types
  • Added AxisBase.AnimatedVisibleRange to allow you to animate to a visible range via databinding

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed moving adorner point of HorizontalLineAnnotation close to Y-Axis caused it to dissappear
  • Fixed TextAnnotation difficult to get focus
  • Fixed TextAnnotation should focus inner textbox after create
  • Fixed HorizontalLineAnnotation dissappears on zooming
  • Fixed annotation becoming visible on redraw after calling Annotation.Hide()
  • Fixed rare condition where annotation drag markers lost focus during real-time updates
  • Fixed cannot deselect an annotation when ChartModifiers are used (as they steal focus)
  • Fixed AnnotationCreationModifier draws modifiers on N charts when used in a multi-pane chart


  • Fixed DataPointWidth = 1.0 still has gaps between columns in column chart
  • Fixed blurring for Candlesticks/OHLC when antialiasing is set to false. These chart types now obey AntiAliasing
  • Fixed TextFormatting getting shared across charts
  • Fixed RubberBandXyZoomModifier performs very slight zoom with ZoomExtentsY=false (it should leave YAxis alone)
  • Fixed regression bug – XyScatterRenderableSeries does not display first data point
  • Fixed Trade Markers zoom issue – line dissappears but markers remain when zooming
  • Fixed MouseWheelModifier doubles the zoom rate when MouseEventGroup used across charts
  • Fixed Cursor Labels do not update when mouse does not move but chart data changes
  • Fixed SciChartGroup resizing issue
  • Fixed Axis gridlines/text labels flickering intermittently when zooming or panning
  • Fixed gridlines flicker when SciChartSurface.RenderPriority=Low was used only under .NET4.5


  • Fixed intermittent IndexOutOfRangeException when using RolloverModifier in a real-time example
  • Fixed DataSeries.FindIndex bug condition when there is only one data-point in the series
  • Fixed ZoomExtents crashing when DataSet == null
  • Fixed extensive zooming leads to memory corruption crash
  • Fixed extremely high memory usage in RealTimePerformanceDemo
    • Related: Fixed examples suite showing wrong example when clicking from homepage
  • Fixed examples suite bug where IExampleAware.OnExampleExit was not called on any example with a viewmodel (so timers were not stopped etc)
  • Fixed rare race condition where XAxis.VisibleRange bindings didn’t update in some circumstances
  • Fixed race condition where chart wouldn’t update if you had a SciChartSurface.SeriesSource binding and the chart unloaded/loaded (e.g. when garbage collected in a tab control)


  • Fixed OverviewControl doesn’t autorange in Y-Axis when appending data to parent surface dataSeriesSet
  • Fixed OverviewControl dragging outside centre reticule induces blinking
  • Fixed OverviewControl central area dragging sensitive to zoom


  • Fixed Vs2012 designer reporting “Invalid License” when license is valid at runtime
  • Fixed trial license reporting invalid when compiling as x86 or x64 (not Any CPU)
  • Fixed issue where trial key extensions sometimes expired prematurely
  • Fixed license key parsing fails when Azerbaijani latin regional setting used

Examples and Tutorials

  • Updated Oscilloscope example to be realtime, have unsorted examples (e.g. Lissajous Plot, Fourier Series)
  • Oscilloscope and ECG examples both use AxisBase.AnimateVisibleRange property
  • Examples suite now displays version number, expiry date of license
  • Added new Tutorial – Synchronizing Mouse across Multi Pane Charts
  • 0 votes

    Hello again,

    I’m trying to see how I can create digital waveforms (AKA square waveforms). I hope you know what I mean.
    For example, if I have two points (1,0) and (2, 1), then I want the chart to be steady 0, until it gets to 2 where it goes straight up to 1.
    Right now, the way I achieved it, is adding dummy points. In above example I added (1,0)(2,0) (2,1). This will double the number of points. And since we are already dealing with large amounts of data, this is not such a good solution for us. Is there any chart, or any settings on a chart that I can set to obtain this digital waveform?



    • zoe asked 11 years ago
    0 votes


    i have a problem with chart redrawing after the appending of new data. If i understand it correctly, charts update automatically after calling Append. However, if i add single pairs or arrays of data, that does not happen.

    To reproduce this, just alter the SciChart WPF example. In LineChartExampleView.xaml.cs, i replaced

    var data = DataManager.Instance.GetFourierSeries(1.0, 0.1);
    // Append data to series. SciChart automatically redraws
    series.Append(data.XData, data.YData);
    double[] x = new double[100];
    double[] y = new double[100];
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
        x[i] = i;
        y[i] = i;
    series.Append(x, y);  

    The result after starting the demo and clicking “Create a basic chart” -> “Line chart” can be seen in attachment 1. It requires a left doubleclick to make all the data visible (attachment 2). Why does the chart not rescale and redraw automatically?

    Thank you,


    0 votes


    it would be fantastic to be able to select the series visualized in the overview control. If i understood correctly, it’s always the first serie that is shown currently.

    I added a screenshot, where 2 overviews are used. Both are based on the same first series (Curve 1). To be able to select another curve for overview 2 would be awesome.

    Thank’s a lot!


    0 votes

    If there a way to bind series color/thickness to a custom control so the line color and thickness changes dynamically when user select a different color/thickness? I will need use this with the MVVM dataseries API.

    4 votes


    I added VerticalLineAnnotation to my SciChartSurface with multiple FastLineRenderableSeries. This is working fine, but I can’t figure out how to show the corresponding Y values at side of vertical line. (Each Dataserie has its own YAxes.)

    I Found a place in VerticalLineAnnotations template, where I can insert a stackpanel or something to show the values, but I don’t know how to make the data binding work.

    I want to do something like in the attached picture.

    Best Regards,

    1 vote


    is it possible to display the series name of the series used for the overview chart? In this special case, i have a chart containing many series and it should be configurable which one is selected for the overview chart. The problem is, on the overview chart it is not easily visible which series is displayed, especially if zoomed in.

    My last-resort solution would be to place the name of the series over the overview chart manually, but maybe you know a more elegant solution


    0 votes


    I have real time linear chart. How can I move my chart in backwards from my starting position and shows historical data(I want to add historical data in my chart data series)?


    0 votes

    Hello there!

    How can i remove or change chart indentation?

    0 votes


    How can I check, that chart is zoomed or paned?


    3 votes

    I am considering applying server-side licensing for my javerScript application.

    In the document below, there is a phrase “Our server-side licensing component is written in C++.”

    However, there is only sample code on the provided github.

    I wonder if there is a sample code implemented in C++ for server-side licensing.

    Can you provide c++ sample code?
    Also, are there any examples to run on Ubuntu?

    • bstapylton asked 11 years ago
    • last active 9 years ago
    0 votes

    I am considering applying server-side licensing for my javerScript application.

    In the document below, there is a phrase “Our server-side licensing component is written in C++.”

    However, there is only sample code on the provided github.

    I wonder if there is a sample code implemented in C++ for server-side licensing.

    Can you provide c++ sample code?
    Also, are there any examples to run on Ubuntu?

    0 votes

    Is it possible to move the xaxis to the top of the chart instead of the bottom

    0 votes


    Can I write SciStockChart with DateTimeAxis like:

            <s:SciStockChart SeriesSource="{Binding ChartManager.ChartData, 
                             YAxes="{Binding ChartManager.YAxes}"
                    <s:DateTimeAxis DrawMinorTicks="True" 
                                    VisibleRange="{Binding ChartManager.XVisibleRange, 

    because I have exeption “Axis type DateTimeAxis requires that DataRange and VisibleRange is of type Abt.Controls.SciChart.DateRange”. The XVisibleRange is a IRange type.


    0 votes

    When I have both the RubberBandXyZoomModifer & RolloverModifer enabled I cannot see the grey selection area of the Rubberband modifer although it still works, is this normal?

    0 votes


    is it possible to keep the Y axis unchanged with ZoomPanModifier (XyDirection=”XDirection”) and ZoomExtentsModifier?

    The RubberBandXyZoomModifier allows this by setting ZoomExtentsY to “False”, but i don’t know how to do this for ZoomPanModifier and ZoomExtentsModifier.


    0 votes

    I am considering applying server-side licensing for my javerScript application.

    In the document below, there is a phrase “Our server-side licensing component is written in C++.”

    However, there is only sample code on the provided github.

    I wonder if there is a sample code implemented in C++ for server-side licensing.

    Can you provide c++ sample code?
    Also, are there any examples to run on Ubuntu?

    0 votes

    Hi folks,

    I need to recalculate a number of annotations after a rubberband zoom operation has occurred. I tried handling the chart’s Rendered() event, but this seems to happen too often.

    I saw something in the documentation about subscribing to sciChartSurface.Services.GetService, but I’m not sure where or how to do this.

    What’s the best way to detect zoom operations? (Ideally this would detect explicit setting of the axis visible ranges too, but since I trigger those manually I can call my routine manually there if necessary.)


    0 votes

    Hello guys,

    Do series have some property of it renderable type?
    I founded in ‘AddRemoveSeries’ example this line

    // dataSeries.RenderAs = new LineSeries() { SeriesColor = DataManager.Instance.GetRandomColor() };

    Or can you tell how can i add/remove/change series and its renderable style dinamically ?

    Im using this code to replace series

    void Create (OhlcDataSeries<DateTime, double> ser, SeriesType s …)
    var renderseries = new FastCandlestickRenderableSeries { };
    ChartData.Add (ser);

    void Replace (OhlcDataSeries<DateTime, double> ser, …)
    int k = GetIndex ();

     ChartControl.RenderableSeries.RemoveAt (k);
     Create (ser, type ..);


    Is it right way? looks like pornography
    I think there will be some problems with overview
    we got 2 series (price(candles) and ema (line)) overview shows price chart and after we change price series type to line, overview will show ema series, not price

    0 votes

    Hello again

    Now, im trying to make AnnotationCreationModifier without xaml, but i cant find any event like ‘AnnotationCreated’ and couldnt find any topics/tutorials how to create it without using xaml

    0 votes


    We have a user story that requires multiple trend lines (around 16) each having different Y axes on a single chart (the data from each set is significantly different in magnitude but the X’s are common)

    The multiple Y-axis capability of SciChart would be perfect but 16 axes just takes up too much space from the chart.

    Unfortunately Log Y is not acceptable either.

    We had one idea – see sketch attached where just the axis min and max for each trend are shown at the bottom/top of a single Y axis – but I would greatly appreciate any comments, thoughts or ideas about how this might be displayed as our one is less than optimal (i.e. it sucks)

    Thanks and Kind Regards


    0 votes

    Hi all,

    In my chart I have ZoomPanModifier. I should load historical data, when user dragged the chart backwards.

    1. How can I catch event when chart drag is completed?
    2. Is there any easy way to fill the gaps in the data series? (the gaps are defined in the series as “”)

    Best regards,

    0 votes


    I’m trying to set the text format for a date time axis without success, the labels always show time only like hh:mm, no matter what is the textformat string or the zoom level.
    Tried with “dd-MMM-yyy hh:mm”, “dd-MMM”, “g”.

    Appreciate you help on this.

    0 votes

    Why are you using .NET System namespaces in your product?

    There are namespaces such as System.Diagnostics (and StopWatch class) in the scichart.dll.

    This is not “friendly”.

    • ghs asked 11 years ago
    0 votes


    I’m using the MVVM pattern with my _chartSeries declared as:
    ObjectModel.ObservableCollection(Of IChartSeriesViewModel)

    What’s the recommended way to update (not append) data values in one of the data series?

    I tried looking for something like _chartSeries]0].DataSeries.Update but couldn’t find anything.


    • yefchak asked 11 years ago
    • last active 9 years ago
    0 votes

    I have a very strange problem. When starting my application with referenced SciChart DLL in “Release” mode all works fine.

    If I start in DEBUG (Any CPU) mode, I get an error when loading the DLL’s and the application crashes:
    “‘SeverVisual.exe’ (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded ‘p:\Projects_ITS\project_sever\SeverVisual\bin\Debug\Abt.Controls.SciChart.Wpf.dll’
    First-chance exception at 0x7550b9bc in SeverVisual.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: EEFileLoadException at memory location 0x00148e74..
    ‘SeverVisual.exe’ (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded ‘Abt.Controls.SciChart.Wpf&’
    First-chance exception at 0x7550b9bc in SeverVisual.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: EEFileLoadException at memory location 0x0014ab60..”

    In Debugx86 the error message also appears in the output window, but the application can start.

    Thanks for help!

    2 votes


    Now that I’m binding to a SeriesSource instead of creating my RenderableSeries in XAML, I don’t know how to apply a RolloverMarkerTemplate.

    In XAML I had the following:

                            <SciChart:FastLineRenderableSeries SeriesColor="Blue">
                                    <Style TargetType="{x:Type SciChart:FastLineRenderableSeries}">
                                        <Setter Property="RolloverMarkerTemplate">
                                                    <Ellipse Width="7" Height="7" Fill="SlateGray" Stroke="SlateGray" StrokeThickness="1" />

    But now I do something like this:

        _chartSeries.Add(New ChartSeriesViewModel(rawSeries, New FastLineRenderableSeries()))
                With _chartSeries(0).RenderSeries
                    .SeriesColor = Colors.Blue
                End With

    I’m able to set the SeriesColor = Colors.Blue in code, but I don’t know how to generate the RolloverMarkerTemplate to control other features such as the ellipse shape.


    0 votes

    I’m wondering, if there any chance to hide or change the font size of XAxis label numbers.

    • Amir asked 11 years ago
    0 votes

    Hi all,

    I’m inserting some data into my data series and the chart shows it incorrect(see Before.jpg) . After that, when I zoom out my chart by mouse wheel, the chart shows correct (see attachment After.jpg).

    Best Regards,

    0 votes
    0 answers

    Happy 1st Birthday SciChart!

    Happy birthday SciChart! Just under a year ago, the first production version of SciChart went live. This was a really simplistic version which included our pioneering raster/vector Line, Candlestick, Mountain and Column Charts, few interactivity modifiers, and used only a category axis for X-data. Since then we’ve come a long way!

    We want to thank all our customers who have supported us in year one. We aim to repay you by continuing to develop our High Performance WPF & Silverlight Charting component and by delivering the outstanding service & support that you’ve come to expect.

    Roadmap for SciChart v2.0

    We’ve announced our Project Roadmap for SciChart v2.0 in the first half of 2013. We invite you to take a look and add your comments & suggestions!

    0 votes

    is it possible to draw annotations beneath the renderable series?

    1 vote

    Does SciChart support null values in series data?

    I want to do something like:

    var dataSet = new DataSeriesSet<DateTime, double?>();
    var dataSeries = dataSet.AddSeries<OhlcDataSeries<DateTime, double?>>

    More specifically, sometimes I want to ignore values, and sometimes the data itself is missing.

    • rr asked 11 years ago
    • last active 8 years ago
    0 votes

    I am currently evaluating SciChart for use on a trading desk which trades 30 plus markets. Our existing chart is able to view years of historical data – the data is prepended on demand as users request more history. While we can probably limit the amount of historical data to load at startup we would like to preserve that functionality.

    Using the append method seems to work as advertised but how would I prepend data. The Insert with an index seems slow when prepending many bars in the OhlcDataSeries.

    0 votes
    0 answers

    We are pleased to announce SciChart v1.5.6 Build 1991 has been released. This is an important maintenance update which includes many fixes for bugs reported on our forums in January 2013 and February 2013.

    As of today, you will be able to download v1.5.6.1991 on our Downloads page. If you are a source code customer you will receive an email with updated package detail shortly.

    SciChart v1.5 Features

    If you’re new to SciChart and want a quick walk through of the features in v1.5, please take a look at the videos Introduction to SciChart and SciChart v1.5 Launch – New Features.

    SciChart v1.5.6.1991 Release What’s New (12th Feb 2013)

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed crash when data with NumericAxis is switched from Linear to Logarithmic when data has both positive & negative values
    • Fixed VerticalLineAnnotation templating issues
    • Fixed Annotation coordinate / X-label issues when used with DateTimeAxis
    • Fixed Overview control cannot scroll to edges when moving mouse quickly
    • Fixed memory leak associated with DefaultLabelFormatter issues on Axis
    • Fixed annotation placement is incorrect when left-axis is used
    • Fixed ZoomPanModifier in Quad-Axis example (or when left-axis used) did not pan on left part of the chart
    • Fixed SciChartOverview does not update X-Range when changing dataset for shorter data
    • Fixed NullPointerException when hit-testing a hidden series
    • Fixed XyScatterSeries does not update after setting Min and Max of DoubleRange so no data is on the chart
    • Fixed Annotation X-Coordinate is rounded up to next candle when used on CategoryDateTimeAxis
    • Fixed Exception when trying to add new dataseries to a SciChartGroup if Theme was changed
    • Fixed FastMountainRenderableSeries handling of double.NaN, now correctly shows line to zero when NaN’s used
    • Fixed Synchronize Multi-Chart issue – bottom chart doesn’t pan when rollover is used
    • Fixed ZoomPanModifier and CursorModifier bug in Sync Multi-Chart Mouse example when Axis is on the left
    • Fixed Y-Axis Drag triggers RubberBandZoom in Sync Multi-Chart Mouse example
    • Fixed a bug in Modify Axis Properties example
    • Fixed RolloverModifier with IsDigitalLine == true does not match up with UseInterpolation
    • Fixed RolloverModifier dissappears when outside of data-range.
    • Fixed Column Series with DataPointWidth = 1.0 has gap after the first column
    • Fixed Rollover tooltip gets stuck in position when chart zooms
    • Fixed OHLC bars sometimes the open wick is shorter than close
    • Fixed Changing theme with annotations causes exceptions
    • Fixed Flicker in Axis Legend Checkboxes when manipulating chart (e.g. in Quad Left/Right YAxis Example)
    • Fixed YAxis doesn’t align ticks to left or right when MinWidth or Width is specified
    • Fixed SciChartGroup panes have small padding for child chart panes
    • Fixed LineAnnotation can get focused by keyboard causing dotted line around annotations
    • Fixed HorizontalLineAnnotation.LabelPlacement doesnt work when annotation is added dynamically from code
    • Fixed Exception when adding new DataSeries inside SciChartGroup if Theme was changed

    Known Issues

    • VS2012 Designer shows Trial expired even when a license key is applied.
      Workaround is to apply the license using the SciChartLicense.xml file (not using SciChartSurface.SetLicenseKey())
      and ensure AnyCPU or x86 are used (not x64)
    • Logarithmic Axis doesn’t play well with ZoomPanModifier and MouseWheelModifier. To rectify this we are re-working the Logarithmic Axis for SciChart v2.0
    • AxisBase.AutoTicks = false causes a crash unless AxisBase.MajorDelta and AxisBase.MinorDelta are set
    Showing 101 - 150 of 4k results