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Tag: VisualXcceleratorEngine

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0 votes

Hi, i had download the Scichart v6 Trial version. I am trying to enable the Visual Xccelerator Engine. I do it following the tutorial as below:

<s:SciChartSurface s:VisualXcceleratorEngine.IsEnabled=”True”
s:VisualXcceleratorEngine.FallbackType=”{x:Type s:HighQualityRenderSurface}”

But when i check with (RealTimeGraph.RenderSurface.GetType() == typeof(VisualXcceleratorRenderSurface)), it show that i am fail to turn on the Visual Xccelerator Engine.

Attach is my DirectX window.
Kindly advise

  • mian ooi asked 3 years ago
  • last active 3 years ago
1 vote

Hello SciChart Team,

We are using SciChart v6.1.1.13156 since about a year in our main software that is used by customers worldwide.
The SciChartSurface-Style that all charts use is configured to use the VisualXcceleratorEngine (in DirectX9 mode, as some customers had problems with invisible charts on specific older intel graphics chipsets).

In the last weeks we had several inqiuiries from customers (from Japan, Korea), that the charts in their software do not update when adding new values, the chart is only updated when minimizing and then showing the window again. Another issue was that the X-Axis was updated fluently but the chart (line-chart) only very irregularly (about 2-3 times in a 30sec measurement which provides a value every 20msec). All of these customers use new laptops with 11th generation Intel CPUs. One of these had an Nvidia-graphics card installed an when forcing to use it with our software the charts worked perfectly.

We added an option in our software to Enable Software Rendering (Highspeed Renderer) to increase compatibility when having the above mentioned issues as we thought that it has to do with the VisualXcceleratorEngine, but this did not change anything unfortunately.

We want (and have) to solve this problem as this breaks the functionality of our software with some of our biggest customers.

Best regards,
Oliver from Cologne Germany

0 votes


we updated to version 6.3 and since then the VisualXcceleratorEngine is no longer used. The fallback type ‘HighQualityRenderSurface’ is always used. What about the auto-select feature for the best GPU?

This is the code we use to check whether DirectX is used:

using (var sciChartSurface = new SciChartSurface())
    sciChartSurface.OnRenderException += OnSciChartRenderException;

    VisualXcceleratorEngine.SetIsEnabled(sciChartSurface, true);
    VisualXcceleratorEngine.SetFallbackType(sciChartSurface, typeof(HighQualityRenderSurface));
    VisualXcceleratorEngine.SetDowngradeWithoutException(sciChartSurface, false);
    VisualXcceleratorEngine.SetEnableImpossibleMode(sciChartSurface, true);

    if (sciChartSurface.RenderSurface.GetType() == typeof(VisualXcceleratorRenderSurface))
        // DirectX is enabled!
        retval = true;
        // Restart 2D engine with D3D9   

        // For 3D Charts only: Restart 3D engine with D3D9
        //Viewport3D.Restart3DEngineWith(DirectXMode.DirectX9c, FullScreenAntiAliasingMode.None, true);

        VisualXcceleratorEngine.SetIsEnabled(sciChartSurface, true);
        VisualXcceleratorEngine.SetFallbackType(sciChartSurface, typeof(HighQualityRenderSurface));
        VisualXcceleratorEngine.SetDowngradeWithoutException(sciChartSurface, false);
        VisualXcceleratorEngine.SetEnableImpossibleMode(sciChartSurface, true);

        if (sciChartSurface.RenderSurface.GetType() == typeof(VisualXcceleratorRenderSurface))
            // DirectX is enabled!
            retval = true;

    sciChartSurface.OnRenderException -= OnSciChartRenderException;

What can I do?


  • Tobias asked 3 years ago
  • last active 3 years ago
0 votes

Hi, how do I disable Visual Xccelerator Engine for SciChart3DSurface?
I tried with the following code

<s3D:SciChart3DSurface x:Name="View3D"  s:VisualXcceleratorEngine.IsEnabled="False"/>

But it gives compilation error:

Property ‘IsEnabled’ is not attachable to elements of type ‘SciChart3DSurface’.

So how do I generally enable/disable Visual Xccelerator Engine for SciChart3DSurface?

0 votes

If an app generates multiple SciChartSurfaces, what happens when VisualXcceleratorEngine is enabled on one of them? Do other surfaces switch to the VisualXcceleratorEngine or remain in the software mode?

  • corvex asked 4 years ago
  • last active 4 years ago
0 votes

Hi SciChart-Team,

I’m currently rewrite one of our applications and move this from the leagacy .NET Framework to .NET Core.
I also replace the old SciChart.DirectX package and the DirectX Renderer plugin with the new VisualXcceleratorEngine witch is also based on DirectX.

In one chart we display a Order Spectrum as a heatmap (FastUniformHeatmapRenderableSeries) with linearly interpolated color between the cells. Thefore we activate the property UseLinearTextureFiltering.

But with the new VisualXcceleratorEngine is there no linearly interpolated color between the cells. Is this feature only available for the old DirectX Renderer plugin??


0 votes

This issue was reported on support tickets by a customer, and we are duplicating here for the community.

Our application use SciChart, it runs normal on most of PCs, but there is one PC which runs the application threw an exception, please see below log info.

2020-07-03 08:08:21,091 [1]-[OnUnhandledException] ERROR Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. —> System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: Set property ‘SciChart.Charting.VisualXcceleratorEngine.IsEnabled’ threw an exception. —> System.Exception: Your GPU is blacklisted for use by the Visual Xccelerator Engine! There are several reasons why a GPU could belong to the blacklist. For example, low computation capabilities of the GPU could cause Timeout Detection and Recovery of Graphics Adapter Drivers by the OS, resulting in crashing the application. at SciChart.Charting.VisualXcceleratorEngine.ivc(DependencyObject t, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs u) at System.Windows.DependencyObject.OnPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)

what should I do? how to resolve this issue?

0 votes

On a small PC with only Intel HD Graphics 4600 the DirectX rendering is not supported by SciChart. Thats fine but it should use the fallback render surface.

  RenderPriority ="Low"
  s:VisualXcceleratorEngine.FallbackType="{x:Type s:HighQualityRenderSurface}"

I got this exception:

    System.Exception: Your GPU is blacklisted for use by the Visual Xccelerator Engine! There are several reasons why a GPU could belong to the blacklist. For example, low computation capabilities of the GPU could cause Timeout Detection and Recovery of Graphics Adapter Drivers by the OS, resulting in crashing the application.
   at SciChart.Charting.VisualXcceleratorEngine.ivc(DependencyObject t, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs u)
   at System.Windows.DependencyObject.OnPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.FrameworkElement.OnPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.DependencyObject.NotifyPropertyChange(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
   at System.Windows.DependencyObject.UpdateEffectiveValue(EntryIndex entryIndex, DependencyProperty dp, PropertyMetadata metadata, EffectiveValueEntry oldEntry, EffectiveValueEntry& newEntry, Boolean coerceWithDeferredReference, Boolean coerceWithCurrentValue, OperationType operationType)
   at System.Windows.DependencyObject.SetValueCommon(DependencyProperty dp, Object value, PropertyMetadata metadata, Boolean coerceWithDeferredReference, Boolean coerceWithCurrentValue, OperationType operationType, Boolean isInternal)
   at System.Windows.DependencyObject.SetValue(DependencyProperty dp, Object value)

But it should use HighQualityRenderSurface without any exception.

  • Tobias asked 4 years ago
  • last active 4 years ago
0 votes

I am evaluating Scichart for high speed real time application. According to ‘Performance tips and tricks’, I enabled VisualXcceleratorEngine in my ScichartSurface. My application was working pretty well when I was using Scichart version 6.0. But when I upgraded it to Scichart version 6.1, my application was crashed every time I run it. I have to disable DirectX engine to run my application.

It seems there is a problem with this file:

Any thought here?

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