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0 votes

Someone recently asked the question on priority support tickets

Q: How do I have two YAxis on the left and right of the chart but with
the same VisibleRange?

e.g. how to mirror the YAxis on both sides of the chart

We are replicating the answer below for benefit of our userbase:

1 vote

I wonder how I can disable the x-Axis from automatically re-scaling when panning a series beyond the available data range? The only time when axes scales change should be when I modify the axes scales via mouse on the respective axis itself. But when I pan a series I do not want any changes in axes scale to occur. How can I accomplish that? Thanks

  • bbmat asked 9 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
0 votes


i’d like to style my major and minor grid lines so that they are not visible over the whole width of the chart but only in the center.
I tried to asign them a LinearGradientBrush, but that did not show the Gridline at all, clipping did not change anything on the visual appearance of the Gridlines. Are these stylings not supported for grid lines?

My styling of grid lines and axes look as the following:

<Setter Property="MajorGridLineStyle">
        <Style TargetType="{x:Type Line}">
            <Setter Property="Stroke" Value="DarkRed" />
            <Setter Property="StrokeThickness" Value="1" />
<Setter Property="MinorGridLineStyle">
        <Style TargetType="{x:Type Line}">
            <Setter Property="Stroke" Value="Gray" />
            <Setter Property="StrokeThickness" Value="1" />
            <s:NumericAxis VisibleRange="{Binding ScaleBarRange}"
                           Style="{StaticResource ScaleStyle}">
            <s:NumericAxis Visibility="Collapsed"
                           DrawMajorGridLines="False" />

I attached an image that shows approximately how i’d like it to be and i already have a workaround using two surfaces overlayed over each other, but that one i’d really like to get rid of.
I’d be thankful for a hint that allows me to individually crop/clip grid lines.


1 vote

I am trying to get a right charting control for my boss , excuse me if am not using the right terms I am new to both WPF and SciCharts. Based on this example;component/Examples/IWantTo/InspectDatapoints/SeriesVerticalSlicesExample.xaml , I am having the following difficulties:

  1. Changing label background color of a VerticalLineAnnotation ( the one in blue lying below the X axis in the example)
    I have been trying to figure out how to change the Vertical Slices’ labels background color (or make the label’s box transparent in order to see only the labels’ values and not the color around the label) but am not gettting a way out.

  2. Position the Curve – ‘Vertical slice’ intersection point y-axis value at the top end of the slice ( from the example, assuming i have only one curve say Curve A, the label ‘Curve A : 0.69’ shouldn’t appear right at the point of intersection between the curve and the slice but at the top end of the slice)

Would someone help please. Thank you in advance.

1 vote


Out team have several question about the framework:

  1. Is there a way to make SCIChartSurfaceView background transparent so that the user could see underlying views? We tried using background brush of clear color on SCIChartSurface and making SCIChartSurfaceView backgroundColor transparent but no avail.

  2. Is it possible to add translate/rotate/scale animation to markers/annotations from code?

  3. When using gradient brush with mountain renderable series we found a strange visual artifact (“Gradient artifact” image). Is there a way to fix it?

Best regards,

1 vote

I have a case where there can be hundreds or even thousands of potential series on the surface.
When I use the LegendModifier, I only see the first 20 or so series.
What would it take to display a scrollbar so that the user can see all available series?

  • dwoerner asked 10 years ago
  • last active 10 years ago
0 votes

Hi folks,

I need to recalculate a number of annotations after a rubberband zoom operation has occurred. I tried handling the chart’s Rendered() event, but this seems to happen too often.

I saw something in the documentation about subscribing to sciChartSurface.Services.GetService, but I’m not sure where or how to do this.

What’s the best way to detect zoom operations? (Ideally this would detect explicit setting of the axis visible ranges too, but since I trigger those manually I can call my routine manually there if necessary.)


1 vote

In your custom overview example the width of the grid column used as padding is linked to the width of the y axis.

            <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
            <!--  Hosts overview control  -->
            <ColumnDefinition Width="{Binding ActualWidthValue, ElementName=proxy, Mode=OneWay, Converter={StaticResource DoubleToGridLengthConverter}}" />
            <!--  Used to bind to parent surface YAxis  -->

        <!-- This class is in the Examples Source Code, under your install directory -->
        <helpers:ActualSizePropertyProxy x:Name="proxy" Element="{Binding ElementName=MainChartSurface, Path=YAxis}" />

What do you use for the Path if you have multiple y axes. I have tried objects like AxisAreaLeft with no success.

1 vote

I have the requirement of using a line series, but not displaying certain data points in the series (essentially breaking the line between points).

Do you have any recommendations on how to do this?


  • morseja asked 9 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
1 vote


I’m using the following code to create a text annotation:

private void AddLabel(DateTime StartTime, DateTime EndTime, string label)
    TextAnnotation text = new TextAnnotation();
    text.YAxisId = "LeftAxis";
    text.HorizontalContentAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
    text.Text = label;
    text.CoordinateMode = AnnotationCoordinateMode.RelativeY;
    text.X1 = StartTime;
    text.X2 = EndTime;
    text.Y1 = .05;
    text.Y2 = 0;
    text.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
    text.TextStretch = Stretch.UniformToFill;
    text.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80));
    text.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xC0, 0xD0, 0xD0, 0xD0));
    text.BorderThickness = new Thickness(2);

Unfortunately the text doesn’t scale like I want it to though. The size of the text stays the same even when the chart is small, making the height greater than .05. Is there a way to make the text get smaller as the chart is shrunk so that it stays within the .05 Y boundary?

I attached 2 images to illustrate the issue.


1 vote

I need normal (not categorical) x-axes and hence need the SciChartSurface rather than SciStockChart but SciChartSurface does not seem to have the property “IsXAxisVisible” and a number rather vital properties. How can I create a multi pane chart group where I can use SciChartSurface and still retain the ability of, for example, a shared x-Axis?


  • bbmat asked 9 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
1 vote

I have a chart that I would like the Y Axis to start at zero but the max size automatically since I don’t know the extent of the values that will be added. How do I do this?

  • kelias asked 11 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
1 vote


I am evaluating the SciChart control – so far it looks very promising.

I have a FastHeatMapRenderableSeries that is analyzed and a FastLineRenderableSeries line is drawn through the chart.

The user needs to be able to correct the analysis, and this is done by “drawing” in the heatmap.

As far as I could tell, the ChartModifierBase gives med the necessary hooks to track the user’s mouse movements – but I would like to give some visual feedback by changing the cursor, for instance to Cursors.Pen (Cursors from the Microsoft namespace)

Is this possible? I would want to enable drawing when user presses Ctrl, the disable it when user releases Ctrl…

0 votes

I’m using a number of modifiers to allow the user to pan and zoom, including a ZoomExtentsModifier so the user can double-click to “reset” the chart back to its initial layout. However it seems to ignore the VisibleRanges I’ve got on the axes. How can I get it to honour these?

Here is an example of one of my axes, just in case one of its attributes is preventing the modifier from working properly:-

<SciChart:NumericAxis AxisAlignment="Left" AutoRange="False" DrawMajorTicks="False" DrawMinorTicks="False" VisibleRange="{Binding YAxisRange, Mode=TwoWay}" DrawMinorGridLines="False" DrawLabels="True" AxisTitle="Foo"/>

(I seem to remember being told a while ago that the VisibleRange binding must be TwoWay otherwise it won’t work. Is that correct?)

Thanks in advance

  • andyste1 asked 11 years ago
  • last active 4 years ago
0 votes

I am directly editing my XyDataSeries on a chart by using my mouse. As the mouse moves I edit either the x or y value of a point using the methods

    public void SetPointYValueAt(IDataSeries series, int index, double newValue)
        series.YValues[index] = newValue;

    public void SetPointXValueAt(IDataSeries series, int index, double newValue, double xMin, double xMax)
        var xValue = newValue;

        // limit x values to keep them sorted
        if (xValue < xMin) xValue = xMin;
        if (xValue > xMax) xValue = xMax;
        series.XValues[index] = xValue;


With this code I am not getting an update at my ViewModel:

    public IDataSeries<double, double> MyDataSeries
        get { return _myDataSeries; }
            _myDataSeries = value;

Here is my XAML:

            <sciChartExtensions:StepLineRenderableSeries x:Name="HResitivitySeries" IsDigitalLine="True" DataSeries="{Binding MyDataSeries, Mode=TwoWay}">

Where StepLineRenderableSeries is derived from FastLineRenderableSeries with IsDigitalLine = true and the HitTest method overridden.

How can I get MyDataSeries to update?

0 votes

My problem is that I’m setting VisibleRange of the DateTimeAxis dynamicaly. Can i use staticly declared GrowBy property to add offsets to current Min and Max values?

1 vote

I am using the MVVM pattern.

I trying to manage the number of YAxes in my chart in a dynamic manner by binding the YAxes in the chart to a collection so that each time I add a new line series that line series gets its own axis.

When I do this I am getting a null reference expection.
If I hard code the YAxes or YAxis my chart loads.

Here is the xaml:

<SciChart:SciChartSurface x:Name="historicalChart" 
    RenderableSeries="{Binding HistoricalRenderableSeries, Mode=TwoWay}"
    YAxes="{Binding ChartYAxes, Mode=TwoWay}"

Here is the ViewModel

I tried both an ObservableCollection and a AxisCollection in my view model.

private ObservableCollection<NumericAxis> _chartYAxes = new ObservableCollection<NumericAxis>();
public ObservableCollection<NumericAxis> ChartYAxes
  get { return _chartYAxes; }
    _chartYAxes = value;

private AxisCollection _chartYAxes = new AxisCollection();
public AxisCollection ChartYAxes
  get { return _chartYAxes; }
    _chartYAxes = value;

Can anyone suggest a way to manage a variable number of YAxes in a chart?

  • sdemooy asked 12 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
1 vote

Right now i’m using trial version but i’m looking forward to buy full version as to integrate the charts in my app . I am building an real time chart that update data according to time , which means simply i need Time on the x axis and numeric values on the y axis , but i’m not getting any hint how to get the time values on the x axis .

1 vote


I have a surface with multiple dataseries in it. I have a legend for each serie, setup like this:

chart.ChartModifier = new Abt.Controls.SciChart.ChartModifiers.LegendModifier() { Name = "legendModifier" };

var legend = new Abt.Controls.SciChart.Visuals.SciChartLegend { Margin = new Thickness(5) };

// Bind the legend to the data source
var legendDataBinding = new Binding("LegendData") { Source = chart.ChartModifier };
legend.SetBinding(Abt.Controls.SciChart.Visuals.SciChartLegend.LegendDataProperty, legendDataBinding);

And it works fine.
However, I would also like to bind the visibility of the legends to the visibility of the dataseries. I have tried this:

// Bind the legend visibility to the data source
var legendVisibilityBinding = new Binding("Visibility") 
    Converter = new BoolToVisibilityConverter(),
    Source = line.IsVisible
legend.SetBinding(Abt.Controls.SciChart.Visuals.SciChartLegend.LegendDataProperty, legendVisibilityBinding);

But it doesn’t seem to work, any suggestions, anyone?


  • JacobB asked 10 years ago
  • last active 10 years ago
1 vote

We keep getting asked What’s the best practice way to suspend the SciChartSurface in a multi-pane stock chart demo.

We have multiple ways of doing this.

By far the most effective and thread-safe way to do this is to call SuspendUpdates directly on the SciChartSurface. But how to do this in a ViewModel?

0 votes

How to change background color of rendersurface?)


  • butek asked 10 years ago
  • last active 7 years ago
0 votes

Our charts receives data over time, so the visual range is continuously updated. This has effects on zooming since it also changes the visual range. So when the user tries to zoom at a part of the chart, the chart goes back to “normal” when a new sample is received (hence moving the time window). How do you solve this problem? I haven’t found any property that can tell me whether the user has zoomed the chart or not.

  • btsvennes asked 11 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
0 votes

Dear All:

I have been looking for a good way to obtain data from a multi-line chart (more than 1 y-value/y-axis) by either clicking an area that’s highlighted with a vertical line rollover, or selected with a vertical slice.

Basically I would like to take the data that I see in the Series Vertical Slices example, and extract the X-Axis values, as well as the Curve A, Curve B, and Curve C values that are shown on the vertical slice, so that I can insert that in something like a TextBox in a WPF.

Any idea how to do this, as well as with MVVM? (Will use MVC if necessary).

Thanks kindly!

— A

  • Ari Sagiv asked 8 years ago
  • last active 8 years ago
1 vote


I am evaluating the possibility to use SciChart for our corporate project, and now trying to create a series using data binding, strict MVVM (no code in code behind). The data we have are provided as an ObservableCollection, and the series would need to use the property “SomeKey” for X-Axis value, and the property “SomeValue” for the Y-Axis. Is it possible to do this, and if yes, then how?

Best regards
Petr Osipov
Rohde & Schwarz

3 votes

Hi Guys,

My Sci Chart has dates along the X-Axis. So far my data is at week level (one point for each week).

Ideally I would like to have a subtle grid line at each week, a more noticeable grid line to represent the start of each month, and a major grid line to represent the start of each year.

I understand that the current implementation of the XAxis seems to only use Minor and Major gridlines.

I am interested in drawing grid lines such that:

one minor vertical grid-line is drawn on the start of each week
one medium vertical grid-line is drawn on the start of each month
one major vertical grid-line is drawn on the start of each year
And for these grid lines to be drawn regardless of the current visible range or “zoom” of the chart.

Is there a simple tutorial or some snippet of code illustrating what I need to overwrite in a custom class in order to get this functionality into my chart?

Thanks again,

0 votes

Have a good day.

I’m working with scichartsurface, where I’m drawing a lot of lines with the help of IRenderContext2D. I’ve found out that this way of drawing took too much memory. For example when I displayed only surface, it took only ~80 Mb (Image 1), but when I displayed the graph using checkbox, began to scroll and pan my graph, the usage of memory increased to ~160 Mb (Image 2).
What is the reason of such behaviour?

Thanks in advance

I’ve attached the project:

  • Egor asked 9 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
1 vote

Hello everybody,

my project is very similar to “Quad Left-Right Y-Axes”-Example. If you have a look at this, the Gridlines only math the Left Axis 1. All other Axes have their Major/Minor Ticks randomly spread. It’s not easy to see fast what value has another series then the first because the Gridlines simply dont match.

Is there a way to have all the Major/Minor Ticks Aligned to the Left Axis 1 ones? (i attached a picture which it should look like) But the Series don’t have the same Range. So the Major steps should only match in Grid, not in value (except 0 should be on one line).

I hope you understand my problem.

thx in advance for help

PS: i use full dynamic MVVM approach, the only code in View is ->

Style="{StaticResource SciChartSurfaceStyle}"
GridLinesPanelStyle="{StaticResource GridLinesPanelStyle}"
ChartModifier="{Binding chartModifier}"
SeriesSource="{Binding seriesSource}"
YAxes="{Binding yAxes}"
XAxes="{Binding xAxes}"
Annotations="{Binding annotations}"

3 votes

…sucks. Likely a programming error.

Trying to show a larger chart which has 16000 annotations on it. Besides that being a programming error at this point – we do / will have zoom out charts with that many data points.

I spend minutes, literally, in

Annotations.Add – no way to add an enumeration of them.


has been called around this – so updates SHOULD not happen, but it seems there is a lot of overhead here.

What is adviced?

Besides that slowness in creating the chart, it is also (very) slow to change sizes etc.

Any advice for a heavily annotated chart?

3 votes

I am using MVVM and am having problems and need you to have a quick look please as this is substantial

1)Run Solution

2)Click on Load, browse to folder Configuration\20120814 and select OK

3) 6 data series will load, the program then adds random data for each trace. The point count for each trace is shown on the form

4) After a few minutes, the update speed of the points reduces (this is not intended) the counter should update each second

5) when the count reaches about 16000 the program is pretty well locked up and non responsive.

It may well be a problem that I have introduced, at least I hope it is, as our intended application will be using very large data sets
Please could you have a look ASAP and get back to me

You have also not replied to the annotation problem I explained in another thread, I sent you example code to show you the problem


  • wilx asked 11 years ago
  • last active 8 months ago
2 votes

I have some XyDataSeries<DateTime, double> showing some data on my chart. Also I have 2 vertical line annotations (red and blue) where I know the two DateTime values.

Is there a effective way to get the double values between this range of each XyDataSeries.

Regarrds Markus

0 votes

Hey guys,

I have a custom ChartModifier which attaches a vertical Line object to the ModifierSurface of a SciChart.

The Line has a Thickness of 1px.

I then move the line about the ChartModifier using X1 and X2. Where the line goes is based on the user’s interaction with another part of the chart, but it is always based off of the following code:

var xCoordCalculator = ParentSurface.XAxis.GetCurrentCoordinateCalculator();
if (xCoordCalculator == null)

var xPosition = xCoordCalculator.GetCoordinate(targetDate.Value);

The “targetDate value” is just a DateTime coming from my DataSeries’ XValues collection (it just makes sure the line is drawn always at a DataPoint in the Chart).

The problem is, the line is blurry and takes up 2px when it is dragged to some points on the Graph.

This is deterministic. I can locate a single DateTime to place the Line on and it will always be blurred when dragged to that point – yet all points around it are fine and the Line renders correctly.

I have tried the following as styles on my Line:
UseLayoutRounding set to true and false
SnapsToDevicePixles set to true and false (note: this is set to True at the Window level in our application and cascades down to the SciChartSurface as well)
RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode set to NearestNeighbor (this sometimes fixes blurry image issues elsewhere in our application)

I think once we get to the bottom of this issue, a few other problems I’ve raised will also be solved.

As always, if you need any more details please let me know.

Thanks a bunch,

1 vote

I am considering applying server-side licensing for my javerScript application.

In the document below, there is a phrase “Our server-side licensing component is written in C++.”

However, there is only sample code on the provided github.

I wonder if there is a sample code implemented in C++ for server-side licensing.

Can you provide c++ sample code?
Also, are there any examples to run on Ubuntu?

  • srillaert asked 10 years ago
  • last active 10 years ago
0 votes

I would like a “Pause” button on my chart to temporarily suspend drawing updates, even while realtime data updates are still coming in to the databound DataSeries. Pressing the button again would re-enable drawing updates and show the data lines updated with all the data collected while drawing was previously paused.

Is there anything in the SciChart API to do this easily or would I need to do this manually (possibly by cloning the DataSeries when the chart is paused and databinding to the clones, then restoring the original binding when un-paused)?


1 vote

From reading the material on the site I know how to do what I want to do in xaml:

    <Style x:Key="AxisLabelStyle" TargetType="s:DefaultTickLabel">
    <Setter Property="RenderTransform">
            <RotateTransform Angle="30"/>
    <Setter Property="HorizontalAnchorPoint" Value="Left"/>

Now however my chart will be using two diffrent x-axis, one numeric and one with date and time. Both axis are defined in code:

            _xAxisNum = new NumericAxis

        _xAxisDat = new DateTimeAxis

        sciChartSurface.XAxis = _xAxisDat;

What code must I add to my x-axes to get the same result as the xaml above accomplishes? Or can I achieve what I want with a LabelProvider?

0 votes

We have a motion sensor for which we present a real time graph. As can be seen from the attached image, my YAxis configuration (auto range) causes the yaxis scale to display noise in a way that is rather disturbing (see attached image).
I have tried to do some fiddling with the axis settings, but with no luck so far.
The YAxis perfectly follows the measured data, but when there is practically no motion, the graph should be shown as an almost straight line, preferably not in the upper or lower end of the scale.

  • Guest asked 7 years ago
  • last active 7 years ago
2 votes

Hi guys,

I’m tackling a difficult problem in my solution here. Our chart will allow users to add as many as 50 different series at any one time.

As well as this – the user will be able to specify the RenderableSeries (Chart Type) of each of these between; column, line and mountain.

One solution is to replicate the method found in your own SciChart SciTrader demonstration (in which each type of RenderableSeries is added to the xaml once for each data series, they share a DataSeries and then the Visibility property within the style is managed to only show the one the user requests), but this would require 150 (50 placeholders for 50 possible series * 3 definitions per series) definitions of different RenderableSeries, each with their own Style defined.

Is there any way to create a custom RenderableSeries that extends BaseRenderableSeries and add a DependencyProperty that allows a binding from the xaml to modify the type of RenderableSeries that is displayed?

Even better – is there a way to add RenderableSeries using MVVM (I noticed the add/remove dynamic series tutorial has a note to standby for such a tutorial). I will attempt to find a solution by going down this path as it sounds much less verbose.

Thanks in advance for all your help!

  • bstapylton asked 12 years ago
  • last active 1 year ago
0 votes


I’m trying to achieve the looks of DateTimeCategory XAxis as shown on uploaded screenshot.

Formatting a single row of tick labels is not a hard task (setTextFormatting). The problem arises when there are 2 rows with same frequency (days of the week and dates) and third row with lower frequency (years).

I tried using new line character in text formatting property to break the line for days and dates and it didn’t work. I also tried having two axes bound to the same data series, each one having different formatting and majorDelta, but it seems that they don’t stack up (only first one added is shown).

Any ideas?

  • Igor Peric asked 7 years ago
  • last active 7 years ago
1 vote

I would like to show the Y values of the slice on a special panel. So far I have not yet found out how to disable the tooltips that appear next to the annotation line. I have tried to add a ToolTipOpening handler to the anntotated line, to the modifier and to the chart surface but it does not get called.

What should I do?

1 vote


I have a chart showing data sets composed of multiple renderable series. Each data set is displayed using one FastLineRenderableSeries and three XyScatterRenderableSeries. All four series show in the legend for each data set, but I would only like to show the FastLineRenderableSeries in the legend for each data set. How can I do this?

I’ve seen the legendModifier.GetLegendDataFor property, but that can only be set to show options from this enum

public enum SourceMode
    AllSeries = 0,
    AllVisibleSeries = 1,
    SelectedSeries = 2,
    UnselectedSeries = 3,

which aren’t what I need. Some kind of flag on the renderable series saying whether they should be shown in the legend, or some way to specify the items source for the legend would be good.


0 votes

I would like to allow user click on Legend and highlight the corresponding Series on the chart but I don’t know if this feature is supported or not.

I tried to add mouse events to the Legend Modified but it seems like mouse events are not triggered

This is the simple code that I am using

<s:LegendModifier x:Name="chlLegend" ShowLegend="True" LegendPlacement="Top" Orientation="Horizontal" MouseDown="chlLegend_MouseDown" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" />

Before investigating more I would like to ask you if you have any hints which is the correct way to implement this behavior.
Is the LegendModifier suitable for this or should I override instead the Legend Control Template?

Thank you in advance for the support

2 votes

I’m trying out polar chart for my specific needs. In my scenario x-axis needs to display 0-360 (angle) values starting from bottom and going counter-clockwise so that 0 is at the bottom, 90 is at right, 180 is at the top and so on. Looking at polar chart default x-axis display it starts from right and go clockwise. Is there any way to change this behavior?

1 vote

In my project the output panel showing the following binding errors

System.Windows.Data Error: 40 : BindingExpression path error: 'Exponent' property not found on 'object' ''DefaultTickLabelViewModel' (HashCode=56110932)'. BindingExpression:Path=Exponent; DataItem='DefaultTickLabelViewModel' (HashCode=56110932); target element is 'TextBlock' (Name=''); target property is 'Text' (type 'String')
System.Windows.Data Error: 40 : BindingExpression path error: 'HasExponent' property not found on 'object' ''DefaultTickLabelViewModel' (HashCode=56110932)'. BindingExpression:Path=HasExponent; DataItem='DefaultTickLabelViewModel' (HashCode=56110932); target element is 'TextBlock' (Name='exponent'); target property is 'Visibility' (type 'Visibility')
System.Windows.Data Error: 40 : BindingExpression path error: 'Separator' property not found on 'object' ''DefaultTickLabelViewModel' (HashCode=9331561)'. BindingExpression:Path=Separator; DataItem='DefaultTickLabelViewModel' (HashCode=9331561); target element is 'TextBlock' (Name=''); target property is 'Text' (type 'String')

my Line chart view code is here (I can’t able to make attachment)

<UserControl x:Class="Instron.Database.Presentation.DatabaseViews.Views.Visualization.LineChartView"
             mc:Ignorable="d" Width="Auto" Height="Auto"   

                <ResourceDictionary Source="ContentControlDataTemplate.xaml"/>

    <Grid >

        <TextBlock  FontSize="24" 
                    Visibility="{Binding IsAxisVisible,Converter={StaticResource  NotBooleanToVisibilityConverter}}" >
                            <gbl:TranslateExtension.DesignTimeText>Either X or Y axis do not contain sufficient data</gbl:TranslateExtension.DesignTimeText>

        <s:SciChartSurface x:Name="sciChart" ChartTitle="{Binding ChartName}" Style="{StaticResource SciChartSurfaceStyle}"   Visibility="{Binding IsLegendVisible,Converter={StaticResource  BoolToVisibilityConverter}}" 
            GridLinesPanelStyle="{StaticResource GridLinesPanelStyle }"  RenderableSeries="{Binding RenderableSeries}"  Margin="0,-5,0,-10"
               DataContextChanged="sciChart_DataContextChanged" Rendered="sciChart_Rendered"  ViewportManager="{Binding ViewportManager}">

                <ContextMenu >
                    <MenuItem  Command="{Binding SaveAsCommand}">
                    <MenuItem  Command="{Binding CopyCommand}">
                    <MenuItem  Command="{Binding PrintCommand}">

                <s:NumericAxis  AutoTicks="False" GrowBy="0.05, 0.05"  
                                DrawMajorGridLines="{Binding IsLegendVisible}"  DrawMinorGridLines ="False"
                                AxisTitle="{Binding XAxisName}"  TitleStyle="{StaticResource AxisTitleStyle}" TickLabelStyle="{StaticResource AxisLabelStyle}" 
                                LabelProvider="{Binding XLabelFormatter}"
                                MajorDelta="1" MinorDelta="0.2"

                <s:NumericAxis  GrowBy="1, 1" TickLabelStyle="{StaticResource AxisLabelStyle}" DrawMajorGridLines="{Binding IsLegendVisible}"
                                AxisAlignment="Left"  DrawMinorGridLines ="False"
                                AxisTitle="{Binding YAxisTitle}" 
                                TitleStyle="{StaticResource AxisTitleStyle}" />

            <!--  Adding the ZoomPanModifier gives SciChart the ability to pan on mouse-drag  -->
                    <s:XAxisDragModifier ClipModeX="ClipAtExtents"/>
                    <s:YAxisDragModifier ClipToBounds="True" />
                    <s:RubberBandXyZoomModifier x:Name="rubberBandZoomModifier" IsEnabled="True" IsXAxisOnly="False" ZoomExtentsY="False" IsAnimated="True"/>
                    <s:ZoomExtentsModifier x:Name="zoomExtentsModifier" ClipToBounds="True" ExecuteOn="MouseDoubleClick"/>
                    <s:LegendModifier x:Name="legendModifier" GetLegendDataFor="AllVisibleSeries" />

                            <s:SciChartLegend  x:Name="legendControl" Margin="2,2" Orientation="Horizontal"  Background="Transparent" BorderThickness="0" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"
                                Visibility="{Binding IsLegendVisible,Converter={StaticResource  BoolToVisibilityConverter}}" 
                                LegendData="{Binding LegendData, ElementName=legendModifier,Mode=OneWay}" >

                                    <SciChart:ColorToBrushConverter x:Key="ColorToBrushConverter"/>
                                    <DataTemplate DataType="SciChart:XyzSeriesInfo">
                                                <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
                                                <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
                                           <Rectangle Grid.Column="0"

                                                Stroke="{Binding SeriesColor,
                                                Converter={StaticResource ColorToBrushConverter}}" />
                                            <TextBlock Grid.Column="1" Foreground="Black" 
                                                Text="{Binding SeriesName}" FontWeight="Normal"/>
  • Raghupathy asked 10 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
1 vote

I made an example based on the “Vertically Stacked Axes” from SciChart Examples. The main difference is that I can add DataSeries / YAxes on the fly.

The problem is that when I set VisibleRange and VisibleRangeLimit it does not crop the trace (as you can see on the Tan traces that are drawn on the whole surface).

Is there any way to crop the traces to VisibleRange of corresponding Axis?

  • Jan Kaiser asked 9 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
0 votes

I have DataTable with ~100,000 records. Table have 2 columns “Val” (double) and “Date” (DateTime). Every 250 ms new record adding to table.
Is it possible bind this table to SciChart (XAxis – “Date”, YAxis – “Val”) with realtime updating chart while data adding? Zoom and scrolling must be available too.

1 vote

I want some specific behavior out of my X and Y axes. Right now I have custom code which modifies the ranges for the axes to get the behavior I want. It would be nice to just do this by setting options on the axes.

For my Y axis I want to use the AutoRange feature but the default seems a little crowded. Instead of it ranging to the min and max of the data series I want it to show a little room on the top and bottom.

For the X axis I want to show exactly the most recent hour of data.

Thanks for any help.

  • dlee asked 12 years ago
0 votes

We were recently asked on priority support tickets ‘How do I ZoomExtents a SciChartSurface to a specific range, e.g. VisibleRangeLimit, when double clicking on the chart’.

For the benefit of our user-base our solution is below.

1 vote

Hi, I am displaying no of BoxAnnotation , I want to link some of the BoxAnnotation randomly .I want to perform the operaton on annotation with relation.When it move BoxAnnotation,related link should also move accordingly.I am also performing Y axis with yaxisID so Annotation also move to Y direction with Y axis.
Please help me out.

1 vote

I am considering applying server-side licensing for my javerScript application.

In the document below, there is a phrase “Our server-side licensing component is written in C++.”

However, there is only sample code on the provided github.

I wonder if there is a sample code implemented in C++ for server-side licensing.

Can you provide c++ sample code?
Also, are there any examples to run on Ubuntu?

0 votes

Have a good day!

In the new SciChart version (5th august) I’ve got this result of painting line using palette provider (image 1). Is there any way to make it look like this (image 2)?

  • Egor asked 9 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
1 vote


I have a scichart surface defined in xaml like this,

<local:SciChartSurface x:Name="_ChartSurface"  Annotations="{Binding ChartAnnotations}">


In the code behind I have ChartAnnotations defined as,

 public const string ChartAnnotationsPropertyName = "ChartAnnotations";
        private AnnotationCollection _ChartAnnotations = new AnnotationCollection();
        public AnnotationCollection ChartAnnotations
            get { return _ChartAnnotations; }
                if (_ChartAnnotations == value)

                _ChartAnnotations = value;

 public ViewModelExample()
  ChartAnnotations.CollectionChanged += ChartAnnotations_CollectionChanged;    

 void ChartAnnotations_CollectionChanged(object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)

Than in the code behind, I just initialize and add some annotations to the ChartAnnotations collection to populate my chart. The problem is that my Annotations property on the scichart surface is still null, and the RaisePropertyChanged() is not affecting the Bindings at all. I’m certain that the DataContext is set right as other stuff in the graph works fine. I works when I explicitly set the surface’s Annotations property with my ChartAnnotations collection, but obviously this is less than ideal.

Is there an additional step that I’m missing here?


  • kewur asked 10 years ago
  • last active 10 years ago
Showing 51 - 100 of 4k results